Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 121: Normal retaliation

"Nieval, immediately arrange rescue for the port." Xu also calmly ordered.

Nirvar took the lead, and Xu also looked at the black rice port in the sea of ​​fire. The right hand squeezed it on the railing on the deck, and his face passed with a hint of hesitation.

These guys who don’t know where to come from attacking the black rice port seem to be mixed with a few magicians. It is reasonable to say that he is a nine-level magician and should be involved in the battle to deal with the other magician.

However, Camilla Grand Sorcerer and Steele, as well as the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, including Kennard, Heinze and others, unanimously opposed his participation in the actual battle.

In their eyes, Xu is also the most important president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Even if he has the strength of a nine-level magician, he should not venture in person.

In the unlikely event that he has something, that is the biggest blow to the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce.

What's more, now the new Flyer Guard has assembled a large number of military magical machines. Even if it is against the opponent of the Camille Grand Sorcerer level, it can still compete. Now this group of enemies is only mixed. A few low-level magicians, it should not be their opponent.

Thinking of this, Xu also let go of his hand and gave up his own idea of ​​going into battle. Looking at Nirvar’s orders, the crew members on the wings and the hundred new flying escorts who sailed together with the wings were jumping from the wings. The small magical assault boat that was put down on the horn rushed to the black rice port at a very high speed.

Before the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guards did not join the battle, there were all the raging figures in the black rice port, and the black rice port appeared to have no resistance.

But when the new Flyer Guards drove a small magical assault boat at high speed. Not near the beach yet. It has already brought an overwhelming arrow rain. The entire port was shrouded in.

These arrows have no dead ends, and they are endless.

The enemies who had been raging everywhere in the port could not dodge, but after a while, they fell like pieces of harvested wheat straw.

When the first small magical assault boat stopped at the dock of the Black Rice Port, the enemies in the port had already lost their momentum and found shelters to avoid.

However, what the enemy did not think was that, according to the traditional hiding in the bunker, although it was able to avoid the damage of the arrow, the guards of the new Flyer Guard took out a dark cylinder. One of the heads was aligned with the bunker, and then accompanied by a roar, an iron ball burning on the surface flew out of the cylinder, and when it hit the bunker, it suddenly made a deafening violent explosion.

Not only did the entire bunker be blown into a waste, but the enemies hiding behind the bunker were also blown up into piles of stumps.

Xu also observed for a while and put down the telescope.

The new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guard, equipped with a large number of military magical machinery and long-term corresponding combat experience, has indeed been able to completely crush any other military force of the same order on the continent.

Although the number of these enemies invading the port of Black Rice is more than 500, it is like a child of 500 armed forces. Did not make any effective resistance at all.

The only one who can counterattack is the only few magicians left.

After seeing the horror power of the military magic machinery in the hands of the Chamber of Commerce Guards. The few magicians seemed to have taken the opportunity to escape quickly. In the end, they did not see any magic released again later.

Only half an hour later, the battle in the black rice port was terminated, and the shouting sounds that came from far away gradually stopped.

Xu also waved his hand and ordered the wings to pass.

Waiting for the wings to enter the port of Hemi, seeing that the port is full of darkness, Xu can not help but frown.

The port of Black Rice has not been officially put into use, and it has suddenly suffered such damage.

The financial loss is nothing more important. This is simply a public provocation!

Xu also calmed his face and glanced at the body left in the harbor.

After seeing it clearly, Xu could not help but sigh.

The bodies of these enemies left behind are clearly some orc!

Since the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and several other chambers of commerce have irregularly attacked the orc races against the New Flying Chamber of Commerce on the black rice wilderness, there have been no more orcs in the past two years dare to attack the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

Even the orc group, which is the most objectionable to human beings and the most extreme in its work style, has been disappeared for a long time in the black rice wilderness.

So where did these orc races come from? Why are they attacking the Black Rice Port?

The port is not officially used at all. What do these orcs run to attack here?

His eyes passed over a body, and Xu couldn’t help but stay.

The body worn on this body is clearly the work uniform of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce!

Xu Yi’s eyes passed a trace of sorrow, and then there was an uncontrollable anger in his heart, shouting loudly to Nieval: “Go and find the survivors!”

