Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 119: Control the sea

The Truchi Grand Sorcerer had nothing. When Smilton saw these military magical machines, he immediately glanced at the two eyes and strode over. He first picked up a tube of magic and then looked left and right, and his face was full of joy. I thought, then I picked up a small magic rocket launcher and looked up and down for a long time. Then I looked back at Xu Yi.

"Mr. Xu, are these good things for us?"

Xu couldn't help but rolled his eyes in his heart.

This Smillton was really used to being a pirate. He had sent so many important living materials to the island of Carrasa before, and he did not see him happy. This time he sent weapons and equipment, he was excited. There is no need for speculation at all, and plain and clear are placed on the face.

Of course, Xu also had to keep a smile on his face and nodded lightly.

"Yes. But it is not white. Smilton Island, the military magic machinery is currently in great demand, these are still a little bit of hard-hitting from the large number of orders I received, so free delivery is unlikely. ”

"Well, I understand." Smilton nodded hard and laughed. "Hui Huichang, you don't have to say anything more. We have enough free assistance on the island to accept your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Now on the island. The brothers are able to live this good life because they have got your help. In fact, you don't have to talk about these nonsense. If you want us to do something for you, just say it. I am a rough person who has no knowledge, but The basic rules are still understood."

On the side of the Truch Grand Sorcerer, a slight reflection on his face, nodded slightly: "Hui Huichang, you are a businessman. You can't do it in the business of losing money. We can't let you do this. I Although this great magician still has some value, but I know very well, I am not worthy of paying such a big price for me. You can help your island with such care, and you must have your plan. This is what everyone knows."

Xu also helplessly spread his hands and smiled at himself: "It seems that I am really not suitable for acting, and it is too straightforward."

Smilton waved his hand: "Okay, Xu will be long, don't say these words. No matter what you want to do. Just rely on the help of your new flying business club, let everyone live a good life, Then we should give you life, it should be, this is the most basic rules that everyone understands. Let me say, what do we want to do?"

Looking at the enquiring eyes of Truch's great magician, Xu also smiled and shook his head: "Do not worry, Lord Magi, I did not intend to let the inhabitants of the island go to die for me. As a A businessman, I have always felt that this practice is very inefficient and I can’t bring the greatest benefits to myself."

Truch's Great Sorcerer and Smilton looked at each other. Curious in the eyes.

"So what are you going to let us help you? If it is something else, what do you send these military magic machines?" asked Smilton.

"Well... it doesn't matter if you don't need to take risks at all. After all, I don't dare to guarantee that these places will be in danger." Xu also waved to the two men and told them to come over.

The two men gathered together and Xu also took out a drawing from his arms and spread it on the floor of the warehouse.

Through the bright light of the magic lights in the warehouse, the two looked down and found that the drawing was a map.

A closer look reveals that most of the map shows sea areas, and only a few places show land.

And these land, naturally, is a piece of island.

The two men's eyes passed from the line on the right edge of the map to the coastline, and finally landed on a marked island.

"This is our island of Kallasga?" Smirton pointed to the island and asked. "How is this shape so weird?"

"How? Island Lord, have you never seen the shape of the whole island from the air?" Xu Yixiao asked. "It is indeed this kind of flower-like shape. If you look at it from a height, it is still very good."

Truch's great magician nodded lightly: "Yes, this is indeed the island of Kallasga. When I was fine, I often flew to the sky to observe. This shape is exactly the same as the island."

Immediately turned to Xu Yi asked: "Is this a map drawn from a high altitude observation? The surrounding areas should be the nearby islands."

"Well, this is a detailed map of the nearby waters that I have drawn through the magical airship. What do you think of the great magician?" Xu also asked.

The Truj Grand Sorcerer observed the map for a while and looked diligent.

"This detailed and accurate map can only be drawn in the sky, but in order to draw accurate, it can only hover at high altitude. It is true that only the magic airship is the best. But Xu Hui, you make such a precise drawing. What do you want to do with a map?"

Smilton also looked at Xu Yi, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and he seemed to guess the intention of Xu.

