Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v5 Chapter 38: national power

The autumn breeze blew, and there was a hint of chill in the air, flowing quietly from the window into a small house in the backyard of King Rampay Palace. Point ○

Severini had felt a little groggy in his head, and was blown by this chilly breeze, but his body shook slightly, but he was quite a bit spirited.

If it was before, she would definitely feel that this wind is just right, she can cheer her up and continue to handle government affairs efficiently.

However, this time she looked up and looked out the window. She stared at the window and fell off the breeze. The leaves fell hard for a while, and then she sank and got up and closed the window.

Returning to the table, Sevigny picked up a document that had just been put down, and after sweeping his eyes, his face once again showed a smile from the heart.

This is a financial report of the Kingdom of Lampari last month.

Through this report, it can be clearly seen that the financial income of the Kingdom of Lampari has now made great progress.

Just one month in the district last month, the total fiscal revenue from the statistics of the Kingdom of Lampari has exceeded 500,000 gold coins.

You know, when Servini’s father, Lampari XIII, and his brother Erik, were in office, the entire income of the Kingdom of Lampari was just a hundred million gold coins, on average every month. If it is, there are only about 100,000 gold coins.

And that Sevigny is now on the throne for less than two years, the entire kingdom's fiscal revenue has increased several times.

According to the current trend of growth, when the annual fiscal revenue statistics are carried out this year, it is likely to break through the five million gold coin mark.

Sevigny knows. Five million gold coins are actually for many big chambers of commerce and big aristocratic families. Not a big number.

But for the always poor Kingdom of Lampari. This is already a very remarkable achievement.

If the annual fiscal revenue can exceed 5 million gold coins, it will make the Lanpari Kingdom's finances more affluent than before, and it will allow Servini to do a lot of money.

The most obvious thing about this is the military spending.

Before Servini was on the throne, the annual military expenses of the Lampari Kings were at most 30,000 gins, and this was in response to the threat of the Sark Kingdom, which was hard from the financial revenues that were not much. Extrusion.

However, with the increase in the financial income of the Kingdom of Lampari, Servini immediately increased military spending.

Last year. The Kingdom of Lampari has invested more than 800,000 gold coins in military spending.

Less than ten months have elapsed since the beginning of this year, and the Kingdom of Lampari has invested more than 1.5 million gold coins in military spending.

By the end of the year, this amount will most likely exceed the full two million gold coins.

This figure has even exceeded the financial income of the former Lampari Kingdom throughout the year!

With such ample military expenses, the army of the Kingdom of Lampari has quickly and dramatically changed.

Take the example of the North Army, which is most valued by Severini. Now the Zhenbei Army not only has a complete set of weapons and equipment, but also a large number of military magical machinery, which has made the military strength of the Zhenbei Army a qualitative improvement. .

Since the second half of last year, the Zhenbei Army began to counterattack the Sak Kingdom under the instigation of Severini.

From the first action to the present year. The Zhenbei Army attacked on the border between the two countries several times, and fought several times with the Sergeant Warriors who guarded the border with the Sark Kingdom. Every time is a big win.

The Sark Kingdom's Cowardly Wolf Corps originally had more than 50,000 elite soldiers, but in these several battles, more than 10,000 people were killed by the Zhenbei Army, and even an elite team under the squad of the Cowardly Army was fully formed. Hard to play.

Since the founding of the Kingdom of Lampari, the Kingdom of Thrall has always had an absolute advantage over the Kingdom of Lampari. It has never been like this, and in turn has been bullied by the Kingdom of Lampari.

Because of the record of the Zhenbei Army, newspapers from all over the Kingdom of Lampari have reported on it during the year.

For a time, all the people of the Kingdom of Lampari were all morally high. Some people even shouted out directly into the Sark kingdom, completely defeating the Sark kingdom and even occupying the slogan of the Sark kingdom.

However, Sevigny is very clear that the reason why the army of the Lampari Kingdom can obtain Lien Chan is based on the large amount of military expenditures to improve the combat effectiveness of the Zhenbei Army. At the same time, there is a very important reason, that is, equipped with a large number of The military magic machinery led the Zhenbei Army to occupy an absolute advantage in armament weapons.

Although this can make the Zhenbei Army invincible on the battlefield, but the war is not limited to the battle on the battlefield, but also affected by many other factors.

Deciding on the final outcome of the war between the two countries, the most important thing is to compete for the national strength of both sides.

Although the Kingdom of Lampari has gained a lot of benefits from the promotion of the magic industry after Servini was on the throne, the national strength has been enhanced.

But the Kingdom of Lampari has been weak for too long, and it is impossible to completely overthrow the Sark Kingdom in just less than two years.

Severini never thought about destroying the Sark Kingdom completely. It is clear that for the Kingdom of Lampari, the most important thing is to continue to maintain the momentum of rapid development and continue to accumulate national strength.

When the kingdom of Lampari is really strong, it is a matter of course to want to defeat the Sark kingdom.

But to achieve this, but another important premise is that it can always get the full support of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

As the Queen, she is the deepest contact with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. She can even be said to be the person who knows the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the whole kingdom. Servini knows better than anyone else, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, or Xu Yi. What a terrible power is there.

