Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 31: deep cooperation

The so-called nobles, of course, are relative to civilians.

On Earth, the obvious class division has long since been eliminated, but in the world of the semi-feudal and semi-slave society on the Sains continent, there are still extremely clear and distinct class divisions. .

At the top, it is the nobility.

Slave, who has no human rights and can even kill at will, regardless of ordinary civilians, the nobles will not only enjoy respect on the surface, but also be at a higher level. More specifically, they can enjoy a lot. privilege.

For example, the nobility can be an official, the nobility can reduce some of the commercial tax, the aristocrats can have a private carriage, the aristocrats can not see the king when he sees the majesty, the nobles can...

In short, a lot of privilege that only nobles can enjoy, clearing the nobility and the civilians clearly, clearly distinguishing the regions, making the aristocratic identity, can be born superior to civilians, and completely overlook the civilians in status.

Although there is this more gradual division within the nobility, it is almost another world thing relative to the civilians, so no matter who they are, once they acquire the aristocratic status, they will do everything possible to upgrade their aristocratic status. At the very least, you should try to keep your aristocratic identity so that you can retain the privileges enjoyed by the nobility.

In the history of the mainland of Sainz, only the nobility was forcibly deprived of aristocratic identity because of certain contraindications, but never even a nobleman would take the initiative to renounce the identity of the nobility.

Probably only in the fantasy novels that girls like to watch, the actor who is a nobleman will be the civilian woman they love. Would rather give up the nobility. Violating the will of the family. Also be with a civilian woman.

In reality, if any nobleman does this, then even the girls who usually like to read such novels will definitely rebuke this nobleman as an idiot.

Even if you give a nobleman a lover, it is the dream of almost all civilian women, but if the nobleman loses his aristocratic identity, what is the meaning of this dream?

So, no matter from which point of view. It is impossible for any noble to take the initiative to give up the aristocratic identity that is not easy to get, because it means that he has given up a lot of privileges and benefits brought about by the aristocratic identity.

Unless this person is an idiot.

But... is Xu also an idiot?

As the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, he founded the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and developed the New Flying Chamber of Commerce into a leading chamber of commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari in less than four years, and promoted the creation of the magic industrial system. And perfection, thus affecting the entire Bangta City, so that the city of Bangta, which was previously considered a remote town, is now the economic center of the kingdom. Who owns such a capability, who dares to say that he is an idiot?

However, Xu Yi has made something that is idiotic to everyone.

He actually took the initiative to propose to the Royal Palace. Voluntarily give up your aristocratic identity!

The news was transmitted through the Bangta Daily and confirmed by the Lampari Weekly. Everyone was shocked.

No one would think that Xu is an idiot, but no one can understand his move to give up his aristocratic status, so why... Why?

Why is he doing this?

"I said it very long ago. For this aristocratic identity, I have always been very concerned about it. If I give up, I will give up. It is no big deal." Xu also responded with a smile.

Servini stared at Xu for a long time, and his expression was full of doubts.

"I know that you don't value the nobility, but Xu also, you have to admit that this aristocratic identity has brought a lot of convenience to you and the new club. Isn't it? At the very least, it is because of the status of the Viscount, you In order to have such a large territory, most of the factory facilities of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce can be placed on the territory, thus saving a lot of cost to the new Feishang Chamber. Is this not what you told me before?"

"Well, it is true that this is true." Xu also nodded gently, and immediately turned around. "But Sevigny, have you ever thought about it, my aristocratic identity, and this territory, and the various benefits that the territories brought to the Chamber of Commerce, where did they come from?"

"Do you still ask? Of course it is because of you..." Servini suddenly stopped.

She suddenly thought that Xu was able to become an extremely rare aristocrat who was promoted from civilians after the founding of the Kingdom of Lampari. It was entirely because of the appreciation of Lampari XIII.

Then Xu was promoted from the Baron to the Viscount, and even specially granted him a territory far beyond the ordinary standard, and also allowed him to retain the identity of the merchant, which is because the Lampari XIII was given for appreciation. His special privileges.

When Lampari XIII was alive, of course there was no problem.

The problem, however, is that Lampari XIII is no longer there.

