Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 44: When the king is not happy

Eric stared at the documents in his hand and his brow was locked. (

After a long while, he sighed for a long time, put down the file, closed his eyes, pinched his nose and squeezed himself a little.

I have been reviewing the entire afternoon's papers. In addition to having a restroom, he does not have any rest time. Naturally, he feels very tired.

Looking at the documents that were still stacked on the table, Eric couldn't help but smile.

Before he reached the throne, he had been imagining that if he really became the king of the kingdom, it must be something satisfying and pleasant.

But when he really got on the throne, he only had a good time in the first few days. After nearly half a year, he was always entangled in annoying work, and he couldn’t have been a little idle.

Too busy and stressful life made him involuntarily remember the time when he was a prince.

At that time, he did not need to consider so many messy state affairs, he wanted to eat and eat, he wanted to sleep and slept, and he wanted to play how to play.

However, after becoming a king, because he was too busy, he not only slept badly, but even his meal was hard to squeeze out every day, and he was not free at all.

As for playing? Even when he was dreaming, he was reviewing the official documents!

Before he saw the busy appearance of his father’s review of the official document, he didn’t care much, but when he did it himself, he completely understood that being a king was really not a comfortable thing.

In fact, he is very clear that he always feels tired because he is not satisfied.

Why do you want to be a king? Of course it is because the king has the greatest power in this kingdom.

But after he became a king. I found that I have no control over this kingdom.

Whether it is to say or the next order. No one cares. What is the significance of the king’s deserving?


The door was suddenly knocked, and before Eric’s opening, it was already pushed open, and an unusually familiar figure came in.

Looking at this, I will always take an unusually steady pace. Every step seems to be a medium-aged man accurately measured with a ruler. The Eric barely squeezes a smile.

"Duke of Stark, is there something?"

Earl Stark bent slightly and bent, and it was a gift to Eric.

"Your Majesty. It is here to interrupt you, for the military budget meeting to be held three days later."

Earl Stark was calm, without a trace of undulation, and then heard Eric's ears, but let his heart jerk.

After a long silence, Eric asked: "Duke Stark, do you have any comments on this?"

"Yes." Duke Stark nodded. "I heard that His Majesty intends to raise the budget of the military department this year, especially to raise the budget of the Zhenbei Army, is it?"

Eric brows, thinking that he only slightly revealed the tone. The Duke of Stark found the door, and really did not give himself any space.

But he is just thinking about it. On the surface, I still smiled and said: "Well, I have this plan. According to the information, the Sark Kingdom seems to be moving again. In order to prevent the invasion of the Sark Kingdom, it is necessary to properly raise the budget of the military. Unexpectedly, the fiscal revenue of the kingdom this year is not bad. Adding some budget should not be a problem."

Earl of Stark was slightly indulged and asked: "Your Majesty, have you ever thought about a very important question?"

"what is the problem?"

"A year after next year, your loan to many nobles in the kingdom will expire. If you don't come out with this arrears, I am afraid you will lose a lot of important supporters."

"Arrears?" Eric frowned.

This so-called arrears is actually the various inputs of the aristocrats in the kingdom who supported him before he boarded the throne.

Only the former guys called this a donation, and when he got on the throne, he immediately counted the donations as debt and asked Eric to repay the debt.

The ten chambers of commerce designated by the Magic Industry Management Agency are actually these guys standing behind.

Eric has always been watching the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is not pleasing to the eye. In this name, not only will the New Flying Chamber of Commerce be rectified, but it can also be used as a replacement for arrears. For him, it is really a two-pronged one.

And let those technologies not only be in the hands of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce, but also very beneficial to the entire kingdom.

Therefore, Eric has been indulging in the various actions of the Magic Industry Management Agency against the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. The main purpose is to steal the proceeds that belonged to the New Flying Chamber of Commerce.

However, the time is still short, and the influence of the ten chambers of commerce on the market is still far less than that of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, there will not be much benefit from this one and a half, and the nobles said The arrears are still a very headache for Eric.

"But if the funds are repaid from the kingdom, the kingdom will be very nervous in all aspects next year." Eric is quite helpless.

In the past six months since I was on the throne, Eric found that he is more like a businessman than a king.

Because every day, almost all the time, he is worrying about money, even for a gold coin, a gold coin, a small amount of hair that he would not have been in mind before.

Only when he truly became a king did he understand how embarrassing the current Kingdom of Lampari is.

