Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 89: Coming from the city

After walking out of the door, An Duin looked at the farmland outside the village because it was harvested and was ridiculously awaiting reopening. Hesitated, sat down at the door, took out the homemade hookah, and slammed it hard. A few mouthfuls, the brows are deeply wrinkled. . .

"Hey? Old man, you don't go to the field, what are you doing here?" Vera daddy was about to go out and stroll, but when he stepped out of the threshold, he saw the Anduin old man sitting on the steps of the door, and immediately wondered.

"I'm thinking about one thing." Anduin knocked on the ground next to the hook with a hook, indicating that Vera was sitting down. "You said... What should the field damner do?"

"What to do with it? Of course it is planted. Don't you think you can't waste it?" Vera stunned and looked at Anduin's old man inexplicably.

But this time she saw that the old horns of Anduin seemed to have a few more white hairs than yesterday, and then look at the wrinkles on his face, suddenly a soft heart.

"Of course, if you really don't want to plant it, then anyway, now our two boys and daughters are finding a job in the city, and the salary is quite a lot. Let each of them take it out and it will be enough to support us. Let's raise them so big, this filial piety should always be there."

"瞎 瞎 !!" Andu, but the old man yelled at Vera. "Although the children have jobs now, the salary is good, but they have their own home, so they still need to use the money. You forgot? The last time the boss came back, he said that his kid is going to send to Xinfei College to go to school from an early age. The cost should be quite a lot. Our two old guys have hands and feet, so why bother to add burden to the children."

Vera is very good to persuade. But he was reprimanded by Anduin. Suddenly not happy. I took a look at Anduin’s old man: "What do you want to do?"

"I didn't think about it, just a little hesitation. You said... Let's just plant the wheat in the same way as in previous years, or do you want to change something else?"

“Replanting? What kind of?” Vera asked.

"A few days ago, the Cantona Chamber of Commerce was not in our village. It was said that it was necessary to contract the land in our village to plant fruit trees. I thought about it. Instead of contracting them to plant them, it is not as good as mine. I said that we used to I have also planted fruit trees for a few years, and I have experience. If I grow my own words, I will earn more money than the Cantona Chamber of Commerce."

Vera dazzled the old Anduin old lady: "If you really want to make money from the ground, then it is better to learn from the rest of the village to hand over the fields to the Cantona Chamber of Commerce. According to our family, a few acres of land There is also a minimum of 30 gold coins a year. After this leisure, go to other chambers of commerce and find something to do, and finally you can make a lot of money?"

"That's not the same. This place is my own after all, and it is not a taste to give it to others." Andu shook his head. "I don't want to go to those chambers of commerce to do something that doesn't mean much. I like to toss in the fields."

Vera couldn’t help but sigh.

With her understanding of Anduin’s father for more than 30 years, she usually married. Although he seems to be hesitant at this time, he has already made up his mind.

"Okay. Since you want to do this, you should do it. Anyway, earning more is of course good. Even if you lose money, you can't lose anything. You can't die." Vera said, as always, to Anduin. Support.

"Hey, since you said so, it’s so decided."

With the support of Vera Daxie, Anduin’s old man immediately made up his mind and immediately felt his heart brightened, knocking on the homemade hookah on the ground and growing up.

"I will go to the city again and ask how the current fruit saplings are sold. If it goes well, I will plant it tomorrow!"

Seeing the appearance of An Duin’s old man, Vera did not say good-naturedly: “You don’t look at what time it is now? Going to the city?”

"Afraid of anything, anyway, our village has also passed the road, and the magic locomotive bus of the Phillipson car line. I took the bus this time, but it was only less than two hours, very quickly."

Anduin’s old man has always been a temper to say that he left, and after he dropped a sentence, he strode outside the village.

Although they are now seven or eight kilometers away from Bangna City, the village of Prana has also passed the road last month, and the Firson car line immediately opened the bus to here, but in order to meet the surrounding The needs of a village, the bus station is still located on the road outside the village, still have to take a few steps.

Who knows that he has not yet reached the entrance to the village, but suddenly a few drops of sound are heard at the door. Anduin looks at the sound and sees a medium-sized magic bus coming in from the narrow gravel road at the entrance to the village.

Anduin was awkward and wondered if the bus stop of the Firson car was suddenly changed to the village. The bus magic locomotive actually came in!

After a closer look, I found that the medium-sized magic bus did not have the sign of the phoenix car and the horse. Instead, there was a sign hanging in front of it, which read the words "rental".

