Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 25: An unusually smooth throne

Severini snorted: "Why do you ask?"

Xu also spread his hands: "Isn't this a very common problem? When I encounter such a thing, I feel that crying is a normal reaction, and it is a matter of course. Isn't it? And in general, crying is very capable of venting the emotions of the heart, right people. It is good."

Severni looked at Xu Yi in a complicated way and shook his head gently: "No, I have already lost this qualification. Your question is meaningless to me. Xu also, since you are here, we still discuss Let's get down to business. Now that the father has passed away, the older brother takes over the throne according to the father's life. I think... you and your new flying chamber of commerce may have to do some preparation in advance..."

Severini, who looked at the words and stopped, couldn’t help but smile.

"His Royal Highness, what is your warning about this position?"

"Just... as a friend's position." Servini sighed softly. "Because I am not now the royal girl of your mouth, and after a while, I should not be the city owner of Bangta."

Xu also stared at Severini: "That is, are you going to accept it completely?"

"Why not?" Servini smiled. "The greatest wish of the father's life is to hope that the whole kingdom will become rich and strong. I don't want to let the whole kingdom fall into turmoil like me more than ten years ago, destroying the hope of the father."

Xu also sighed and shook his head gently: "Your decision will disappoint many people."

Sevigny gave Xu a look: "Do you also include you?"

"Yes." Xu also nodded.

The smile on Servini’s face is even bitter.

"It seems that you are no different from those people after all. Because I can't get on the throne and bring you the desired benefits, I will be disappointed with me."

"No. I am not disappointed with this because of this. I am disappointed with your stupidity." Xu Yidao.

I heard Xu’s so straightforward evaluation. Severini couldn’t help but squint.

"Stupid? Maybe. But compared to your expectations, I feel that this decision is the most disappointing decision of the father. Since the father has chosen the eldest brother, then of course I should support him, not the father. Just passed away, let the kingdom into turmoil."

"I understand your thoughts, but still have to say... This idea is very stupid." Xu is also rude. "Servini, let alone the doubts hidden by the death of the King and the legacy. Do you really think... His Royal Highness Prince Eric is on the throne, is it good for the Kingdom of Lampari?"

Severini’s eyebrows were deep and wrinkled, and Xu Yi said with a serious look: “Xu Yi, although I regard you as my friend. But I must solemnly warn you, I don’t want to hear any doubts about Eric from your mouth. This is a disrespect for him and a disrespect for me."

Looking at the serious expression of Sevigny, Xu also sighed.

"Well, I won't discuss these issues with you anymore. But Servini, are you going to Anwarmar to attend the funeral of His Majesty the King?"

Severini suddenly showed his eyebrows: "What? Do you want to be like those people and advise me not to participate?"

"No. I will not do such inhuman counseling, and I know that you will never accept it." Xu also shook his head. "But I really hope... you must be careful."

Sevigny smiled slightly: "Do not worry. I have made a decision. Big Brother can't do anything to me at this time."

"I hope so." Xu also shrugged. "Well, I have seen from history books the tragedy that happened when countless kings alternated. This time, the Kingdom of Lampari can make a smooth handover under your wise decision of Servini, maybe it is indeed a piece of the whole kingdom. Good thing."

Sevigny showed his first heartfelt smile since he met.

"Xu Yi, you are the first to say this to me, or do you understand my mind best."

Xu also smiled and said nothing.

After a pause, Xu also said: "Since you have made a decision, I have not affected your qualifications. I only hope that you can properly handle the matter afterwards. As for me... As you said, I need I am prepared to do more than you. Because the difficulties I face with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce may be much more serious than yours."

"Do not worry, I have passed with the big brother, he promised that I will not be embarrassed, you do not have to worry."

Xu also looked at Sevigny, who finally recovered the usual warm smile, and sighed in his heart.

Why did the same grow in the royal family, but Servini can maintain such a naive character?

If he is as innocent as Severini, I am afraid that the final result is that **** will not be left...


Although the condition of Lampari XIII has been passed out very early, it is not surprising that it will eventually pass away. However, because of his death, the replacement of the throne and the transfer of power still make many people worry about Lampari. The king's congress was therefore in turmoil.

After all, before this, the battle between His Royal Highness Prince Eric and His Royal Highness Servini’s throne has almost become a fact on the bright side. Many aristocrats in the kingdom have even been clearly divided into two groups to support two. people.

Now that Lampari XIII suddenly passed away, everyone is worried that in order to compete for the throne, the two sides in the kingdom who support the two are very likely to have a fight, and serious civil war may even occur.

