Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 143: Valued at five million gold coins?

Caroline County’s main show, Yan Ruhua, had a look of pleading on his face, which made people look at life and pity. However, Xu also glanced at the owner of Caroline County, but his look did not move, but the voice turned cold. . !

"His Royal Highness, I am blunt, this matter is entirely because your Principality of Drake does not obey my advice, but I am asking for it, but now I am asking for help. Do you think it is ridiculous?"

Caroling County’s main character looked awkward and paused, but she smothered her face and re-attached her charming smile. She unceremoniously rolled up Xu’s arm and shook it gently.

"Although this is indeed the mistake we made ourselves, but I know that you will never sit and watch if you are president. Otherwise, you will definitely not come to see me personally."

Xu also looked at her coldly, did not answer, and did not see any change in her expression.

This time, the Carolyn County Lord and the team sent by the Drake of the Drake came to Bangta City. Of course, it was not for the cheering of the drakes of the Drakuk Principality, but another important thing to talk with Xu, or to be clear, It is to ask Xu for help.

When King Eric was on the throne, Count Satsuma worried that the King Erik and the Duke of Stark would stay in the city of Sever City for the new Flyer, so after consulting with Xu, the industry Gradually transferred to the Principality of Drake.

Because of the support of the Principality of Drake, these industries have remained fairly complete, and they have taken root in the Drake Community. Not only have they developed well, but they have also obtained a large amount of technical information from the Principality of Drake and began to invest in magic. In the research and development of the machinery industry.

Of course, these also received the acquiescence of Xu Yi. Otherwise, the magic industry that Drake's Principality developed itself will never develop so fast as it is now.

But perhaps it is because the development is too smooth. The speed is too fast. At the same time, because of the internal power of the Lampari Kingdom, it was caught in a period of turmoil, which caused the drakes of the Duke and Xu to lose contact.

Without the specific technical support and guidance given by the new Feishang Association, the Principality of Drake began to strengthen the research on the technology related to magic machinery, but also made some progress, and even developed some different kinds of new flying cards. Home magic machinery, and sold these home magic machinery to the two countries adjacent to the Drake Kingdom, earning a lot of benefits.

After Xu also regained contact with the Principality of Drake. I was informed of this matter. When I asked the Drake of the Principality to send the technical information about their own research and development to the technical information, let the new Feishang company study it and see if there were any mistakes and defects, but it was rejected by the Drakes.

At that time, Xu also warned the Drake of the Principality that the development of the magical machinery was a systematic project, and that it was rashly developed on its own without a deep foundation, which was prone to problems.

However, the Principality of Drake did not turn a blind eye to Xu’s warnings, and even actively weakened the connection with the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Xu also naturally did not have the strength to interfere with the decision of the Principality of Draco, which is close to two thousand kilometers away from the Principality of Stading, and that the Principality of Drake is not willing to cooperate. He is naturally unwilling to force him to see a face of betrayal in the Principality of Drake. Just let go.

At first, this was no problem, but just last month, the Drakes Principality broke out extremely serious problems.

The magical fan and the magic refrigerator sold by the Drack Principality to the two neighboring countries suddenly appeared several consecutive accidents, and then a large-scale failure occurred, which also caused many accidents, thus causing the two countries. The deep dissatisfaction of the people inside and the extreme distrust of the Principality of Drake.

Because of this incident, the two countries have solemnly protested to the Duke of the Principality. They expressed great anger at the sale of such inferior products by the Drakuk Principality and demanded that the Dharma Principal immediately continue to compensate for this and propose a solution to the problem. Program.

The compensation is still quite good, but in terms of solutions, the Drake Country has encountered difficulties.

Because of the careful study of the Dracula Principality and the help of the technicians who stayed in the Principality of Drake in the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, they found that the magic fans and magic refrigerators they developed themselves had a large-scale failure and even an accident. Because of design flaws.

And if this design flaw is to be changed, it means that all production lines and processes will change.

The Principality of Drake does not have this capability, nor can it really change all the production lines and processes, because to do this, according to estimates, at least 3 million coins should be invested.

Coupled with the compensation for the two countries, the Drack Principality may have more than five million gold coins because of the lowest point.

For the Drakes Principality, which has a total fiscal revenue of more than one million gold coins a year, this is undoubtedly a serious loss that cannot be tolerated at all.

However, the corresponding compensation for those two countries must be given, and the changes to the production line and process flow must continue. Otherwise, it is equivalent to the complete failure of the Dr. Duchy's R&D investment in this area, and the initial investment is even more bloodless.

But relying on the Principality of Drake, but there is not enough strength to do this.

In desperation, they can only resort to Xu Yi.

However, Xu is also very dissatisfied with the deportation of the Duke of the Principality. Now that the Duke of the Principality has encountered difficulties, he turned his head and asked for it. Even if he sent the very attractive super beauty of Caroline County, how could he possibly Easy to agree.

