Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 46: The orc family actually has weapons!

Compared with the four Chambers of Commerce, two years ago, when the four chambers of commerce began to create this production base in the black rice wilderness, the area of ​​the production base has now expanded by nearly ten times, covering a total area of ​​more than ten. Square kilometers can no longer be described as "base".

In addition to the various workshop factories that Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has built in the past six months, because of the large number of people moving in, it has gradually developed into a town.

At the beginning of the development here, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has made overall plans for the entire base and surrounding areas.

Similar to the establishment of a new urban area outside Bangta City, the new Feishang division will divide the area into two parts, the industrial area and the living area, and each place is very close to the overall planning facilities of the new urban area outside Bangta City.

For example, in this area, there are already dozens of roads extending in all directions. In addition to a road connecting to Bangta City, there is a southward connection to the Principality of Stadt, and the other one extends westward, pointing directly to the deep black rice. It is said that it will extend to the endless sea.

There is also a road to the north that is being planned.

According to the news released by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, this northbound road will be built to the junction of the Black Rice Wilderness and the Northern Sark Kingdom, and strive to connect with the road network in the northern part of the Lampari Kingdom.

If it is realized, the black rice wasteland will be equal to all the traffic routes leading to the surrounding area.

With the special location of the Black Rice Wilderness, it is enough to become the entire Kingdom of Lampari, and even the nearest hub to the endless sea in the west of the entire Sainz mainland.

For the moment, with the help of the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce, many of the factory buildings have been relocated, as well as two newly built two large-scale steelworks. It makes this place extremely prosperous.

Numerous large and small cargo magic locomotives carrying the new Flyer Chamber of Commerce and other commercial chambers that followed. Keep coming in and out from other places. Ship the goods in and transport the goods out.

This time, Sakchi and Barthol, commissioned by the Falcon Chamber of Commerce, transported a car of non-ferrous metal mines from Karamay City to the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Steel Plant.

Under normal circumstances, they will go back after the shipment, but the old man decided to move from Bangta City to the Principality of Stading, and then take a break from here and set off for the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. Ding Gongguo’s new base conducted a field visit.

In order not to waste this trip, they also intend to find a transportation mission to the Stambling Principal here.

It should be said that they are lucky. After the non-ferrous metal ore that was shipped to the new fly-making steel mill, the head of the steel mill, which is already familiar with Saccic’s father, gave him a batch of precision alloys that were newly smelted. The Flying Chamber of Commerce is located in the transportation work of the Principality of Stading.

Although the shipping cost of this transportation is not high, only the area is 20 gold coins, but the old man Sakchi still promised.

The medium-sized cargo magic locomotive was left in the steel mill for loading, and the old man Sakchi and the old Batru left the steelworks and went to the living area on the other side, ready to find a place to rest for one night.

Walking on the kilometer leading to the living area, Sergey looked at the bustling crowds around him, then looked at the familiar streetlights of the new Feishang Chambers on both sides of the road, and finally smashed the familiar factory workshops on both sides of the road. Can not help but send a feeling.

"Look, this place is no different from the new city of Bangta."

Bartru’s old man nodded. “Well. After all, it’s all planned by the president, and the style is no different.” It’s a bit strange to say that the road is far away. "Just for a few days, there are so many trees over there. At this speed, the black rice wasteland is afraid that it will soon be considered a wasteland."

Sakchi looked at the lushness of the distance and sighed: "The elves are strong on the tree planting, and even the black rice wasteland can be transformed into this. If they do this early, the black rice wasteland has long been It has been remodeled."

"Would you like the elves to do this? It’s just that the orcs have occupied the black rice wasteland before, and the elves are not allowed to come in." Barthol’s old man sighed: "Probably only the characters like President Xu can make The orc and the elves lived together peacefully, and the orc races agreed to the elves to transform the black rice wasteland."

"The orc family is not a fool. The new flying chamber of commerce now let them live a good life, of course, will listen to the words of the president. Besides, you want to live in the wilderness as an orc family? The environment of the black rice wasteland has become better, they Definitely also very happy." Sakchi said.

"Well, after all, the former black rice wasteland has no value. But now it becomes like this... Maybe it will make a lot of people tempted. Do you know if Xu has thought about this problem?" Some are worried about authenticity.

“Move your heart?” Sergey smiled and suddenly raised his finger to the far side of the road. "See you? If you want to think about it, ask them first."

Bartru’s old lady looked up and pointed in the direction pointed by Sakozy’s old man, and saw the road leading to the black rice wilderness, a series of magical locomotives covered by dozens of full-length steel plates and strange patterns. The dust of the sky, quickly coming to this side.

