Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 97: Telling

Looking at the elders of Lisangya driving the fire red magic car, as if a group of fires rushed away, disappeared at the far end of the horizon, Xu could not help but smile and shook his head.

The discussion with the elders of Lisangya gave him a feeling that it was not much different from talking with a human businessman. There was no such thing as a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere when communicating with Elder Elio, but he was nervous and forced to concentrate. , respond well.

But this way also makes him more adaptable, after all, he has more dealings with human businessmen.

Moreover, if the two sides put their respective interests in the clear position, in fact, the transaction and cooperation are simpler, as long as they are all needed.

Although the elders of Lisangya made a lot of demands, it was not difficult for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, and the solution that she finally proposed made Xu also feel incredible.

This solution is even simpler and more rude than the solution proposed by Amrit Chamber of Commerce.

`无`错's novel ``` Xu also proposed a plan to fill the roadbed and then lay the road on the roadbed, which was already exaggerated, but the plan proposed by the elders of Lisangya is more exaggerated.

Because she actually wants to use plants instead of the roadbed!

Xu also naturally has great doubts about this, because plants are always extremely weak in his impressions, how can they replace the roadbed and bear huge weight?

What's more, this roadbed is at the highest point and even 50 meters above the ground. What plants can grow to such an exaggerated height?

But the elders of Lisangya assured him that the elves had a solution to this problem, because the elves had previously notified the continent. Darnassus, the city of moonlight, the largest city of the Elves, is built on a huge tree of the world. That's what it takes to bear far more than the ordinary road needs to bear a lot of weight.

Now because of the decline of the elves. As a result, there is no tree of the world, but the elves still have a variety of special planting methods.

With the characteristics of these plants, it is completely possible to replace the roadbed as a load bearing.

Xu is very skeptical about this.

In his view, nothing else, the instability of the plant is enough to deny the possibility of using it instead of the roadbed.

Even if this chic road is repaired, it will be devastating for the entire road if the plants used for support are withered or grow to cause changes.

Due to the rigor of mechanical engineers, Xu also did not agree with this plan.

The elders of Lisangya did not insist that Xu also agree. Instead, let Xu also consider it and leave.

"If it is the legendary goddess of life, perhaps I will believe that there is such an exaggerated road." Xu also shrugged and took back the look of the magic car in the distance, turned around and immediately became stunned. "When are you coming?"

Sevigny showed a smile: "It’s been a while, but before you see that you are talking to the elders of Lisan, you won’t bother you."

Looking at Servini’s apparently thin face, Xu also sighed in his heart.

After Servini came here with her private guard, she settled in a corner of the private territory that Xu also arranged for her. I rarely go out on weekdays, but only occasionally come to chat with Xu Yi and Still. The rest of the time was said to be at home to read and paint, and became a full house lady.

This is completely inconsistent with the warm sunshine image of the previous Servini, but whether it is Xu or Steele patiently persuaded her, but still can not change any of her actions.

According to Steele, she noticed a "heart-to-heart" taste from Servini.

Xu also did not understand what happened to her. It suddenly became such a look. She couldn’t think of any way to comfort her. She could only watch Severini lose weight every day, and her face was rosy from the day before. Health becomes pale now.

In order to find out the truth, Xu also asked him to stay in a part of the relationship in the Kingdom of Lampari to find out, but still can not find any results.

However, from a message revealed by the Viscount Leslie, it was learned that King Eric did not indicate any attitude towards the private guards leaving the Lampari Kingdom, and the entire kingdom did not make any noise on the matter. It seems that His Royal Highness Servini did not belong to the Kingdom of Lampari.

This incident naturally reveals a stranger, but he did not say that he did not know, but Xu could not get the truth.

Xu also thought about it and found that he couldn't directly ask Servini about this aspect of the matter. He could only pretend to smile casually and ask: "Is there anything to come to me?".

Severini shook his head gently: "There is nothing, just feeling a little bored in the room, I want to go out."

"Well, I should go out and walk." Xu also said immediately. "If you are always at home, you will soon become a house girl."

Severini stunned Xu and glanced at him: "What does the house girl mean?"

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "It is the girl who lives and refuses to go out at home, it is called a house girl."

Sevigny couldn’t help but smile: "It doesn't sound like a good word, but it's quite interesting."

Seeing that Sevigny finally showed a happy smile, Xu also breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the sea level in the distance, pointing to the back of the manor: "Since it is coming, is it better to sit down and talk?"