Nieval and Xu also knew that the contact time was not too short, but it was the first time that they saw this angry expression. They suddenly jumped and quickly told the crew members who came down from the wings and the guards of the guards. Look for it in the port.

Fortunately, when building this port, Xu also considered that after being in the hinterland of the black rice wilderness, it was bound to take some risks, so some hidden works were arranged in the port.

When the enemy struck, most of the workers in the port and the remaining management personnel hid in the hidden fortifications. The orc people could not find it for a while, but they eventually survived the vast majority.

Even so, according to the final statistics, in this sudden attack of the orcs, there are still nine workers buried under the butcher's knife.

Looking at the bodies of the nine workers who were found to be in a row, Xu also looked as if he was going to drip out the water.

His heart is full of self-blame.

He clearly knows that it is dangerous to establish a port here, but he still has to go his own way. He does not listen to the advice of Kennard and Heinze and insists on establishing a port here.

Now these nine workers, who are in their prime, have lost their lives. It can be said that they have an inseparable relationship with him.

Staring at the bodies of the nine workers, I watched it silently for a while, and Xu also took a long breath and the look on his face returned to calm.

These workers are already dead. It is meaningless to continue to regret here. Xu does not like to do this kind of thing.

In comparison, it is more important to arrange the aftermath of these workers, and ... to avenge them!

The person in charge of the black rice port also hid in the hidden work, and Xu also called him over, let him count the various information of the nine workers who died, and then follow the regulations of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Workers compensate accordingly.

"The president of the adults, there are five people here are not our Chamber of Commerce, is the Amrit Chamber of Commerce." The responsible person made a different opinion.

Xu also glanced at him coldly: "Isn't Amrit Chamber of Commerce not a person? Since they are here to work for our new Flying Chamber of Commerce, then we must treat everyone equally!"

"But...but they are the workers of the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, after all... I am afraid..."

"Listen to my orders!" Xu also interrupted his words. "President Cruise, I will personally negotiate with him. You only need to do the compensation measures according to my arrangement."

Seeing the cold look of Xu Yi’s face, the person in charge could not help but shrink his head and immediately nodded and agreed.

After arranging these things, Xu also found the bodies left by the two orcs from the ground, and threw them in the trunk of a medium-sized cargo magic locomotive used for transportation in the port of Hemi, and then drove at high speed. The eastern part of the black rice wasteland.

At night, Xu also drove a medium-sized cargo magic locomotive directly into the West Camp of the Kingdom of Lampari.

The two town soldiers in charge of the battalion stopped the magic locomotive. Xu also poked his head out of the car. He said coldly: "I am Xu Yi, please pass it for me and say that I have urgent things. See the Admiral.

Two soldiers looked at each other and one of the soldiers immediately turned around and ran into the camp.

The Xinfei Chamber of Commerce is now the most important equipment and other supplies of life supplies for the West Army. Even the Admiral will be polite every time he sees Xu.

A moment later, a deputy of the Western Army of the town quickly greeted him and saw Xu Yi at a glance. He immediately smiled and greeted him.

After the two men greeted each other, the deputy's gaze fell on the medium-sized cargo magic locomotive behind Xu Yi, and the look was a bit strange.

"Hui Huichang, why didn't you open your beautiful magic car this time?"

Xu also refused to answer. He went to the trunk and reached for a pull. The trunk baffle fell and the two orc bodies lying inside fell down and slammed on the floor.

The deputy and several soldiers around him were shocked.

After smashing the body on the ground, the deputy frowned. "Xu Huichang, what does this mean?"

Xu also calmly described the attack on the Black Rice Port.

After listening to the deputy, the look was even more weird. I thought about it and said a little bit: "This... Xu Huichang, the port of your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has been attacked. It seems that... has nothing to do with our town, the Western Army? ......"

The deputy general paused and continued: "Mr. Xu, tell the truth, what the orc family cleans up in the black rice wasteland, but offended many orcs on the black rice wasteland, and suffered revenge." This is normal too..."

"Normal?" Xu also sneered, kicking the body of the orc family on the ground. "It is normal to suffer revenge from the orcs on the black rice wasteland. But if you are retaliated by the orcs of the Sark Kingdom, do you still feel normal?"

"How is this possible!" The deputy looked back at the two orc bodies on the ground with a look of shock, and the only one who was condensed and looked down.

After a while, his face changed dramatically. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!