"These... Is it the law enforcement team of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce?" Bartru, looking at the magical locomotives in front of him, was amazed at his face. "God is on! Just relying on these magical locomotives, can they just rush straight?"

"But it's not. You see those magic machines... It seems to be called the Magic Armored Transporter. Are you shells, are they all blood?"

Bartru’s old eyes narrowed his eyes and saw that the magic armored transport vehicles were all covered in dark red, only to be stained with blood.

"How many orcs are they killing?" Barthol’s old man could not help but marvel.

"How do you know that? Anyway, I only know that the orc family on the black rice wasteland is very honest. This place has not been harassed and attacked by the orc race for a long time." Sergey laughed and said: "This group of orcs also Really deserved, it is necessary to provoke the president to be angry. Now the law enforcement team of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce went out to clean up every two days, they know the truth."

"The orc family is not the virtue of this kind of bullying and fear." Barthol, the old man also laughed.

Turn your head and look. However, they found that they were surrounded by people who were going to watch the magical armored transport vehicles. There are also a lot of orc people with different shapes.

However, I feel puzzled by Bartru. When these orc people saw these magic armored transport vehicles, they were all full of excitement and joy, but none of them showed even a little unhappy look.

Bartru’s old man couldn’t help but wonder.

The law enforcement team of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce went out to clean up the orc family. These guys are of the same family. There is no such thing as an angry expression. Why are they so happy?

Is the orc family such a passionate guy?

The fleet of twenty magic armored transport vehicles did not enter the industrial and living areas, but passed through the middle, under the crowd of a group of people. Directly entered the campsite of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards located northeast of the base.

The car had not stopped yet, and Hart jumped out of the car, stepping in, and strode into the office in the camp.

"Come back? How about this time? How much has it been killed?" The new Flying Chamber of Commerce Guards Dwarf Guard Captain Omar is doing a boring hand in the office with a huge iron ball to do the exercise. Seeing Hart coming in, he immediately laughs. Asked.

On the other side, the Elf Guard Captain Fario thought it would be much more delicate than Omar. At first glance, Hart’s face was a little bad, and his heart was slightly surprised.

"How? What's the accident? Is the loss big?"

"There is no loss. The orc family's rabbit scorpions are still not up to the brothers. But there is something wrong." Hart replied with a sigh of relief. Pull out a long sword and pat it on the table.

"What is this?" Omar and Fario looked at the sword.

"This is what I took from an orc," Hart explained.

Omar did not react, Fario looked. Some surprised: "The orc people actually have weapons?"

Fario took a long sword and looked at it slightly, frowning slightly.

"The craftsmanship of this sword is very good, and it is not like the orcs can make it themselves."

Ha feature nodded: "It's not just that. You see here..."

Hart took the long sword from Fario and leaned over to the handle of the pair. They pointed to the side of the sword and said: "Look at the curvature here, and the small gap here. I am sure that this handle The long sword is from the Sark Kingdom!"

"Sark Kingdom?" Omar and Fario were shocked. "How can it be related to the Sark Kingdom?"

"That's not known." Hart shook his head. "When I was in the service of the Northern Army, I played against the guys in the Sark Kingdom many times, so I can recognize them, but I don’t know how these orcs are related to the Sark Kingdom. If it’s just this With a long sword, I can still guess that the orc does not know where to get the hand. But this time we encounter these orcs, but each guy is equipped with weapons, which is somewhat unusual."

Omar and Fario looked at each other and their looks became dignified.

As Hart said, the orc family on the black rice wasteland is completely incapable of casting, and it has always been extremely poor. Even with the most basic life guarantees, it is difficult for them to have weapons.

Before the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guards were able to be invincible in the black rice wilderness, all the orcs were beaten to obey. In addition to the strong quality of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guards, the main reason lies in the weapons and equipment of both sides. gap.

The new **** escorts are equipped with a full set of equipment, and are equipped with a number of military military magical machines, while the orcs have no armor at all, and the weapons are just worn-out iron bars and even stones. Have.

Under such equipment gaps, how can the orc races resist the new Flyer Guards, which are also equipped with magic transport armored vehicles.

However, now Hart has discovered that the orc family encountered this time is generally equipped with weapons.

Although this does not pose any threat to the new Flyer Guard, this situation is very unusual and naturally caused the vigilance of the three.

Faro indulged for a moment and said to the two people: "In any case, report this to the president first."

Hart and Omar looked at each other and nodded. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!