Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 10: Clear position

Xu did not hesitate, smiled and nodded: "Yes."

I heard Xu’s answer so surely, and the reporters in the audience suddenly burst into shackles.

After a while, the arm raised a bunch of arms.

"Mr. Xu, are you sure you want to use your daughter as your sole successor?"

"Mr. Xu, the only heir you said, is that apart from your daughter, will your other descendants not inherit any of your property?"

"Mr. Xu, if you have another son in the future, don't you consider letting him inherit your property?"

"Xu Huichang..."


The reporters waiting for the audience were agitated and regained their silence. They all stared at themselves. Xu also smiled and asked: "Why are you reacting like this? She is my daughter, as What is wrong with my heir?"

“The focus is on the only one!” a reporter from the audience shouted: “Mr. Xu, the only meaning is that you don’t intend to leave your family to other children?”

"I think there is some deviation in your understanding." Xu also shook his head. "The only heir means that my daughter is the only one who might inherit my title. As for the property... that is another matter."

"Knight?" The reporters are all a glimpse. “Is it irrelevant to the family property? So what is the position of the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce? Does it have nothing to do with this?”

Xu Yi looked at the reporter who raised the question with a strange look.

"The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce does not belong to me alone. Why should my child inherit the position of president? Not to mention that even if the new Feishang Association really belongs to me alone, the president should also choose someone who has the ability to serve. My children are not outstanding in their business abilities. Do I have to watch the new Feishang Association decline in their hands?"

The reporters thought about it and thought that Xu also had some truth. However, the tradition on the mainland of Sainz is somewhat inconsistent.

According to tradition, such a large-scale business association, Xu also occupies the absolute control of the big chamber of commerce, Xu is absolutely unwilling to hand it over to outsiders.

In any case, he will also train his own heirs as the next president, so that the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will control the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce behind the scenes and still control it.

Judging from the attitude revealed by Xu, his most likely approach would be the second.

After all, his children inherit his title. That would also be a noble identity.

And his children may not be as special as Xu, and can have both aristocratic and merchant status. Therefore, behind-the-scenes control is also the most feasible.

When I think of it, the reporters are relieved.

However, this problem can be solved, and there are still more problems.

"Mr. Xu, you said that your title will let your daughter inherit. In the future, why not consider leaving your son?" asked a reporter. "Many people say that you are doing this to show your support for His Royal Highness Servini. Is this true?"

This question is what all journalists really care about.

If Xu also answered yes, it means that he began to officially and vividly show his support for the attitude of His Royal Highness Servini, which means that the new Flyer will be officially included in the camp of His Royal Highness Servini.

Although Xu did not do this, everyone is also in this view, but before Xu also clearly stated his position, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce may change his position at any time. It can also have more room for buffering on many things.

After Xu also shows his position, it will be difficult for the new Feishang Chamber to change in the future. Xu also does this by placing all the bets on the title of Princess Servini.

And once His Royal Highness Servini finally failed to reach the throne. Instead, His Royal Highness Prince Eric became the next king, so I can imagine the outcome of Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, although Xu also only determined that his daughter is his only heir, at first glance it is only his private family affairs, but because of the sensitive identity of Xu Yi, the importance of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce makes this thing more than just a A family matter. There are too many factors involved.

How could Xu also not understand the thoughts of the reporters at this time, and understand more clearly what they mean by asking this question. But his choice to make this choice was originally deliberate, and naturally he would not have any panic when faced with this problem.

"First of all, I don't have a son now." Xu also smiled. "Secondly, even if I have a new love with Steele in the future, and I am still a son, but since I have already determined the heirs, then there will be no more changes. Because the more important issues on this, The more you can't repeat, the worse it is for everyone. I hope that my children can live in harmony, and I don't want to see them dissatisfied with each other because of the unclear inheritance rights, and even fight each other."

The reporters at the same time were wide-eyed and their eyes were full of surprise.

"Mr. Xu, can I understand your passage as a blame for His Majesty?" A reporter couldn't help but ask loudly.

Xu also smiled and spread his hands: "This is your own understanding and has nothing to do with me."

The reporters will not pay attention to Xu’s vague statement, and they have recorded the answer of Xu’s previous words in the small book in their hands.

A moment later, another reporter asked: "President Xu, you have not answered the latter question. Have you deliberately chosen to make your daughter the sole heir to show your support for His Royal Highness Servini?"

