Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 136: Holding a devil

Xu also did not tweak. After three or two times, all the clothes were removed, and the fineness was removed. Even the crotch was not left. It was like a newborn baby, which was completely displayed in front of Eleuthera and Elder Lisya. <

The two elders did not have a strange look. They recruited and gestured to Xu to come to the front. They first observed his body from top to bottom, and then used his fingers to touch each inch from Xu Yi. The skin has been explored.

This time, the physical examination of Xu also was slightly different from the previous test to make Xu also master the meditation method unique to the Elf.

After the test, the two elders had a faint blue magic light on the tip of the finger, and they crossed the body of Xu, leaving a trace of light blue on the skin.

This pale blue trace flashed twice, and gradually disappeared, as if it had directly sunk into Xu's body.

This action seems to be very burdensome for the two elders. The two together, only leaving about 20 lines that are not long on Xu Yi, they took back their hands one by one, and at the same time Spit out slowly, it seems to be very tired.

"Xu, let's take a look." Lisayan, the elder.

Xu also nodded, and the slightest movement, the magical power of the body circulated rapidly, and the naked body immediately appeared numerous lines flashing blue light, almost covering his entire body.

These lines were all over his body, and even the face was not even let go.

At this time, Xu Yi is like a light person with a blue light band and a blue light. It looks very strange.

"Yeah. The fluctuations are very stable. It seems that it should be no problem." Elder Lisanya nodded and continued: "Xu also, try a space magic."

Xu Yiluo hesitated, the magic of the body was fully launched, and the line of blue light shining immediately echoed. He felt that the magic flow in the body became extremely smooth and fast, but the mind was completely condensed in the right hand, then a black Lacquered. It seems as if the little black ball that **** in even the light appears above his right hand.

"Don't stop, keep this look." Elder Lisangya commanded.

Xu also continued to run the magic, the black ball in his hand steadily suspended above his right palm, not moving.

Seeing this situation, Eleutian elders smiled and nodded: "Hui Huichang, you really have a good magical talent. It took only less than half a month to get the space magic to this point."

Elder Lisanya also nodded: "Well, yes, follow this progress. Maybe you can master the space transfer in less than half a year."

The two elders just fell. The black ball on the right hand of Xu Yi suddenly passed a small light pattern, and then the black ball shook.

Xu also smiled bitterly: "The two elders, you praised too early, I can't hold on."

"This is nothing, you continue to insist on seeing how long it can last." Lisangya elders.

"Well, I will try."

Xu also continued to mobilize the magic of the whole body, and continued to strive to maintain the most basic magic in this space magic - phagocytizing the ball.

However, the magic required to maintain this and devour the ball is terrible. Even if he has already exceeded the average level 9 magician in the body, but still does not reach the level of the great magician, so still can not be like the big magician You can control this swallowing ball at will, so the magic is very fast.

After two minutes, the bright white light that flashed on the surface of the phagocytic ball became more and more dense, and the phagocytic ball began to shake more and more.

Seeing that Xu was still able to maintain the general shape of the phagocytic ball, so that it did not completely collapse, Elder Lucia and the elders of Lisangya exchanged a surprised look.

Space magic is the most difficult magic system to master. Even if the great magician has a deep understanding of the concept of space magic, it is still very difficult to manipulate and use space magic.

It is almost impossible for Xu to be able to maintain the general shape of the phagocytic ball because of the lack of magic and the inability to maintain the phagocytosis.

However, Xu also did it, and he was able to maintain this form for two minutes. It can be seen that Xu also has an amazing degree of control over his magic and the magic elements in his magic.

From this point of view, Xu is really an excellent magical genius.

The two elders showed a look of regret.

If Xu is willing to spend all his energy and time on researching magic, or just paying more attention to it, his magical achievements will not stop at this level.

If he really wants to do this, I am afraid that it has already become a great magician, and how it happened was almost assassinated by the great magician called Rena.

If it wasn’t because of Xu’s danger, Elder Lucia and Elder Lisanya would not think of a magical blessing on Xu’s, so that he could briefly break the line between the magician and the great magician. Can you use space magic with restrictions?

The magic pattern blessing is a secret of the elves. In an easy situation, it is absolutely impossible for the two elders to use them on a human being.

However, Xu is now in the great interest of the two elves of the night song tribe and the moon shadow tribe. If he has any accident, it will cause extremely severe blows to both tribes and may even affect the future of the two tribes.

Nowadays, the development of the night song tribe and the moon shadow tribe is extremely gratifying. The life of the elves in the tribe has changed greatly, and there is an opportunity for them to truly integrate into the human society, so that they can continue on this continent.

Such a good opportunity, the two elders will never miss.

The key to all this is Xu Yi.

If Xu is dead, the new leaders of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce will not necessarily be considered for the development of their two elves and tribes like Xu, and it is difficult for the two elders to trust another one as trusting Xu. a human being.