Seeing Xu also cold face, Caroline County's main eye turned, slightly lowered his head, made a pitiful look, whispered: "I know that you must be very angry, but we also have difficulties. We are The Principality of Lak is a small country. If you can't master something in your hand, you will only be bullied by others."

Xu also snorted: "So you can completely abandon our previous agreement and develop it yourself without knowing me. Don't forget, I also warned you on a special trip. You don't listen to yourself. It’s a problem. Why don’t you solve it yourself?”

"The people know that they are wrong." Caroline County's Lord put on a spoiled look. He grabbed Xu Yi’s arm and shook it, revealing an extremely charming smile. He said softly: “If you are angry, we will compensate you. For example, if you like, I can compensate myself... ..."

Xu Yi’s right arm was slightly shaken, and he got rid of the hands of Caroline’s master, stepped back and shook his head gently. True color: "Sire of the county, I think you should be clear, in this matter, your ** does not have any meaning. And I have no interest this time, so don't waste time."

Carolyn County owner couldn't help but squint at Xu Yi, thinking that he was born with great beauty. Not only is he the first beauty in Drake, but even if he sees so many people outside, he is only Mrs. Steele. In terms of appearance, it can be compared with oneself, and others are somewhat inferior. Why is Xu always free from any temptation, no matter how he uses it?

If he said that his interest is special. If you are not good, how can you marry a wife like Steele?

Even his few female slaves are all pretty and unusual. Obviously, he and ordinary men are generally not very resistant to beauty.

Xu also didn't know that Carolyn County's thoughts at the moment had already floated to the point where she was completely out of touch. She saw some worries and sighed and continued: "But you just said it right, if you are not willing to solve it for you. If you have a problem, I will not come to see you."

Upon hearing this sentence, Carolyn County’s main character looked for a while, and the big eyes of the round eyes were full of joy.

"Really? Really? President Xu, are you willing to help us?"

"Yes." Xu also slowly nodded. "No matter how you see the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the Drake Country, how do you think about me, but in my mind, the Principality of Drake is still an important partner, as long as you are willing to cooperate with us in the future, then the previous things, I Can be when it hasn't happened."

Seeing Xu also look solemn, Caroline County suddenly rejoices in his heart.

The huge amount involved in the five million gold coins has always been like a mountain in the hearts of everyone at the top of the Dracula Principality. It has also been pressing the Caroline County Lord for a long time.

Everyone knows that the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will be able to solve this problem easily if it is willing to help, but because of the things done by the Principality of Drake, no one in the Dracic Principality has any certainty. I feel that Xu will also promise assistance.

Caroling County’s owner took advantage of the Bangta City Ring Road Cycling Race to see Xu Yi and got Xu’s consent. This is a glimmer of hope.

However, only now when Xu also personally agreed to assist, Caroline County, this put down the mountain in his heart, the smile on his face became truly bright and bright for the first time.

Looking at the smile on the face of Caroline County, Xu also shook his head gently, sighing in his heart.

From the point of view of personal feelings, the Principality of Draco turned his back on the agreement and made him extremely dissatisfied. He was very reluctant to lend a helping hand to the Duke of the Duke.

However, from a holistic point of view, the Duke of the Principality has now been deeply influenced by the magic industry. In Xu’s planning, it is an important piece of the creation of a complete magical industrial system, which cannot be easily lost.

Even if the Principality of Drake does not appear in this kind of thing, he will find a way to regain the influence on this territory and make it develop smoothly according to his own plan.

Now that the Principality of Drake has made such a serious event that can even hurt the national strength, and in turn hopes that he will assist him, but it is an excellent opportunity before him.

The gesture that was first put in front of the Carolyn County Lord was nothing more than a play.

Moreover, his acting skills are not very good. If you change to Kennard, it will be much more realistic than him at this time.

But if you change to Kennard, I am afraid that it will not be so direct to the Caroline County Lord.

These thoughts flashed through my mind. Xu also nodded to Caroline County and continued: "It is no problem to help you, but I am not selfless, but I have to make some requests."

This is naturally not the expectation of Caroline County, she nodded, Jiao smiled: "This is of course no problem. As long as you are willing to help, no matter what conditions you propose, we can negotiate. And these conditions , including me too..."

Staring at the charming eyes and smiles of Caroline County, Xu is still clear-cut, and he said: "The county magistrate, this time, involves five million gold coins. And I believe that there is no one in this world. A woman’s ** can be worth as much as five million gold coins."

Carolyn County’s main face suddenly changed.

Xu Yi’s words are clearly to treat her as a woman who sells her own.

However, when I think about it, what is the difference between what she just said and her betrayal?

I figured this out, Caroling County’s main face suddenly changed, and only felt humiliating, angry, helpless, and deeply sad.

Xu also quietly looked at her for a while, and suddenly grabbed her hand again, and the voice was much softer.

"At the same time, I also believe that in this world, no woman's mind can be bought by simply relying on five million gold coins."

Caroline County’s chief glimpsed a little, looked up at the sacred eyes, and had a very incomparable look. He only felt that a strange emotion was pouring into his heart. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!