"But you don't need to give up on your own initiative?" After thinking about it, Servini was still puzzled. "If you don't say anything, you will lose your aristocratic status. You can't count as your private territory if you fall into the rainy valley. Because the conveniences and privileges brought by the private territories are not available, your new flying business will be It will be directly included in the management of Bangta City, which may be very problematic."

Seeing that Sevigny was worried, Xu also laughed.

"Well, in order not to worry you, I will tell you the truth. In fact, this is an agreement I reached through the Lord of Camadou and King Erik. Um... it can be considered a deal."

"Transaction?" Servini frowned. "But I can't see the benefits that you or the new Flyer will get from this transaction."

"Benefits... If I say that our Chamber of Commerce now has real free trade, what do you think?"

“Real freedom of trade? What about it?” Servini asked sullenly.

“In particular, our New Flying Chamber of Commerce can completely control the trade with other countries and regions without having to report to the Kingdom Council and the Commercial Department every time. Later, when our Chamber of Commerce conducts foreign trade. It will be much more convenient."

Severini frowned: "Is this not disguised to support your smuggling?"

Xu also immediately glanced at his eyes: "Hey, the royal girl, the meal can be eaten indiscriminately, but the words can not be said indiscriminately. Although it is not necessary to report for approval every time, in fact, every once in a while, our Chamber of Commerce still has to go to the Commercial Department. If you report, and the tariff is not a gold coin, how can it be smuggled?"

Sevigny gave him a blank look: "I don't believe that you have to work so hard to get this condition, it will be so honest."

Xu Yiwei smiled: "I think King Eric should not believe it, but he still agreed to my condition. Why do you think it is?"

"Of course, because the conditions you promised to give him are very good." Servini sighed deeply. "Xu Yi, I don't know what you are thinking about, but I must warn you that you have lost your aristocratic identity. You have lost the best means of protecting you and the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the kingdom. If... I am If you say, if Eric Brother wants to do something for you or the new club, it will be much easier than before."

Xu also shrugged: "Do you think that if you have a noble status, will he really be scrupulous? Don't forget, when the King was still there, the aristocratic parliament could do something that directly deprived me of my aristocratic status. Now let them Once again, I think they must have no psychological barriers."

Sevigny silently, after a while, asked: "I am afraid that the transaction between you is not so simple, I think ... whether you or Eric, will not be reconciled?"

Xu also smiled and nodded: "Of course. If it is just for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce to obtain free trade rights, then this transaction actually has no meaning to me. So in addition to taking the initiative to give up the nobility, and return the territory to the aristocratic parliament, In addition to the inclusion of the new Feishang in the management system of Bangta City, I have reached other agreements with His Majesty King Eric."

Severini looked at Xu and looked at it for a moment. He asked: "Listen to what you mean, should this part of the agreement be related to the whole magical industrial system of Bangta City?"

"Yes. My request to King Eric is to cancel the special commercial tax on magical machinery, treat the Chamber of Commerce that produces magical machinery and other chambers of commerce in the same kingdom. It also requires the Royal Parliament to continue to introduce policies to promote the magic industry. It is best to continue to maintain the previous preferential policies and special care for Bangta City."

"He promised?" Servini was a little surprised.

"Why don't you agree?" Xu also smiled. "I have already made it clear through the Lord of Camadou. The kingdom finances need money. This is understandable, but it is not a long-term practice to crush the magic industry. Only by continuing to promote the healthy development of the magic industry can the kingdom get the most benefit from it. King Eric is not an idiot, how can he not understand this simple truth."

"He didn't understand, but couldn't do it." Servini sighed. "The people behind him forced him to be too tight. Xu also, can you let them agree to this condition, presumably have paid a very big price? It is not enough to simply include the new Feishang Association in Bangta City management. ”

"Of course not enough." Xu also nodded with a smile. "The greedy guys are only interested in the interests, then I will give them the best interests. I have reached an agreement with His Majesty King Eric, and will cooperate with the Royal Magic Industry Management Agency to designate the management The ten chambers of commerce have completely transferred a series of magic machinery related technologies that our new Feishang Association has."

Servini looked at Xu Yi with a shock: "Are you crazy?" (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!