Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 40: Then don't cooperate

Sam grimaced and pushed the bicycle through the focus line.

Looking at Alex, who was accepting the congratulations from the distance and smiling, Sam spit in the air and spit into the ground, whispering a low voice.

This is not the first Alice to cross the finish line, but the Anger bike next to him.

If it weren't for this **** bicycle, he might have the hope that the first one would cross the finish line, not only won the championship's generous reward, but also the extra reward of the one hundred gold coins.

But everything was destroyed on this **** bike!

If it weren't for the **** bicycle chain that kept falling off the road, causing him to stop and re-run the chain, he couldn't delay it for so long, leading to the end of the night.

You know, at this time last year, when Sam participated in the new Feishang Motorcycle Cycling Tournament, although he did not win the championship, but with only 60 hours of the entire journey, he only took less than three hours, but he slammed into the top ten. There is a real limelight.

Thinking of the difference between last year and this year, Sam was more angry and couldn't help but squat on the rear wheel of the bicycle.

However, he was so stunned that the rear wheel of the bicycle actually made a few bangs, but several screws fell from the top.

Then, the rear wheel of the bicycle actually fell off the frame directly and fell to the ground.

Sam stared at the flat rear wheel on the ground, his face incredible.

Have you made a mistake!

He bought the bicycle for less than a week. It was only a few days ago to prepare for the race. It is probably not used for more than 500 kilometers until today. Is it so bad?

"Haha. There is another one worse than us." There was a burst of laughter behind me. It made Sam turn his head in anger.

But when he turned around, he was still asleep.

Behind him, there are quite a few young people who are about the same age as him, and they are pushing a bicycle across the finish line.

Sam swept his eyes and found that the bicycles that were pushed in the hands of these people were all Anjie Te.

"Hey, is your bicycle broken?" Sam couldn't help but be angry and couldn't help but ask.

A group of people looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

"Yeah. I only ran halfway, and the pedal was knocked out by me. I couldn't speed it up."

"You are just a good pedal. If you look at me, this handlebar is twisted by me! I can't even control the direction."

"Oh, your car is at least complete, look at my car. I walked all the way, and its parts fell all the way. Although it was not like this man, even the rear wheel fell, but I watched It won’t take long for the whole to fall apart.”

"Oh. Me too, I have too many problems. I almost came over."

"me too."

"me too……"


After everyone complained about it, a young man suddenly sighed and said: "Hey, I should listen to my mother's advice, and I will look for a new flying card to buy. What kind of **** Anjiete bicycle is just like the same. quality."

"Yeah, the new flying card I used to buy has been bought for more than two years. I almost have to ride it to work every day, running at least 20 kilometers per day. But for a long time, it is dirty. A little bit, some places are worn out, and there is almost no difference from the new one, let alone a look like this.

"Well, the new flying bicycle in my house is also, what bad roads have run, but it is very strong, and there will be very few problems."

"I am also. Hey, why didn't the new Feishang Association launch their multi-speed road bike earlier? If it was introduced earlier, I wouldn't buy this **** Anjiet bike, wasting ten pieces. gold."

"That is, if the new Feishang will get out of their bicycles earlier, I will not buy anything from other chambers of commerce."

"Yeah yeah……"


Listening to the people who began to miss the quality and durability of the new flying bicycle, Sam could not help but smile.

Before, he also laughed at the sorcerer’s sorrow, and only looked for the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce. He did not understand the acceptance of new things. Now, after receiving the lesson, Sam discovered that the view of Sakozy’s dad is the most correct. of.

"Hey, everyone, can't we just forget it?" One suddenly said.

"Well? What do you mean?"

"You see, the longest one of us has bought Anjit bicycles in less than half a month? But now these bicycles have become like this. In such a short period of time, there is such a big problem, don't we not Should Ange's Chamber of Commerce be required to compensate us?"

When I heard the "compensation", everyone was excited, and only one person was worried.

“The Anjiete Chamber of Commerce seems to have a strong backstage. How can we get them to pay compensation?”

"Hey, how strong is the backstage, can we still sell some of our inferior products casually? Do you want to compensate? Then we will make trouble! Let this matter be completely noisy, and see who will buy their chambers later. thing!"

"Yes! Just do it!"

"Okay, we should be like this..."


