Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 3: Population is not equal to manpower

Sevigny looked at the statistical report in his hand, and his eyebrows picked up slightly.

“It seems that this year, Bangta City is flooding with more migrants than last year. It is only a rough statistics of the migrant population in the first half of the new year, but it shows that more than 50,000 foreigners have entered Bangta City, and this is still It does not include many people who have no way to count statistics. If they are counted, it is likely that they will approach 100,000 people."

Xu also smiled slightly: "Is there anything wrong with this? Bangta City is lacking in people everywhere. It depends on the local residents of Bangta City. It is certainly not enough to meet such a large manpower gap. It is necessary to join the outside population. Don't forget. At the peak of Nebunta City last year, there were more than 200,000 migrants."

"But from the current trend, this year's failure will go far beyond the figure of 200,000. Maybe... it will be more than 300,000." Servini shook his head and looked worried.

"The more the better." Xu also shrugged his face indifferently. "Not only is our new flying business association, I feel that all the chambers of commerce in the city are probably very happy about this situation. There is no way, there are too few people to use."

Severini glanced at her: "You don't need to come to control, of course you feel relaxed. You know that the local population of Bangta City is less than 100,000, but now it has poured into 200,000...even three 100,000 people from other places, I am a city owner, I really feel a lot of pressure."

"It's a good thing to be stressed." Xu also laughed. "Dear Dear Queen, the more stressful, the more you can show your outstanding ability? Think about it, if this year, Bangta City will flood more than 300,000 foreigners. Then the total population...even May beyond the city of Anvilmar?"

Severini nodded gently: "Well, according to last year's statistics, the resident population of Anweimar City is about 200,000. If you have a foreign population, it will probably be around 400,000."

"So, if you can lead such a city to peaceful and normal development, how admirable it is. If you can do this well, I think even those who oppose you can only be against you. Admiration for the ability to handle government affairs. This is very helpful for you to board the throne." Xu also looked serious.

"Where to the throne?" Servini smiled. I glanced at the report in my hand and sighed softly: "In this preliminary statistical report of the migrant population, we can find a very strange problem. That is, this year we have looked at the migrant population from the northwest and north provinces of the Kingdom, to be precise It is from the border of the Kingdom near the Sark Kingdom."

Xu also narrowed his eyes and snorted softly: "The civilians on the northern border, although not in a high position, do not mean that they are stupid. They are unsustainable to stay there and be exploited by a certain prince. In the future, there may be dangers to life. It is better to find a way to escape from it. And our Bangta City is one of the best choices."

Severini glanced at Xu and looked a little surprised: "Where did you receive any news from?"

Xu also shook his head. "No, I didn't pay special attention to this problem. Only a few days ago, relatives of two researchers from the Institute of Magic Research of the Chamber of Commerce moved from the northern border. I plan to settle in Bangta. I saw them. By the way, I asked them about their situation in the north and why they had to move to Bangta City. I know a little bit about it."

“Two researchers? Is Evetta Dean and Akali Senior Researcher?” asked Servini.

Xu Yiyi said: "Your Royal Highness, you know it is quite clear."

Sevigny smiled lightly and did not answer the question in Xu Yi’s eyes. Instead, he pointed out that the report in his hand continued to ask: "So the president, the foreign population that may enter the Bangta City this year may break through. 300,000. In addition to the 200,000 people who have been working in Bangta City last year, are you sure to digest more than 100,000 people?"

Xu also frowned. "This should be something that your city owner thinks about. What does it have to do with me?"

Sevigny showed a sly smile: "Who will let you be the closest partner of the city's main government, Xu Hui, are you the most powerful helper of my city?"

Xu also shook his head helplessly: "I said the lord of the city. Are you relying on me?"

"What about it?"

Looking at the playful smile that Servini rarely showed, Xu also rolled his eyes and stood up.

"This matter is related to the entire Bangta City. We can't just let a new Chamber of Commerce a hard-working chamber to fight hard, and the outside group can't let go."

The two left the private office of Servini and went to the largest conference hall in the city's main government.

At this time, in the conference hall, there are representatives of the presidents of various chambers of commerce in Bangta City, including not including the President of the Amrit Chamber of Commerce, the President of the Falcao Chamber of Commerce, and the Frank. The president of the Chamber of Commerce, the president of the Chamber of Commerce of the Armani Chamber of Commerce, and the president of the oversized chamber of commerce, including many smaller chambers of commerce.

