Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 112: For the people of my hometown

Xu Yi and Camilla Grand Sorcerer at the same time. . . See the latest and most complete novels

Camilla's great magician glanced at Truch's great magician with a look of eccentricity. He couldn't help but smile lightly: "Hey, Truch, I used to think that you are the old guy in us. The least important thing, I don’t think you have changed so much now, even more than I am greedy for money! You are not enough for 10,000 gold coins a year? How much do you want?"

Seeing Truku's great magician with a look of shame and shyness, Xu also shook his head slightly toward Camilla's magician, turning his head to the Truch master with a very calm tone: "I am afraid I can only Sorry to say that the salary of our Chamber of Commerce is established by strict rules and regulations, and can not be added at will. And you just joined our Chamber of Commerce, if you surpass the Camilla Magi in the salary, this is a bit unreasonable."

The Truchi Grand Sorcer sighed and nodded. "I understand. This is what I am greedy."

Camilla's great magician frowned. "I said Truch, what difficulties have you encountered? Is it so short?"

"It's hard to say." Truch's great magician shook his head and stood up. "I am afraid that 10,000 gold coins are not enough in one year. Since Xu You can't promise to give me a higher salary, I can only find another way."

Seeing that the Truch master was about to start, Xu also quickly got up and took him.

"Lord of the Great Sorcerer, if the difficulties you encounter require a lot of gold coins to solve, I think I can help you. It is better to tell you the difficulties you have encountered, let me think about how to help you? "Xu Yicheng is very authentic."

"It’s useless." Truch the Great Wizard sighed. "That place is basically a bottomless pit. I can't always borrow money from you? And I am afraid I can't pay it back."

"That may not be the case. If you join our Magic Research Institute of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. In the future, you will only need to study enough magical mechanical technology. The bonus will definitely not be less." Xu also smiled.

"With more bonuses, can I earn at least four or five thousand gold coins a year?" Truch's great magician smiled.

"Four or fifty thousand gold coins?"

Xu also frowned and exchanged a look with the Camilla Great Sorcerer. After a moment of indulgence, he said to the Truch Magician: "If you have financial difficulties, you need to invest four or five a year. If you want to sit in the gold coins, I think you should sit down and talk to me about this. I may not have the ability elsewhere. But when it comes to making money... I don’t think the magicians in the entire Lampari Kingdom are Can people compare to me? Even the Essenck Magician does not work."

"Yes, I have always said that this kid's magic talent is very good, but compared with his ability to make money, his magic talent is nothing." Camilla big magician also helped. "If his profitability and magical talents are changed, I can guarantee that this kid will become a big magician in the future!"

Truch's great magician glanced at the Camilla Magi, and then looked at Xu Yi, thought about it, and sat back again.

"Xu Yi, I suddenly remembered. It seems that your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has been investing in various parts of the Kingdom during this time?"

"Yes." Xu also nodded, some accidents. "I don't think you actually care about these things."

"No way. I was thinking about how to make money all the time." Truch's great magician smiled and laughed. “Xu Yi, if I invite you to a new place to invest in a place, can you guarantee that the people here will earn at least 40,000 gold coins per year?”

Xu also frowned. "It depends on what you are talking about. If it is a desert that has nothing left, then I will be powerless if I have the ability."

Truch's great magician smiled bitterly: "Yes, the place I said is similar to the desert. Karasca, have you heard of it?"

"Karasca Island?" Xu thought about it. “It seems to be an island not far from the west coast of the Black Rice Wilderness? Is it said to be a pirate?”

"A pirate is awesome?" The Truj Grand Sorcerer continued to smile. "Although I would like to praise Xu Yi, your knowledge is very profound, you know the island of Krasca, but you said that it is rich in pirates... Well, in fact, this is not wrong, who makes the living conditions on the island too bad, improper In the words of pirates, many people simply can't live."

Xu Yi and Camilla's great magician looked strangely at the Truch Grand Sorcerer. Why did he suddenly mention this island of Krasca? Is there any connection between him and this island known for pirates?

"Don't guess, I was born on the island of Kallasga and grew up there."

Xu Yi and Camilla Grand Sorcerer at the same time.