When a group of young people discussed how to find the Anjiete Chamber of Commerce to seek compensation to make up for their losses, the president of the Anjiete Chamber of Commerce, Wei Luoer An Jie Te, stood in front of Heinze and asked Heinze Compensate him.

"Heinze, the vice president, why didn't you tell me about the new bicycles before the launch of the new bicycles? Do you know how big the bicycle sales will be caused by the sudden launch of new bicycle products? The impact? The resulting loss, how do you compensate us?"

Heinze slightly frowned, raised his hand and wiped off the sputum star sprayed by President An Jiete, and said: "We have launched a new product in the Chamber of Commerce. It seems that we have not informed you of the need in advance?"

President Anjiete suddenly became furious: "Of course it is necessary! Have you forgotten it? When President Xu signed a technology transfer agreement with us, it was clearly marked. Your new company will be comprehensive in product development. Sharing. As a result, now you are not only secretly developing new products. At the same time, you have not shared any related technologies with us. Are you going to break the contract?"

Heinze shook his head: "This is not a new product that has been secretly developed. This is exactly the same technology that was used in the so-called road bike that you introduced before."

"Nonsense!" President Anjiet yelled: "Other aspects will be forgotten. What do you say about the transmission above?"

Heinze squinted and shook his head without changing his color: "I am very embarrassed that the transmission is not developed by our Chamber of Commerce. The technology is not in the hands of our Chamber of Commerce. We don't even want to share it. ”

“Impossible!” President An Jiete said categorically: “How could this kind of thing not be developed by your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce? How can other chambers of commerce have this kind of R&D capability besides your new Feishang Chamber of Commerce?”

Hein’s pretense surprised the president of Anjiete: “President Anjiet, I remember very clearly. At the beginning, Xu’s president told you that the foundation of the magic industry and the most important things are in technology research and development. You are very confident to claim that since our new competitors will be able to develop new technologies and new products, then your Anjiete Chamber of Commerce is no problem."

President An Jiete looked awkwardly. After a moment of silence, this was a slight swaying gesture: "No matter these, in short, this transmission is now shared by our new agreement, and it should be shared according to our previous agreement. ""

"I just said that this is not the technology of our Chamber of Commerce. I can't just take it over to you. This is a patent protection bill."

Seeing Heinze’s resoluteness, President An Jiete’s eyes turned. Changed: "Well, you told me which technology was developed by the Chamber of Commerce. I will go to them to propose technology transfer."

Heinze gently shook his head: "Sorry, the other party asks for confidentiality, so... no comment."

President An Jiete suddenly became furious: "What is the meaning of Vice President Heinze? ​​I want you to share this technology. You said that this technology does not belong to your new flying business association. This is no problem, I am now I ask you which technology is developed by the Chamber of Commerce. You are not willing to tell me? Are you not planning to continue to cooperate with us? Ah?"

Heinze’s face sank and he snorted: “President Anjiete, I solemnly remind you that now you want to cooperate with our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, instead of our Xinfei Chamber of Commerce volunteering to cooperate with you. You Say we don't plan to continue to cooperate? Well, then let's end this cooperation, I don't have any opinions!"

"Ah?" President Anjiet did not think that Heinze was always smiling, and the guy who looked like a good old man suddenly became so hard and overbearing.

Really not working? Don't say that President Anjiet dare not say that I am afraid that none of them will dare to say this in any of the ten chambers of commerce.

If he really collides with Heinze, and the new Flyer will end up with the technology sharing cooperation between them and the ten chambers of commerce, the big guys behind him will definitely let him die!

Thinking of this, President Anjiet suddenly burst into a cold sweat, rubbed his forehead behind him, and quickly changed his face to smile.

"This...Heince Vice President, I just said casually, don't take it too seriously. Since the Chamber of Commerce is asking for confidentiality, it is right that you don't tell me. This is related to the credibility of your new flying business association. I am too abrupt, I am sorry."

Heinze snorted heavily: "It’s late!"

After that, Heinze took out a document from his arms and handed it over to President Anjiete.

"This is the document that the president has already signed the name, and it will take effect from now on. I am here to officially inform you on behalf of the president, the technical sharing cooperation between our two chambers of commerce, so far. The agreement is invalid!"

"Ah?" President Anjiet looked at Heinze in a dull manner and couldn't believe his ears.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce actually ... unilaterally tore up the agreement signed by the two sides before?

They must be crazy! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!