Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 13: sales strategy


Xu also slowly shook his head. Although his expression was calm and he still had a smile, his tone was very firm, and it was easy for him to understand what he revealed.

"General home magic machinery, I can also squeeze out a part to provide you with a little more, but the magic locomotive is not even fully satisfied with the needs of Bangta City and the surrounding cities, of course, it is impossible to provide it to you. ”

The president of the Merda Trade Association, Ladis Sampson, looked disappointed: "Is it really impossible to get through? Xu, I am coming from Severwell, you can’t let me go back empty-handed. What?"

"How can it be empty?" Xu also pretended to be surprised. "I didn't say it, the general home magic machine can be negotiated, even the bicycles that are very tightly sold now can be considered, but the magic locomotive really can't. Our Chamber of Commerce has not been able to meet the basic requirements of the local, and still owes it. The big order was not completed and it is impossible to accept more orders."

"But the Sark Kingdom said that as long as your new flyers will sell, they can even buy at a high price of 10,000 gold coins!" President Sampson still does not give up. "One thousand gold coins one! Xu Huichang, the public price of your large cargo magic locomotive is only 5,000 gold coins? If you are willing to sell one 10,000 gold coins, even if you leave the road Transportation costs, as well as some possible risks, can at least earn two thousand gold coins at a minimum. Are you not tempted?"

"I am very tempted." Xu also nodded, but the tone did not see any looseness. "But it can't be impossible. Our chamber of commerce has limited capacity. There is no way to supply it."

"Is that true?" President Sampson looked suspiciously at Xu Yi. Suddenly. A look of pleading to the earth: "Mr. Xu, can you not squeeze out some of the orders from here? There is a great thirst for the freight magic locomotive. If you can meet their requirements, I want to be with us later. The cooperation is very beneficial. I feel that it is still worthwhile to use some cargo magic locomotives to win the relationship between the two sides."

Xu Yi sighed and spread his hands. He looked helplessly: "I think if I can. But the reality is impossible. OK. Sampson president, this issue will not need to be mentioned, we still discuss Let's order this time on other kinds of magic machinery."

Seeing Xu was completely unmoved, and Sampson’s president was very helpless. He was silent for a while and could only shake his head with a look of regret.

"Well, according to the feedback from there, the Sak Kingdom has a strong demand for home magic machinery, especially the demand for magic fans. So Xu Hui, this time, please provide me with this. Enough magic fan. I think... at least not less than 100,000."

"100,000 Taiwan?" Xu was also a little surprised. I couldn't help but laugh. “It seems that the people of the Sark Kingdom have experienced the benefits, and the demand is exploding.”

"No way. Seeing that the weather is going to heat up. Magic air conditioning is more expensive, not everyone can afford it, so the magical fan is a cheap and easy to use home magic machine is the most popular." Sampson President Also laughed. "Actually, this is very similar to the situation in our city. The base of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce has only changed the foundation. A group of people in the city want to order the magic fan in advance."

"This is a good thing. As a businessman, I will only be happy when I see my products are popular." Xu also laughed.

"Of course, of course." President Sampson nodded again and again. "So, Xu Huichang, 100,000 magic fans, this is the minimum. Other words... The magic rice cooker needs at least 5,000 units, and the magic stove is similar, even if it is 5,000. There are magic lights, this demand. The amount is bigger, at least 200,000 units are needed, and the types must be complete, including..."

"Wait!" Xu also suddenly raised his hand and interrupted the words of President Sampson.

“How?” Sampson’s glimpse, then frowned slightly. "Mr. Xu, is there any problem? Do you want to tell me that these ordinary home magic machines can't satisfy my requirements?"

"That didn't." Xu also shook his head. "Of course, exactly, it's right."

Sampson’s president suddenly suddenly stunned and immediately angered: “Mr. Xu, you should not be playing me? Just now you said to me, can we discuss these general household magic machines? Now I am Just put an order, you can't say it? Don't forget, but at the beginning, you took the initiative to cooperate with our Chamber of Commerce in Sever City to smuggle the magic machinery produced by your Chamber of Commerce to the Sark Kingdom. Now this is just beginning to cooperate, you Is this the attitude? I really misread you!"

Xu also did not move, waved his hand and smiled: "Don't be busy and angry, listen to me. I mean, for the supply you have, our new flyers can be fully provided, but I hope that President Sampson will consider another cooperation plan, that is, to give a part of the share to other chambers of commerce outside of our new business."

“Other Chambers of Commerce?” Sampson would be a little confused. "Mr. Xu, you can't be unclear about the profits of the Sark Kingdom? You asked me to give some of these shares to other chambers of commerce? Do you want to make money at the new Flyer?"