"You can think so, because this does contain some of my thoughts." Xu also nodded. "But for me, this is the first child I have with Steele. The status in my mind is very important. When I saw her birth, I would like to give her everything she has. As for the title, What the president is, it doesn't matter. It's a normal idea of ​​a father, I think you should be able to understand."

The reporters’ comments on Xu’s second half were also recorded, but they were compared. Undoubtedly his first affirmative answer is much more important.

Xu also affirmed the reporters' questions, which means that he really expressed his support for supporting the idea of ​​supporting His Royal Highness Servini through his own decision.

With the importance of the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce to the entire Kingdom of Lampari, His Royal Highness Servini received a clear and comprehensive support from Xu. That would be equivalent to adding a very important bargaining chip to His Royal Highness Servini, and it would be very helpful for His Royal Highness Servini to inherit the throne.

However, Xu also has a drawback in this practice, that is, he does so, clearly distinguishing the meaning of the King’s majesty.

Doesn't he worry that this practice will arouse the resentment of His Majesty the King, but instead makes King's Majesty more inclined to let His Royal Highness Prince Eric inherit the throne?


"Those stupid journalists think so, why do you think Dema?"

Lampari XIII just finished a sentence and began to cough up sharply.

Although the winter is long gone. But the body of Lampari XIII did not look much better, and it still looked very weak.

Although it is not as winter, it is nested in the bedroom every day. But there is not much time to leave the room.

"Determining the heirs of the throne is related to the whole kingdom. How can I use it emotionally? Whether it is Eric, Sevigny or Miham. I decided to let them take over the position of this king. After all, they still have to look at them. Who can make a greater contribution to the whole kingdom, and should not be determined by my personal preferences."

Dema nodded lightly, but immediately said: "But my Majesty, I think Xu is at least a bit right, can determine the heir to the throne as soon as possible, and let His Royal Highness Prince Eric do not compete for inheritance, whether it is for you or not. It’s still good for them. It’s even good for the whole kingdom. Why don’t you decide in the morning?”

"Are you blaming me?" Lampari thirteen smiled slightly, but then sighed deeply. "Do you think that I don't want to do this? But after all, the royal family is not like a small family like Xu. The heir is an extremely important decision that has too many decisions. How can it be easy to determine the candidate? Xu also said Has it been? If his children are not capable enough, he can’t always teach them to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and watch them ruin the New Flying Chamber of Commerce?”

"But Xu can also hand over the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to other people, but you can't give the whole kingdom to other people. This throne can only be chosen by your children to inherit. So..." Suddenly, I used a bite to force my teeth. It’s like making up your mind. "Your Majesty, please also make a decision as soon as possible. If it is too late. I am afraid..."

Lampari XIII quietly watched Dema for a while and slowly shook his head.

"Dema, you never took the initiative to express your opinion on this matter. Why is it so active today?"

Dema showed a bitter smile and did not answer.

Lampari XIII sighed again.

"Well, I understand what you mean. Are you worried that my body is right? Do you think that I have been unable to support it for a long time?"

Dema lowered his head deeply, and after a long period of time, he slowly looked up again, but his face had already hanged two lines of tears and his voice choked.

"Your Majesty... I... I looked at you with your eyes... You are so weak every day, I can't think of any way to save you. I am really... very sad. I know that the most important thing in your mind is The whole kingdom, so I hope that you can determine this thing that is most important to the kingdom as soon as possible. Then let go of your mind, well... well..."

"Would you spend the last days?" Lampari thirteen smiled and waved to Dema to signal him to come.

When Dema came to the side, Lampari thirteen suddenly raised his arm and slammed the past.


Dema screamed at the burning face and stared at Lampari XIII.

"What? I am already a dead person in your opinion?"

During this time, the Lampari XIII, which has always been weak, seems to be a lion that has been irritated at this time. Although it is still weak, it is full of power, and people can’t resist.

"I am the king of this kingdom! I don't need the mercy of others, and I am not qualified to be pity! Since I am a king, I must bear the responsibility of the king! Choosing the most suitable heir for this kingdom is my last and most Important responsibility, I must do my duty very seriously. So as long as I am not dead, I must use the best efforts to consider this matter, understand?"

Dema stared at Lampari XIII and waited for a while before slowly nodding.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am offending you and asking for your forgiveness."

Lampari thirteen screamed and reached out to Dema.

"The things about Servini have already been read. I will take the report from the northern provinces. Let me see what Eric is doing this time." (To be continued)