Although the overall financial revenue of the Kingdom of Lampari has been in a sustained and substantial growth in the past two years, according to statistics, the fiscal revenue for the whole year may not exceed 3 million gold coins.

If you put the money in a city, it’s pretty good, but if you put it in the country, it’s just a pity.

Do not say anything else, only military expenses.

Based on the financial statistics of Eric’s previous battles between the Northern Army and the Sark Kingdom, the average daily cost was between 50,000 and 70,000 gold coins.

The war with the Sark kingdom lasted for less than a month, and it has already cost more than one million gold coins.

And these battles are still not very intense. If it is really a full-scale war. Military spending is only going to double.

Of course. At that time, in order to create a momentum for Eric, the aristocrats who supported him in the kingdom invested heavily in the town's northern army, far more than the military expenses consumed by the former Northern Army.

However, even in accordance with the military spending standards of the former Northern Army, the military expenses of more than 100,000 gold coins must be guaranteed at least one year in non-war years.

Coupled with the other armies in the kingdom, the military budget of 300,000 gold coins per year before the military was simply stretched.

Eric personally went to the battlefield and saw the fierceness of the soldiers in the Sark Kingdom. He naturally understood that he must upgrade the strength of the Northern Army. In order to ensure the safety of the Kingdom of Lampari.

But the problem is... money.

The state's annual fiscal revenue is calculated according to three million gold coins. Aside from the basic administrative expenses of one million gold coins, plus various preferential subsidies for the nobility, it costs nearly one million gold coins.

If you have a million gold coins left, you will have to come up with some of the infrastructure needed to build the kingdom.

For example, a few days ago, the Agriculture Department proposed to rectify some farmland in the Kingdom before it was similar to Bangta City. The initial cost is estimated to be 200,000 gold coins.

Counting on other messy things, there are no more gold coins left.

It’s easier to squeeze out the military expenses of the minimum of 500,000 gold coins that Eric believes.

"Your Majesty, I understand your worries." Seeing the embarrassing look on Eric's face, Duke Stark smiled: "Priority to ensure the military power of the kingdom. This is of course necessary. But you do not need to deliberately increase military spending. Is it not to raise the military budget?"

Eric said: "How can the military strength be improved without raising military expenses? I have stayed in the Zhenbei Army. I understand very well. If there is no money, the soldiers will not even have enough food, how could they have What combat power?"

"It’s true to say this. But your Majesty, have you ever thought that the military’s military expenses are limited and difficult to upgrade? Then instead of using a limited military expenditure to support a large army, the actual combat power of these troops is simply not available. Guarantee, it is better to streamline the number of troops, take the elite route, but it is easier to improve combat effectiveness." Duke Stark said.

"Simplify the army?" Eric brows. "Duke Stark, there are currently less than 50,000 troops in our kingdom. This number is very difficult to defend the entire kingdom. If it is reduced, the kingdom is not full of loopholes? Can you defend against the Sark Kingdom, what about other aspects?"

"It's very simple." Duke Stark was obviously prepared, and smiled: "The king team is only responsible for the main defense goals. As for the secondary defense missions, the nobles like me naturally have the assistance to defend. Obligation."

Eric groaned: "What do you mean by this?"

"Take the example of the northwestern province where the North Army is mainly stationed. At present, in order to prevent the invasion of the Sark Kingdom, the Zhenbei Army not only stationed the northern border of the entire kingdom, but also laid a heavy army in the northwestern province. In my opinion, there is no such thing. Necessary. There are currently a total of seven private aristocratic territories in the northwestern province. These seven aristocratic families all have the responsibility of defending the territories, and they can fully assist them in sharing the defense tasks."

Eric shook his head: "That's how it works. This is the duty of the King's team. The private guards of the nobles are only responsible for defending their private territory, and how they can be involved in the defense of the kingdom's territory."

"Your Majesty, when you led the Northern Army to counter the Sark Kingdom, you also got the help of the private guards sent by many nobles. Now why don't you allow them to do their part?" See Eric Still hesitating, the Duke of Stark added a sentence. "The most important thing is that all the expenses of these noble private guards are solved by the nobles themselves, and the kingdom finances are not responsible. Can this save a lot of military expenses?"

Eric frowned and fell into meditation.

After a long while, his right hand unconsciously patted on the table and said gently: "This way... seems to be a way too..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!