"Make, of course, want to earn." Xu also smiled: "But I think not only is our New Flyer Chamber of Commerce making money, but should be rich and everyone earns together, what do you think?"

Sampson stared at Xu and looked at it for a while, and shook his head with a look of confusion.

"I really don't understand what you think about it. If you are proposing it, this is not impossible. After all, the home magic machinery produced by other chambers of commerce is cheaper. Although the performance and quality may be worse than your new flying magic machine. Some, but the guys in the Sark Kingdom can't tell, and I can earn more by selling them to them. But Xu Huichang, if you do this, your Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will lose a lot of profits, you are sure. Do you want to do this?"

"OK." Xu also nodded and couldn't see any jokes. "And I have another requirement, that is, according to the current pricing standards of various brands of magic machinery in the Kingdom of Lampari, the magic machinery of various brands sold to the Sark Kingdom. There must also be such pricing standards. distinguish."

"That is to say... even if it is sold to the Sark Kingdom. Is the price of your new flying home magic machine higher than that of other brands?" Sampson’s expression was full of puzzles. "Hui Huichang. People in the Sak Kingdom have never used home magic machinery. If you see the same thing, you will definitely choose a cheaper one. Don't blame me for not reminding you that you can do this, which is not conducive to your new flying magic. Machinery opened the market in the Sark Kingdom."

“I understand that this is the sales strategy developed by our Chamber of Commerce.”

President Sampson looked at it for a while, and after all, he couldn’t help but shook his head and sighed: "Xu Huichang. I really can't understand you."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled and did not express any opinion on this evaluation.

After considering it, President Sampson finally accepted Xu’s proposal.

After all, as he reminded Xu Yi, if he chooses other brands of home magic machinery, the cost of his purchase will be much lower. If he sells it to the Sark Kingdom, the profit he gets in the middle is naturally higher. He obviously has more I am happy with this way of cooperation.

However, the products of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will certainly not give up. After all, the new flying brand home magic machinery is obviously stronger than other brands of home magic machinery in terms of performance and quality. Even if the price is more expensive, there is still a lot of demand in the Sark kingdom. Not selling.

In general, the Sark Kingdom had only sporadic home magic machinery inflows. For example, the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce took the initiative to cooperate with several chambers of commerce, headed by the Melda Trade Association, to smuggle a large amount of household magic machinery into the Sark Kingdom. This is the first time.

The people of the Sark Kingdom are like the people of the former Lampari Kingdom who have not appeared before the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. They are very curious about this novelty.

And after seeing the performance of the artifacts of home magic machinery, they will certainly be as sought after as the people of the Lampari Kingdom.

In fact, if the Kingdom of Lampari and the Kingdom of Sark are not hostile, then the Sark Kingdom must be the same as the Kingdom of Rulson.

After confirming this cooperation proposal, Xu also handed over the list that had already been prepared to President Sampson to let him know.

Listed on this list are some of the chambers that Xu also recommend for the production of home magic machinery. If President Sampson wants to purchase other brands of home magic machines, it will naturally be selected from these lists.

This list has also taken a lot of effort in determining it.

As the president of the Bangta City Magic Machinery Business Association, he certainly has to give priority to the various chambers of business in Bangta City.

However, in order to take care of it more comprehensively, and in order to agree with His Majesty the King, Xu must also consider the same chambers of other cities that produce home magic machinery.

While satisfying the needs of this side, Xu must also ensure that the interests of President Sampson will not be damaged. Therefore, when selecting these magic machinery chambers, Xu also has to produce home magic for each chamber of commerce. The machinery made a survey to confirm that the home magic machinery they produced would not have any serious quality problems.

This time, Xu also took the initiative to give these chambers a chance to enter a new huge market, but it is also a challenge for them.

If there are mistakes in quality problems, the Sark Kingdom will have a bad impression on the magic machinery produced by these chambers, which is not conducive to future development.

As for the meeting of President Sampson, naturally there will be no objection to this list.

He doesn't know much about the magic industry. He doesn't know a few magic machinery chambers except the new flying chamber.

Moreover, this cooperation has always been Xu’s dominant position. What he can do is to do a random check from this list and then carefully select it.

Initially negotiated with President Sampson to confirm that he would go to the Chamber of Commerce on the list with him to do a spot check tomorrow. Originally, according to the etiquette, Xu should also banquet for President Sampson.

However, Xu also explained to President Sampson, and he called Kennard to continue to receive President Sampson. By the way, he and Sampson discussed the details of ordering the new flying home magic machine. Leaving the rain valley.

In Bangta, there are more important things waiting for him. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!