Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 95: The most important source of finance

"President, why didn't you agree to this agreement?" Kennard looked at the carriage carrying Wilson and disappeared at the far end of the road. He turned to Xu and asked. .

Xu also smiled and asked: "Do you ask this question whether you are standing on the position of the heir of the Emma family or standing in the position of the CEO of our new Flying Chamber of Commerce?"

Kennard glimpsed for a moment, silent for a while, and replied in a positive color: "No matter which position I stand on, I feel that this agreement is very worthy of signing. If you look at the Emma family, and the new flying chamber of commerce The cooperation can make the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce earn a lot of benefits, and it is also very beneficial to open the foreign market with the new and useful magic machinery."

"So on the stand of the CEO of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce?" Xu also asked.

"From the perspective of our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, this agreement is also very beneficial to us. Our Chamber of Commerce will transfer the target abroad sooner or later. When it comes to exploring it, it is better to cooperate with the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce. Going through a lot of troubles and obstacles is very helpful to the development of our Chamber of Commerce," Kennard replied.

"I have to say that your idea is very correct. But... I don't want the development of our chamber of commerce to be subject to people. Do you understand?" Xu Yidao.

Kennard looked at Xu Yi stunnedly, both surprised by his answer, and even more shocked because he told himself so straightforwardly.

After all, he is still a member of the Emma family. He said this reason, in order to let himself understand? Still want to let the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce understand?

However, Xu Yi’s face has always maintained a gentle smile, and people can’t see what he thinks in his heart.

Kennard couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The longer I work at the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, the longer I will get along with Xu. He found that he was increasingly unable to understand Xu Yi.

"But you don't have to worry about it. Although I didn't agree to sign the agreement. But I didn't totally objection. Isn't it?" Xu also smiled as he saw the look on Kennede's face. "At least I still hope to continue to expand cooperation with the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce. For example, I would like to express my appreciation to the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce for proposing to sell all kinds of magic machinery produced by our new flyers to more countries and regions."

Kennard thought about it and decided to give up the idea of ​​Xu Yizheng. He said: "But the president, you promised to sell to the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce 500 cargo magic locomotives, this is probably a bit difficult. We are currently even Philson. The orders of the car and the horse have not been fully completed. And before that, many trade associations have promised to provide them with magical locomotives after completing the orders for the magic locomotives of the Phillips cars. How can we come up with so many products? ”

"Reassure, after Camby and others have further developed the automatic magic machine tool, you will find that our production efficiency will be greatly improved, but it is no problem to squeeze out 500 magical locomotives from the middle to the Wal-Mart Chamber of Commerce. ”

"Even if there is an automatic magic machine, I still think this is a big problem." Kennard frowned.

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "This trouble will be handed over to your CEO. It is your duty."

Kennard smiled bitterly: "The president, you really will push the trouble to me."

Xu also snorted: "You don't forget, I still need to deal with a bigger problem. And this trouble and your relationship can be deeper."

Kennard can only smile again: "The president, Sophia is here for the time. I hope you can take care of it."

Xu also reluctantly sighed, thinking that he was going to be a babysitter?


The leaves in Bangta City have once again fallen, but it is another time in late autumn.

Unlike the situation that was slightly bleak at this time last year, this year, because of the change of Servini as the city owner, the business environment of Bangta City has greatly improved, and the whole city seems to have revived.

Although the autumn wind has carried a hint of coolness, the streets and alleys are still full of bustling crowds, setting off the whole city to be full of excitement.

Severni looked at the prosperous market and the busy people through the window of the city's main government. The people who looked very fulfilling, the face involuntarily revealed a heartfelt smile from the heart, sighing softly: "If we are whole It’s great that the Kingdom of Lampari can be so prosperous everywhere."

"Do not worry, His Royal Highness, I believe that your expectations will become a reality." A middle-aged man standing behind Christine smiled and said.

"Is it?" Servini turned and looked at the middle-aged man and sat back in the chair belonging to her, but did not indicate that the middle-aged man sat down opposite, but looked like the usual reception. There was a sense of majesty in the middle, saying to the middle-aged man: "Norry, the father sent you to of course want to check the situation of my governance of Bangta City. What do you think after reading it now?"

