Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 99: Conditions that attract magicians

“Instalment payment?” Steele touched the belly that had a very prominent bulge. After thinking about it, he nodded and said, “Yes, this is indeed the idea that Xu also gave President Cruise.... How? Are you heartbroken?"

Akali looked at Evita and nodded. "Well, I think this idea is good. You see, if you pay for it in ten years, you only need to pay five hundred gold coins a year. I and Evita are currently one year. The income is about 800 to 1,000 gold coins, and it can be fully paid."

"This is true." Steele turned to Evita. "What do you think?"

Evita's frowning seems to be a bit embarrassing.

"Although our current year's income can indeed afford five hundred gold coins, ... it is not certain that we can have such a high income every year. If there is any problem in the future, if you can't afford the follow-up payment, according to the agreement, this The house will be reclaimed by the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, and the Amrit Chamber of Commerce will not refund the money to us."

“What are you worried about?” Akali snorted: “Don't you worry that we will lose our jobs? Or do you worry that the new Flyer will close down?”

Evita showed helplessly at Akali. This guy, in front of Steele, said that the new Feishang Association would close down. It was really a mistake. "You see, Steele said, we are not determined to do it as follows?" Akali quickly smashed Evita. "Think about it, just buy the house there. We can live in such a beautiful environment in the future, how happy life is every day."

Evita still shakes her head: "You have forgotten an important question. Our daily work is in the rainy valley, but it is 60 kilometers away from Bangta City. We can still do two every day. How many hours does the bus go back and forth?"

"This is even less worrying. We are not developing a private small magic locomotive for personal use. When we buy one, we drive back the magic locomotive every day and pull the wind." Akali excitedly.

Stil looked at Evita, who was still hesitant, and hesitated: "It's better. Evita. If you and Akali are worried that it is not safe to pay the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, I will borrow first. I am going to give you all. Later, you will give it back to me, just like the installment payment. But you should always be assured of me?" Steele smiled. I squeezed Akali’s face and looked at Evita again: “Evita, what about you? We are old friends and old friends, you don’t have to be polite with me.”

Evita looked at Steele deeply, her eyes swept over her bulging belly, and then looked around. Finally, I looked at Steele and shook my head slowly.

"No, I am not interested in this house like Akali."

"Why? Isn't it a good idea to borrow some money from Steele? We can't afford it. Let's say..."

Just after half of Akali’s words, he was caught by Steele’s hand.

"Since Evita is not willing, then forget it. But I believe that with Evita's ability, you can earn 5,000 gold coins in a year, and you don't need to consider any installment payment at that time?"...

Evita smiled lightly: "Hope is like this. But it depends on whether the president will be so generous."

"Oh? When was it not generous?" Xu Yi’s voice suddenly sounded at the door.

The three men turned their heads and looked at it, and they saw Xu Yi coming in with Bella, Claire and Cecilia.

"Hey, Steele, your stomach is a lot bigger." Bella came straight and rushed straight to Steele, staring at her belly and sighing.

Claire and Cecilia also crowded. Put the gift in your hand down. Around Stil's discussion of her raised belly, she directly pushed the topic discussed by the three Stil people.

Watching a few women huddle together and look like a noisy look. Xu also shook his head and went straight to tell Liz and Linda to start preparing lunch.

Today, Evita's old classmates of Steele made a special appointment to visit her, and they had to entertain themselves.

Just out of the living room, the footsteps sounded behind him, and when I looked back, it was Akara who chased it out with Evita.

"What? Is there anything?" Xu asked with a slightly embarrassed look on the face of Akali's face.

"This... is not a big deal... the president will grow up, just Steele said..."

After listening to Akali and talking about things that had just been discussed with Steele, Xu also smiled and waved: "What should I be? If Stil has already promised you, then of course I will not have any opinions. Don't say that you and Steele are good friends. It is normal to lend you some money based on our relationship."

Akali immediately rushed over and hugged Xu Yi’s arm and shook it twice: “I know that you will grow up and you are the best. Hey, if I knew you earlier than Steele, Now, I must catch up with you, so I don't have to worry about buying a house now. Right, the president, how can I use the body to pay back the debt?"

Xu also smiled and shook his head: "Oh, don't open this joke, Steele is still inside."

After saying that I saw Evita, I was willing to persuade her to say two words, but after thinking about it, she gave up.

Everyone's personality is different. Akali can accept borrowing money with ease. Evita is not willing. This is not reluctant.

However, my thoughts turned around, and Xu suddenly thought of a question and asked Evita. "Yes, Evita, the recruitment of the Chamber of Commerce has not been asked for a long time. How many researchers are now at our Magic Research Institute? Already?"

Evita was stunned by the sudden change of Xu’s topic. After thinking about it, he replied: “There are currently 39 in total. What happened?”

Xu also shook his head: "The growth is not fast. It has been more than 300 last year. It has only been 39 since this year. It is too little."

"A lot of it?" Akali stunned: "The president, even the magician under the Essenck Grand Sorcerer's hand is less than two hundred, we can have more than three hundred chambers, already very Scary."

"I still feel too little. Don't you think that there is not enough manpower when doing research?"

Akali and Evita thought for a moment and nodded.

"Really... I recently wanted to add a few assistants to myself, but everyone in the institute has their own research, and it’s too busy." Akali said.

Evita sighed: "Yes, the research task of the Magic Institute is very heavy. I still squeeze a lot of research and development tasks from the Magic Machine Tool R&D Center, but I can't find enough people to conduct research. If you can have two more can have more than one hundred researchers."...

"Then, do you think that other magicians are not willing to work at our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce?" Xu also asked.

Evita and Akali looked at each other and said: "It is not completely unwilling. After all, our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is now very famous. Many of our former students have asked us about the Chamber of Commerce. I I feel that many magicians are not willing to come. I probably don’t want to work in a strange city that is so far away. I am worried that life here will not be suitable."

"Look, this is a very important reason." Xu Yiyi took a double step. "You two have been working in our new flying business for more than two years, but now they have to consider it for the residence in Bangta City. It is no wonder that other magicians will be worried about whether they can adapt after coming here. I think if Being able to solve the housing problem, let the magicians who come to our Chamber of Commerce do not have any worries, there will be many magicians willing to come."

Evita and Akali looked at Xu Yi inexplicably, thinking that this president’s thinking is really enough to jump.

Obviously, I said that I want to buy a house. How can he think of this?

Xu also ignored the strange expression on the faces of the two men. After bowing for a moment, they suddenly walked out.

After walking no more than two steps, and like what I remembered, I turned to the two men and shouted: "Right, help me tell Steele, I am going to hurry to see my grandfather, I can’t do it at noon. Come back to dinner, I hope that you have a good time here."

Said that the two men smashed their hands and turned away.

The two men stared blankly at Xu’s carriage, which was parked outside the manor. The wind and the electric power disappeared in the distance, and it took a while to react.

"The president is really true. Today we are all looking at Steele. He is a husband, but he ran. What is this..." Akali couldn’t help but mutter.

"He should have thought of something that matters a lot, or he won't do it." Evita also explained.

Akali glared at Evita, and stretched out her hand to pinch her face. He laughed and said, "How? You are very good at defending him. Unfortunately, you are a coward, even if you say your heart, you don’t dare. It is useless to maintain him."

Evita showed her a white look: "That is also more naked than you said to use the body to pay off debts? What do you think of yourself? Isn't it important to focus on yourself?"

Akali filled his voice in disbelief: "I am happy, you can't control it!"

Evita shook her head helplessly, pulling Akali to the house. )