They didn't think of it anyway, the Truch Grand Sorcerer was born on this pirate island!

Xu also looked at Camilla's great magician, and Camilla's great magician shook his head.

"Don't look at me, although I am an old friend with Truj, I never heard him mention his own life."

"It was not a glorious thing to be born in Kallaska. Of course I don't want to mention it casually." The Truj Grand Sorcer sighed. "If you don't have expectations for Xu, I will not tell you this."

“Thank you for your trust.” Xu also thought about it and asked: “So, the great magician, you want to earn a minimum of 40,000 gold coins a year, is it to change the lives of people in your hometown by yourself? Condition?"

Truchi's great magician looked at Xu Yi with amazement: "You guessed it?"

Business continue. I don’t think that there is a reason for this. A little magician has been working hard.

"Well, you guessed it. Kalaska is my hometown, but the living environment on the island is really bad. I grew up on it. Later, I learned magic because of coincidence, and even became big. The magic themselves have always thought of relying on their own strength to change the lives of those in their hometown, so they have been funding them all these years. But... I can’t hold it now.”

"No wonder you have been poorer than me..." Camilla's great magician snorted. "I said Truch, since the living environment on the island of Kallasga is so poor, it is not good for you to let them move out. In your capacity, it is no problem to ask the Kingdom Council for some royalties."

"No, it's a problem." The smile on the face of Truch's Great Sorcerer has not stopped. "I used to think that the Royal Parliament had made this request, but it was rejected by the Kingdom Council. Do you know why?"

"Because of pirates?" Camilla's great magician guessed.

"Yes." The smile on the face of Truch's Great Sorcerer is even more bitter. "Although I refuted the reasons given by the Kingdom Council, there is no way. In fact, from an objective point of view, there is nothing wrong with the island of Krasca being called the island of pirates. If I did not leave with learning magic If you are on the island, you might become a pirate now..."

"Great sorcerer level pirates?"

Xu also looked at the Truch Magi in an odd way, and immediately returned to normal expression.

"Lord of the Great Sorcerer, combined with what you said, I think your original idea should be to rely on yourself to earn four or five thousand gold coins a year to help the people on the island to improve their lives?"

"Yes, I am planning this. The total population of the island is now close to 5,000. In fact, even four or five thousand gold coins are not enough. But how much self-sufficiency can be achieved on the island, so it is still barely In fact, I just hope that after they have a stable life, don't go to be a pirate anymore. After a few more years, I can apply again to the Kingdom Council and move them to our Lampari Kingdom. ”

Xu also sighed for a moment, sighed and shook his head gently: "Lord of the Great Sorcerer, I have to say that your idea is really... too naive."

Truch's great magician suddenly looked at him, and Camilla's great magician looked at Xu Yiyi strangely.

This kid, dare to say that a big magician is too naive? I don't know how tall and thick!

"Lord of the Great Sorcerer, the greed of people is never ending. I am sure that even if you have earned so much money to support them, they will always want a better life. Then even if you get them, Money, they will also be pirates, because they feel that this can make themselves better."

Truch's great magician looked awkward: "How can I not know this truth, but I always feel that it is just that I don't give them enough help. If there is a stable and prosperous life, who is willing to risk their lives?" Do pirates with the reputation of sin."

Xu also could not help but sigh and gently shook his head.

Perhaps the Truj Grand Sorcerer is not innocent and stupid, but he is really too deep in the birth of the island of Kallasga.

Xu also couldn't understand the price he paid for this relationship, but it didn't affect his understanding of the idea of ​​Truch's great magician.

"Well, Lord Magi, I understand what you mean. But I have to remind you that even if you really can give them 40,000,000 or even 100,000 gold coins a year, it will not help. For the thousand people of Kallaska, such a little gold coin can't change anything at all." Xu Yizheng said.

"I just want to do my best." Truch the Great Sorcerer sighed.

"Try to be divided into many ways. You are welcome to say that you have chosen the most inefficient method." Xu Yidao. "If you let me choose, I will definitely use another method."

Truchi's great magician's eyes are bright: "So, Xu also, is there any good way to solve this problem?"

Xu also smiled slightly: "Of course." (To be continued.)