After An Duin’s old man stunned, he reacted. This should be the medium-sized magic bus that can be rented freely in Bangta City in the past two months. The city people called it a taxi.

However, I heard that the cost of renting this stuff is much more expensive than the bus, so now I can afford to be rich in the city.

And now that the taxi actually ran from the city to the village of Prana, so far away, it cost a lot.

Thinking of this, Anduin’s old man quickly gave way to the roadside.

Although the nobles and big merchants in Bangta City used to be honest with the rest of the kingdom when they were the city's lords, they are now more honest after the Seremini's Highness. But compared with these lords, his ordinary peasant is humble after all, but he dare not block their way.

Surprisingly, however, this medium-sized magic bus stopped at the side of Anduin’s old man.

The window near the old mansion of Anduin was opened, and the look was sweet and temperamental. Young and pretty girls who don’t seem to be in this remote part of the country look out. A sweet smile was revealed to the old man.

"Hello. Is this the village of Prana?"

Anduin looked at the car and found that in addition to this young and beautiful girl, there are two dwarves and a male elf. In addition, there are three human males. Younger, the other two are looking at at least forty.

"Ah, yes, here is the village of Prana." Andu nodded. "You are coming from Bangta City? What are you doing in our village?"

"We are here to visit." The young girl should have a sentence. After thinking about it, I turned and got off the car from the other side, and then told the driver who was driving in front of me: "Let's find an empty place to stop, we have already arrived."

When the driver re-opened the medium-sized magic bus, the young girl went to the old man's side of Anduin and smiled every day: "Hello, my name is Evita, it is the new flying business association to visit here. How do you ask? call?"

"Call me An Duin." Andu looked at Evita by looking up and down. He couldn't help but admire: "You can be sent to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to investigate. It must be a high position in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Well, it’s not easy to be so young and beautiful. Right. You have to come here to inspect what? We don’t have any special places to look at in Prana Village?”

"Thank you for your compliment." Evita smiled. "We are here to inspect the magic crystal mine in the vicinity. Anduin, you are a native of the village of Prana? Then you should know the situation of the magic crystal mine nearby?"

"Well, I have lived here all my life. I dare say that few people know more about it than I do. You said that the magic crystal mine should be in that direction..." Anduin pointed to the southwest direction of the village. “The former Falcao Chamber of Commerce had been mining this magical crystal mine for a few months. I went there and worked for a while.”

“It’s great to be familiar with you.” Evita smiled happily: “Would you like to have time now? Can you please take us to a field trip? We are missing a suitable guide. If you are delayed At the time, we are willing to pay you a certain amount of compensation, which should satisfy you."

Anduin laughed and laughed and waved his hand: "What rewards are not paid, but it is just a road. What's the big deal. Well, I don't have any urgent things anyway. I will take you there."

"Really, thank you so much." Evita turned and waved to the crowd who had chosen an empty place to get off and signaled them to come over.

When everyone came in, Evita first clicked on the ground with his toes and said to one of the middle-aged men with a beard: "The head of Dusa, the road project of the village of Amrit Chamber of Commerce seems to be still not perfect. Ah, the road didn't extend into the village at all, so it won't work."

The middle-aged man, who is known as the director of Dussa, immediately yelled: "Miss Evita, you can't talk about it. This project is proposed by the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, and then our Chamber of Commerce is instructed by the city government. Only after the construction was completed, there was no work to cut corners. The reason why the road was not laid into the village was to ensure that there was road connectivity in the vicinity of each village. As for the future, it is definitely necessary to lay the road to each village. Go inside."

On the side of the old Anduin, I heard the dialogue between the two people and couldn’t help but interrupt: "Yes, this little girl, the Amrit Chamber of Commerce has done a good job. When our village didn't have a road before, I thought If you go to Bangta City, you can only go over it. You may not be able to do it once or for a day. Now that there is a road, I don’t even take the bus of the Philson car, but it’s a morning ride. It is much more convenient than before."

"This is two different things." Evita shook his head and continued to the main channel of Dussa: "In any case, this road is definitely not working. If the magic crystal mine begins to be mined, such a road surface is not conducive to the magic crystal facing outward. transport."

"This is to say, as long as your new flyer will be willing to invest, we can not only lay the road into the village, but also directly to the mine." Dussa said proudly. "Of course, your new flyer will have money, but it shouldn't be too much to lay such a road."

Evita shook her head gently, but didn't say much.

After the old man of Anduin confessed to Villa Dalai, the group walked under his leadership to a mountain in the southwest of the village. (To be continued.)