The middle-aged man, known as Nori, bowed slightly and reverently replied: "From what I have seen, the prosperity of Bangta City is almost comparable to the city of Anweimar, even in many places. It is more perfect and advanced than the city of Angmar. For example, the light is a magical street lamp, which is not comparable to the city of Anweimar."

Sevigny smiled slightly: "If you know that the magical streetlights in the whole city of Bangta City cost the 200,000 gold coins of Bangta City, you may not be so respected."

Nori snorted, showing a smile: "This proves that the financial situation of Bangta City is very good, and this is capable of producing a full 200,000 gold coins only for the laying of magical street lamps. His Royal Highness, Bona The financial situation of the city is so good that nature has a lot to do with your governance."

"Thank you for your compliment. But since I was a city owner, I haven’t done much. The reason why Bangta City is so financially good now is because the major chambers of the city are active. Tell you a data, According to financial statistics last month, the commercial tax paid by the major chambers of commerce in Bangta City has exceeded 500,000 gold coins."

Nori raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing a shocked look.

“A month is 500,000 gold coins? In that year, isn’t the minimum of more than five million gold coins?”

There was a sense of self-satisfaction in Severini’s smile, but he shook his head and shook his head: “It’s not completely calculated. The business tax is not fixed. The reason why I was able to collect so many commercial taxes last month is because Many commercial chambers in the city completed several oversized orders, which made the business tax they paid a lot better."

Nori nodded, silent for a moment, and suddenly asked: "His Royal Highness, I can ask, how much commercial tax will the New Flying Chamber of Commerce pay?"

Sevini had long expected the look you would ask, smirking: "less than 200,000 gold coins."

"Is this not right?" Norie frowned. "From the data I know, the new merchants will have paid more than 200,000 gold coins in the month before this. Why did other chambers of commerce increase last month, but it will decrease?"

"Norry, it seems that the father did not explain everything to you. I would like to remind you, the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce is a special chamber of commerce approved by the Royal Parliament."

Nori snorted and realized it in an instant.

“So to say... The main business of the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce last month was a deal with other countries?”

"Yes." Servini nodded. “In fact, most of the current business of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce in Bangta City is in a downward trend, because the new Feishang Association is moving many factories out of Bangta City and investing in other cities. The biggest one of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce last month. The pen trade is still sold to the 3,000 magic machine tools of the Kingdom of Rulson. As for other transactions, most of them trade with other cities in the kingdom. According to the regulations of the kingdom, these trade incomes, our Bangta City However, only a small part of the business tax can be levied."

Nori frowned. "Why do you want to move out? Isn't Xinfei Chamber of Commerce going to give up Bangta City? His Royal Highness, IMHO, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is the most important chamber of commerce in Bangta City and the most financial revenue of Bangta City. Important sources, I suggest that you immediately limit the behavior of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to avoid losing the most important source of income in Bangta City."

"Norry, your eyes are too short." Servini shook his head slowly. "I don't object to the practice of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. I am very supportive. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has indeed brought about tremendous changes in Bangta City, making this small town almost the most prosperous city in the whole kingdom. But Xu also said Right, only changing a city in Bangta City has limited help for the entire Kingdom of Lampari. Only by changing all the cities in the entire kingdom will the Kingdom of Lampari be truly strong."

"Is this what President Xu said?" Nori was amazed.

"Of course." Servini nodded. "Xu Yi's goals and ideals are definitely far greater than you think. So... don't measure him by ordinary people's standards."

When he heard the commentary of Sevigny, Nori seemed very surprised. He looked at Severini for a while and then nodded slightly. "Well, I will tell these words to His Majesty."

"I believe in your loyalty to the father." Servini nodded. "So Nouri, can you tell me what my dear brother is doing in the past few months?"

The expression on Nori’s face became a bit weird, and it was a bit embarrassing. After hesitating for a while, he replied with a bitter smile: “When I left Loren City, my Royal Highness was reorganizing the town’s Northern Army in Loren City. ”

"Reorganizing the army?" Serviny frowned and said: "What does he want to do?"

Nori was silent for a long time before he sighed softly: "His prince said that he is a man, naturally he must use his men's way to reflect his value. The place that best reflects the value of men is the battlefield. ""

Upon hearing this answer, Servini's eyebrows wrinkled deeper. (To be continued.)