Even the Irish Chamber of Commerce, which has not been in the city for two years, the vice president of Kovac is also present at the table.

Of course, his position was arranged in a corner position, which was not conspicuous at all.

When I saw Servini and Xu also walked into the conference room, the representatives of the Chamber of Commerce who had been talking about it stopped.

The eyes swept over Xu Yi and Servini. There was no unexpected expression on the faces of the people. Instead, they all passed a smile.

Xu Yi and Servini have close ties, which is something that everyone in Bangna City knows very well.

Although today's meeting was a Bunta City New Year Business Planning Council proposed by His Royal Highness Princess Sevigny in the name of the City House, almost all the Chamber of Commerce representatives of a certain size in Bangta City were convened.

However, of course, she will make some exchanges with Xu in advance, and no one will have any objection to Xu’s special treatment.

Don't say that the entire Bangta City urban renewal project is the responsibility of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, just because last year's Xinfei Chamber of Commerce actually surpassed the old supermarkets of Bangla City, such as the Salak Chamber of Commerce, the Falcon Chamber of Commerce, the Armani Chamber of Commerce, and became the Bonta. Xu is also eligible to receive this privilege in a city that pays the most taxation.

Although the conference table was filled with people, the house was crowded with the room, but the first position on the left hand side closest to the chairman’s seat was vacant.

Xu also unknowingly sat down in this position, smiled and said hello to the representatives of the surrounding presidents, then turned to look at Sevigny.

The result of Servini, who was condensed by everyone around her eyes, was not nervous. She has been the owner of Bangta City for half a year. She has now fully adapted to the position of the city owner. In the face of the major chambers of commerce representatives, the mentality is extremely relaxed. Calm, not like a young girl in her early twenties, but more like a mature politician.

"The president and representatives of the Chamber of Commerce, everyone happy new year." Servini first said a greeting, then took out the documents that had been prepared, let the assistants distribute it, and began a short speech.

Although the presentation time is not long, the content is not simple.

In this short speech, Sevigny showed praise for the contribution of Bangta City to the Bangta City by major chambers of commerce last year, and then encouraged everyone to make more efforts in the new year.

Next, she began to ask specific requirements.

For example, in the new year, the city government requires that the major chambers of commerce must give priority to the credibility, and must not cause any damage to the reputation of the entire city of Bangta City.

Secondly, she also asked the major chambers of commerce to actively participate in the joint construction of Bangta City and give full play to their social responsibilities.

At this point, Servini focused on the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and took the initiative of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce to donate 100 medium-sized passenger magic locomotives to the city government to strengthen the city's public transportation in Bangta City. Some praise.

Upon hearing the speech of Servini, the representatives of the presidents of the chambers of commerce here immediately said that they would also learn from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Among them, President Morgan of the Falcon Chamber of Commerce offered to build a rescue station outside the city to provide assistance to the residents of Bangta City who encountered difficulties.

The President of the Armani Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Vincent, offered to provide a set of winter clothing and bedding for all the 60-year-olds in Bangta City, and also provide support for the elderly who are no one to support their basic life. .

As for other chambers of commerce, they also proposed different levels of free grants according to the size of their chambers of commerce, which was in response to Servini’s call.

After saying this, Servini quickly introduced the topic to a pragmatic issue.

The first point is how to digest and resolve the large number of migrants that Bangta City is about to flood into.

Upon hearing this question, the representatives of the presidents of the major chambers of commerce made a funny smile.

Everyone said that no matter which chamber of commerce is now very lacking, the more foreign people who want to enter the city of Bangta, the better.

Don't say that there are more than 100,000 people than last year. Even if there are more than 200,000 people, everyone agrees that they have all confidence to eat.

However, at this time, Xu also raised a question.

"Please calm down first." Xu also stood up and looked around, waiting for everyone to be quiet, his eyes focused on his body, and continued: "I understand everyone's desire for manpower, and I know that all chambers of commerce in the city are facing The fact of being absent. But I think... everyone has overlooked a very important issue."

Everyone looked at each other and the president of the Falcon Chamber of Commerce frowned and asked: "What problem?"

Xu also smiled slightly: "The problem is that the population is not equal to manpower." (To be continued)