However, all this was worried, but a public statement by Princess Servini disappeared.

In this public statement published in the Bangta Daily, Princess Servini expressed strong support for the death of Lampari XIII, supported Prince Eric to the throne, and said that he immediately resigned as the seat of the city of Bangta. At the same time, it removes all the duties related to the specific affairs of the kingdom, including the important seat of the kingdom parliament.

After the public statement was issued, Princess Servini did indeed do what she said in her statement. After the public statement was issued, Princess Servini was only present at the funeral of Lampari XIII. Show off one side. Then disappeared in front of everyone. No more news about her can be obtained.

Because of this series of actions by Princess Servini. Coupled with the same statement of Prince Miham, Prince Eric follows the life of Lampari XIII and has successfully reached the throne, officially becoming the new king of the Kingdom of Lampari, and also makes the entire Lampa Concerns about civil strife in the Kingdom of the Kingdom have completely subsided.

For everyone, this is undoubtedly a very good situation.

The smooth handover of the throne is undoubtedly the best news for the Kingdom of Lampari.

There is no trouble with civil strife. With the current development trend and speed of the Lampari Kingdom, it will develop rapidly in a short period of time and become a truly powerful kingdom!


Three months have elapsed since the grand funeral of the last King’s Maharaja thirteenth. Bangta has long since emerged from the atmosphere of sadness and horror that filled the whole process before, and has been shrouded in the heat of early summer. The whole city has a sizzling heat.

Although Bonta City has now changed to a city owner, the time of the next city owner, His Royal Highness Servini, is even shorter than the previous Earl of Stark. It has not been for a year, but in these few months, The new city owner is not as worried as everyone in Bangta City. Like the Earl of Stark, the policy of suppressing business and promoting agriculture is implemented.

So Bangta City is still as hot as it used to be. Even more prosperous than before the death of Lampari XIII.

Seeing the summer, for the home magic machinery, the annual best-selling season is coming, and the chambers of commerce that produce home magic machinery in Bangta City have long been full of strength, and began to use their own home magic. The machinery is vigorously promoted.

Among them, especially the magic fan brand is the most numerous.

In addition to the new flying magic fans that are of course the most attention, there are now as many as seventeen magic fan brands in Bangta.

Because the magic fan is the earliest product of the new Feishang transfer technology, coupled with the technical content of the magic fan is not too high, so after several years of development, other brands of magic fans are currently in terms of quality, performance, etc. They are not much different from the new flying magic fan.

Plus the price is much lower than the new flying magic fan, so the sales of these magic fans are not bad now.

It may not be seen in the city of Bangta, but in the city outside Bangta City and the surrounding cities, other brands of magic fans have begun to quietly seize a lot of markets, and gradually become able to compete with the new flying magic fan. .

In addition to the magic fan, this year, many home business associations began to develop and produce the magic power of the magical air conditioner, the magic freezer, the magic refrigerator, etc., which are very suitable for summer use according to the technology transferred by the new company.

Although in these home magic machines, the products of other chambers of commerce and the products of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce are quite different in all aspects, but because of the low price, they have also obtained a certain market in other places.

So although it has entered the summer, the factories of the major chambers of commerce in Bangta City are all working hard all day, and they are constantly producing a variety of home magic machines.

On the various roads connecting Bangta City, there are almost always a large number of cargo magic machines and freight wagons that have not yet been completely replaced.

No matter which car, it is loaded with all kinds of goods, from Bangta City, to other parts of the Kingdom of Lampari, and even to places outside the Kingdom of Lampari.

For example, the Principality of Constantine, such as the Principality of Drake, such as the Principality of Rulson, or even the Kingdom of Sark...

In addition to the land transportation that is mainly responsible for the Fellow Cars and Horses, the river transportation of Bangta City is also increasingly developed because of the opening of the Sanglang Canal.

The Porter Chamber of Commerce currently has as many as 34 large cargo ships and 73 small and medium-sized cargo ships. Because of its convenient loading, it is now very popular among the major chambers of business in Bangta City, which totals 107 cargoes. The boat can be filled almost every day, passing through the Sanglang Canal, back and forth between the Sandy River and the Rum River, the most important rivers in the Kingdom of Lampari, and transporting the goods to every city connected to the river.

"If the father can see such a prosperous scene with his own eyes, I think he will be very happy..."

A sigh sighed on the shore of the Sandy River, not far from Bangta City. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!