Therefore, Xu must not die unexpectedly.

So the two elders even tried to expose the secrets of the elves that had been passed down for thousands of years, and they also had to bless the magic lines. What it is. It is hoped that Xu will also have a life-saving means in times of crisis.

The magic pattern blessing can temporarily increase the magic speed of a magician. Indirectly enhances the magic, allowing the magician to use magic more.

Xu is now on the verge of being a great magician. If you are overstepping, you can use space magic normally.

As far as the current effect is concerned, everything is going very smoothly because of Xu’s excellent magical talent.

I believe that as long as the magic pattern is completely blessed, Xu will surely master the most important transfer magic in space magic without spending too much time under the strict teaching of Camilla.

This magic can instantly transfer a magician out of the distance. It is enough to keep Xu’s life in a critical moment.

Although Reina had not had a chance to escape when he met Camilla Grand Sorcerer, it was because Camilla's magical power has now risen to the culmination of the Great Sorcerer's level, only one step away. Can break through to become a magician, even if he has touched a part of the space law, this can make Reina even have no chance to use the transmission magic to escape.

In general, there will be no powerful magician at the level of the Magister who will descend from his identity and assassinate Xu.

As for the frontal kill?

What are the benefits of fighting the risks of the entire New Flying Chamber of Commerce?

What's more, with the strength of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, even a magician personally came. It may not be able to take advantage of anything cheap.

When the two elders quickly flashed these thoughts in their minds, Xu was completely unable to hold on. The swallowing ball violently swayed and then quickly shrank, and disappeared completely after a while.

Seeing this situation, Euresia Elder and Elder Lisya’s eyes flashed a little more surprise.

In fact, they have already done all the protective measures, and are prepared to guard against accidents when Xu is out of control.

However, I did not expect Xu also to be able to extract the magic a little bit in this situation, so that the phagocytosis ball disappeared in the most gradual way.

From this point of view, Xu’s degree of manipulation of the magic he uses is really amazing.

However, for the two elders, the stronger the magical talent of Xu Yi, the better.

Xu also seemed to be very dissatisfied. Looking at the empty right hand, he sighed and shook his head: "It’s a pity that I haven’t been able to fully master this devour ball until now. I’m afraid it’s hard to master the much more difficult transfer magic. too much."

Ereli's elder smiled and said: "No, Xu Huichang, the devouring ball is the most basic magic in space magic, but it represents the basics of all space magic. Let you master this magic, mainly to let you experience The characteristics of space magic make it easier to learn other space magic."

"Yes, in theory, as long as you can master a space magic, you can use any space magic in the case of sufficient magic. You can master the swallowing ball, you can use it if you transfer the magic." Lisangya The elder added.

"Where the magic is sufficient?" Xu also frowned, and smiled bitterly: "The problem is that my magic is not enough. Even the basic space magic of swallowing the ball can only last for such a short time. How can it maintain the transmission magic? A lot of consumption?"

"What do you think we are doing to give you a magical blessing?" Elder Lisanya gave Xu a look. "Tell you, the magic pattern blessing can not only improve your magical cohesion speed and your manipulation of magic elements, but more importantly, with the magic pattern blessing, you can alleviate a lot of space magic when you carry out space transfer. The effect of elemental turbulence on you is that you consume very little magic when using the transfer magic for space transfer. You can now continue to devour the ball for three minutes, then you can use the transfer magic to pass the space for three minutes, or even longer. ”

"Three minutes? How far can I transfer?" Xu also asked the most concerned questions.

"This is not known now." Elder Lisangya shook his head. "The speed of space transfer depends on each magician's understanding of space magic and his use of transmitting magic. Every magician is different. But with your talent, I think it should not be too bad. Three minutes. ... how can I transfer it to a kilometer away?"

"One kilometer..." Xu thought about it and nodded. "That should be enough to escape the danger."

"Generally speaking, no problem." Eleuthera nodded. "In fact, the most important thing is that you don't let yourself fall into too dangerous situations. And with your magical talent, I believe that in a few years, you will be able to break into becoming a great magician. At that time, even if there is no With the help of the magic pattern blessing, you can also use the transfer magic at will."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled, thinking that Eleuthera elders could too afford to see themselves.

Although he is only a step away from the great magician, this step is hard to come by.

Many magicians can only stay at the level of a level 9 magician for the rest of their lives, and there is no way to take this step.

Although he is very confident that he can pass this threshold, but it is not a few years to use it... then it is not sure.

Turning his head, but seeing the elders of Lisanya slightly frowning, seems to fall into meditation.

Xu also asked with amazement: "How? Is there any problem with Elder Lisanya?"

The elders of Lisangya indulged for a moment and suddenly asked: "Xu also, do you want to mate with me?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!