Only with the full support of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, the Lampari Kingdom can continue to develop the magic industry smoothly, so that it can use the magic industry to drive the overall economy of the kingdom and rapidly improve its national strength.

But if you want to get a new Flyer, or more accurately, it's not that easy to get full support from Xu.

And what makes Sevigny happy is. Xu also considers the problem simply by standing in the perspective of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. So the Sark Kingdom and the Lampari Kingdom are actually no different for him. They are all objects that can be cooperated. Anyway, Xinfei Magic Machinery is equally popular everywhere.

However, Xu has always been unswervingly supporting Sevigny and has never considered any possibility of cooperation with the Sark Kingdom.

Therefore, in the view of Severini, Xu is not only his own personal friend, but also the most important ally of the Lampari Kingdom.

Thinking of this, Servini touched his lower abdomen with his hand, and his look became a bit strange.

After a while, she slowly shook her head. With a sigh, I was about to continue reading the official documents, but the door was suddenly ringed.

"Come in."

Sevigny responded, and after a while, a maid came in

"Your Majesty, the Duke of Festalin and the Earl of Satsuma have come."

Looking at the maid is not so familiar face, Sevigny couldn't help but think of Betty and Carol, who was given to Xu Yi by her, and couldn't help but stay.

After a pause, she showed a bitter smile and told the maid: "Let them come in."

The maid took the lead and left.

quickly. There are two different frequencies outside the door, but they are extremely heavy footsteps.

The door was opened. The Prince of Feastlin, known as the "Lampari Eagle", came in with the Earl of Satsuma who returned to the city of Anvilmar from Survival City yesterday.

The two men politely paid a tribute to Servini, and the Duke Festainin muttered: "His Majesty, what do you specifically call us?"

The Duke of Festalin is 67 years old this year, but he is physically strong and full of red light, and his spirit and body seem to be at its peak.

If it is not full of dazzling triggers, at first glance, people will always think that he is only 40 years old this year.

Severini stood up from the chair, walked around the table, sat down on the sofa next to the Duke of Festalin and the Count of Satsuma, then sat down opposite them and put on a chat, asking: "Duke Festainin You should be the one who knows the Kingdom of Sark best in our Kingdom of Lampari. Can you tell me whether it is possible to completely defeat the Sark Kingdom with the current strength of our Lampari Kingdom?"

"Impossible." The Duke of Festalin shook his head without hesitation. "Your Majesty, although we have a certain advantage on the battlefield, but it is caused by the advantage of equipment caused by military magic machinery. If we lose the absolute advantage of these equipment, our kingdom's army can only barely hold the border. ""

"So if we can always maintain this advantage?" Servini asked again.

The Earl of Satsuma looked aside, glanced at Sevigny, and quickly dropped his eyelids, seemingly not paying attention to this problem.

“Is this advantage all the time?” Duke Festalin thought about it and shook his head again. "It is still impossible. Your Majesty, the war between the two countries cannot be determined by the outcome of one or two or even a dozen battles. In many cases, only after hundreds or even thousands of battles are possible. The final outcome is determined. On the most crucial logistical issues that guarantee this hundreds or even thousands of combat wins, our Lampari Kingdom is still far behind the Sark Kingdom."

After a pause, the Duke of Festalin added: "Your Majesty, in fact, you have done a good job in the two years since you boarded the throne. I think that as long as we continue to do so, we will not have to worry about it for many years. The Sark Kingdom."

Seeing the sincere expression on the face of Duke Festainin, Sevigny smiled and nodded. "Great, Duke Festalin, since even you are the idea, then I am relieved. I hope that you can come out The public expresses this point, do you think so?"

The Duke of Festalin bowed a little, slightly indulged, immediately understood the meaning of Sevigny, and laughed loudly: "Oh! I will always belong to the whole kingdom of this old bone. As long as it is for the kingdom, let me do anything!"

Sevigny showed a sweet smile to the Duke of Festalin and turned to look at the Count of Satsuma.

"The Earl of Satsuma, have you ever had an accurate number of magical machines that have been smuggled into the Sark Kingdom through the city of Severini in the past few years?"

Count Satsuma frowned, and did not understand how Severni suddenly asked this question.

In fact, as early as when Lampari XIII was still alive, the smuggling of a lot of magical machinery to the Sark Kingdom through the city of Severini was already underway, and this was the approval that Xu also personally obtained from Lampari XIII. "Official smuggling" in the Kingdom of Lampari.

In the past few years, neither Eric King and Servini have been on the throne. This has not changed. It seems that this fact exists by default.

After all, through this smuggling, the Kingdom of Lampari has gained a lot of profits from the Sark Kingdom. No one will idle and arbitrarily ban it.

Severini knew this snack, and even privately suggested to the Earl of Satsuma that he could continue to increase the scale.

Now she suddenly asked this question, but what is it?

The Earl of Satsuma pondered for a moment, and he replied: "Accurate figures are difficult to obtain. However, according to private estimates, this year, the total amount involved in this smuggling has exceeded 2 million gold coins."

"Two million gold coins?" Sevigny raised his brow and shook his head. "Not too much."

The Earl of Satsuma and the Duke of Festalin are a glimpse.

It’s just smuggling. The amount involved is more than two million gold coins. Isn’t that much?

The Queen left her... What exactly do you want to do? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!