Severini did not refuse, and he also walked around the back of the house to the platform on the edge of a cliff that Xu also reserved for the establishment of the manor.

This platform is almost suspended from the cliff, below is the sea surface, looking forward from the platform, you can see the endless sea.

At this time, it was in the afternoon, the sun was already close to the sea level, and the sun shone all the way, reflecting a large piece of brilliant white light on the sea surface, as if a bright white fish scale was attached to the entire sea surface, which looked extremely spectacular.

Xu Yiyi sat on his own special reclining chair, leaning back and leaning back, comfortably and long to breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing Xu Yi’s appearance, Sevigny couldn’t help but smile a little and learned Xu’s appearance on another lounge chair. The eyes fell to the sea level in the distance. Nodded: "Well. Looking at the sea view here, it is very comfortable. Xu also, I can't think of you as a person who will enjoy it."

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled: "Of course. I am so tired. If I don't learn to enjoy it, if I learn to be better with myself, isn't it too bad?"

Don't look over Sevigny at a glance, Xu also continued: "Sevenini, staying at home all day is not a good thing. You should learn to come out and do something, no matter what, let your body or spirit be tired, so You don't have to think about so many messy things. When you get tired, and then relax and relax like you do now, you will find that the whole person is much better."

Severini was silent for a long while, and suddenly he slowly said: "Are you worried about me?".

Xu Yiyi, I didn’t expect Servini to ask so directly.

Looking at the calm expression on Servini's face, Xu also nodded.

"Yes, I am really worried about you. I don't know what you have encountered. It makes you look like this. As a friend, I am very worried about your current state. I like the former is always full of sunshine. Always optimistic, always with a gentle smile, Sevigny, not now... this lifeless, completely unvibrant Severini."

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Servini, and he shook his head gently: "Not only you, I don't like it very much. But I can't think of a way to solve the problem I encountered, so I can only choose to escape. But blindly The escape can only make me fall into deeper pain. I really don't know what to do..."

Looking at the stunned look on Servini's face, Xu only felt a pain in his heart.

Sevigny’s character is extremely strong, and this thing can make her such a strong person become so helpless, so I can imagine how serious this matter is.

However, this is the strangest place of Xu. For her noble Princess Lampard, what is it that can make her painful and helpless?

If she is extremely anxious about the throne, but finds that she can't be a king and suffers, it is understandable, but Xu also knows that Servini is not such a person.

If she is so eager for the throne, then when she died at Lampari XIII, she had a very big chance to call the nobles who supported her, and Irak competed for the throne, and there was a great chance of winning. The final victory.

However, her choice was to accept the anger of the nobles, but she chose to give up the competition and gave the throne to Eric. This is enough to prove that she is not greedy for the throne.

Since this is the case, why is she suffering because of this?

"Sevenini, do you believe me?". Xu also thought about it and asked Severny the right color.

Severini turned his head and saw Xu’s face with a sincere expression. He suddenly took a deep breath and turned his head to look behind: “Is there anyone else here?”.

Xu also stunned, and then he was overjoyed.

It’s clear that Sevigny is finally planning to open his heart and reveal the secret to his heart.

He got up and circled in the room behind him, confirming that no one else was there, he sat back again and nodded to Servini: "No problem."

"That's alright." Servini closed his eyes and silenced for a while. It was like making up his mind, opening his eyes, taking another deep breath, and his expression became extremely calm. He said to Xu Yi: You may be my only friend. I can't disclose it to others, but I have been in my heart, but I can't bear the pain at all, so I want to reveal it to you to alleviate this pain. You can understand. me?".

"Of course." Xu also nodded hard. “Listening to friends’ confession of their own suffering is the responsibility of being a friend.”

"But what I am about to say, I am afraid that there is no benefit to you after you know it. Do you want to listen?" Servini asked again.

Xu Yizhen smiled: "His Royal Highness, you are too much to look down on people?"

"You are still this old problem. Once you are dissatisfied with me, you will respect me." Servini smiled, and then he fell into meditation, his face changed constantly, and finally turned into calm, again To Xu Yi. "Well, Xu Yi, I ask you a question, please answer me seriously."

Xu also slowly nodded: "Excuse me."

"Xu, if your biological brother killed your biological father, what would you do?"

Xu Yiyi, then his face changed greatly. (To be continued...)