Sure enough, Xu also smiled and clicked on the map a few times, replied: "Lord of the Great Sorcerer, the island owner, you see, from the black rice wasteland to the coastline of the Principality of Constantine, how big is thirty-four Of the large and small islands, six of them are much larger than the island of Kalaska. But of these islands, except for the island of Karasca, only 12 islands are inhabited, and the other 22 islands are It is an island without people."

Smirton doubled his eyebrows: "Mr. Xu, do you want me to help you get these islands in your hands?"

Xu also smiled: "Accurately, I want these islands to be under my control. I don't have much interest in these islands. I am only interested in the various resources on these islands. Karasca Island If you have an iron ore with a good mineral deposit, then these islands are likely to have equally important resources."

"Well, this is true." Smilton nodded. “I know that there is also an iron mine on the island called Saxon that is not too far away. Some people from the Lampari Kingdom have visited it before, but later it is not worthwhile to ship iron ore from Saxon Island. No one cares."

"I don't think it's worth it." Truch's great wizard frowned. "President, if you want to ship back resources from these islands, I think the cost is too high, I am afraid it is not appropriate."

"You just have this feeling because the current shipping is not developed enough." Xu also shook his head and pointed to the soles of his feet. "But look at where you are staying now?"

Truch's Great Sorcerer and Stilton were a glimpse of it, and then they remembered that the place where they were now was in the bottom warehouse of a super-magic ship.

The magic ship called the Wings is too big, and the warehouse they are waiting for can even hold a large wooden ship that they had previously imagined.

With such a super-large magic ship, the cargo that can be loaded at one time can be several times or even dozens of times more than the previous wooden ship.

In addition, the possibility that such a large magic ship will be dangerous on the sea will be much lower, so if you calculate it, the cost of sea transportation will inevitably be lower than that of the previous sea that is almost risky. More, it will not seem so uneconomical.

It is no wonder that Xu is so confident, but because of the fact that he has the wings of the ship.

Seeing the two people showing a blank look, Xu also smiled and swung his fingers and drew a circle on the map.

"In fact, compared to the resources on these islands, I value it more. It is actually this sea area."

Truch's Great Sorcerer and Smilton immediately showed a confused expression again.

This so-called sea area is all sea water. What do you value?

"At the moment, I still have the means to explain to you the importance of controlling this sea area. This will have to wait until the competition for the ocean becomes more intense in the future. You will understand." Xu also smiled. "But anyway, I need this sea area, it is best to have complete control over this sea area. Smilton Island Lord, can you do it for me?"

Smilton looked down at the map, meditated for a moment, then looked back at the various military magic machines in the warehouse, and finally looked at the ceiling and floor of the warehouse above the head, and then said to Xu Yidao: "In addition to these military magic machines, Give me a few boats, and it would be better to have a big ship like this, I will definitely do it."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "It is no problem to give you a few ships, but the big ship like the wings is temporarily no way. Such a ship costs all the power of our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. It took more than a month to complete. After that, several of the cars produced will also be used for the ocean transportation of the Chamber of Commerce, but there is no way to provide it to you in the short term."

"Oh..." Swellton was a little disappointed. "If there is no such big ship, I am afraid that the deterrence will be much smaller on the sea. The things at sea are very simple. Whoever has a big ship will have a loud voice. If there is such a big ship, I only need to open this." In the past, all other ships on the sea were guaranteed to be obedient."

Xu also smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "You don't have to be too disappointed. I can't provide you with such a big ship in a short time, but other smaller ships can still provide it. Those ships are smaller than the wings." That's right, but it's still much bigger than the other seafarers you've been the heaviest. And I promise that in terms of performance, those seafarers can't be compared to him."

Smilton’s eyes are bright: “Really? Xu, the president, are you going to give me a good boat like a small magic assault boat?”

Xu Yiwei smiled: "It depends on how much sincerity you can come up with."

Smilton immediately raised his fist and slammed it on his chest. Shen Sheng said: "Hui Hui, in the face of Truch's great magician, I promise you. I, Smillton, will definitely For every inch of this sea, you can firmly control it in your palm. Even if a fish passes from the upper reaches of this sea, you must first ask me... No, ask for your consent!" (To be continued Search for astronomical literature, novels are better updated faster!