Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 114: Wolverine magician

About ten minutes later, a group of dense black spots flying in the sky northeast of Metro City stopped at the sky three kilometers away from the northeast of Metro City and no longer went in.

Captain Hart grabbed the telescope and saw that the magicians wearing the robes of the magician were flying in the air.

"Hey, are these guys in the Candela empire finally really moving? But do they think that these guys are enough?" Captain Hart sneered and turned to refer to Newnes: "Let the brothers give these honors." The magicians say hello."

"Well!" Newnes responded with a quick response and turned to tell.

After a while, suddenly more than ten bright pale blue lights were shot from the walls of Metro City, and the magicians in the sky in the northeast blasted out.

The magicians just stopped and suddenly saw that more than a dozen lights had been shot in front of them, and they were shocked.

The magicians opened their hands together, and the magic shields with various radiances shone in front of them.

The more than ten ray of light in the blink of an eye have already hit these magic shields, bursting open.

In the past, when the ordinary magical artillery shells exploded, the violent explosions and the striking explosions were different. The more than ten light blue ray bursts, although the momentum is not small, but after the explosion, it is formed in the air. The pale cyan ripples visible to the naked eye are all swaying, and all the surrounding space is covered in an instant.

Affected by these pale cyan ripples, the entire space seems to be constantly turbulent as the surface of the water being stirred.

The magicians in midair suddenly found with horror that they actually lost control of the magic elements in an instant, and even the flying magic could not be maintained. Many magicians simply fell down from the air.

Fortunately, when they were half-fallen and they were about to hit the ground, they found that they had regained control of the magical elements and quickly re-stabilized their figure.

Otherwise, it is only this attack. If you do not do well, many magicians will fall directly.

The magicians in midair were all in shock.

This is really under the attack of the new Flyer Guard. If a lot of magicians fall directly to death, it will become a big joke.

However, after carefully recalling everything that was just experienced, the rest of the magicians fell from the air to the ground.

This is the first time these magicians have felt from learning to fly magic that it is much more reassuring to be on the ground than to fly in the air.

Captain Hart saw the reaction of the magicians in the distance from the telescope. Can't help but laugh.

"Hah, the biggest reliance of these magicians in the past is that they can fly, and others can't. Now we have to let them know that flying in such a high place is not as safe as they think."

Newnes, who was back to Captain Hart, laughed again: "The magic theory of these guys has long since been eliminated, but the president has publicly said countless times. But no one will believe, It is only necessary for us to convince them."

"It’s up to these guys to beat all the traditional magicians. Did you detect the reaction of the Magister?" Captain Hart asked.

"There has not been detected yet. But even if there is a mixed magician, when the same flying magic is also applied, the magic fluctuations will not be very different, and it is normal to detect it," Newnes replied.

"Well, that's true." Captain Hart nodded. "Well, since the other party is not willing to take the lead now, then we will try to force him out. Order the Magic Tank Brigade, prepare to attack and implement the first step plan."


ten minutes later. The Candela Empire magicians who had just recovered from the chaos suddenly discovered that the northern gate of Metro City was wide open, and the car looked strange, like a huge iron box-like magic locomotive from Metro City. He rushed out and quickly made his way to the first reinforcements who had stayed in the west of Metro City.

These magicians immediately split half of the flight to the camp where the first reinforcements were stationed, and planned to stop in front of the group of monsters that were said to have been named "magic tanks" by the new flyers.

However, this half of the magician just flew up, and dozens of pale blue rays on the wall of the city of Mero shot and exploded on the sky above their heads.

With the experience just now, they are very clear that in these corrugated spaces with shimmering light cyan rays, the magic elements have fallen into a completely uncontrolled state. If they are still rushing to fly, they will fall down again, but they may be seriously injured by the chaotic magic elements.

In desperation, this group of magicians can barely fly off the ground. Relying on low-altitude flights to keep high speed to meet the magic tanks that have already opened the city of Metro.

However, before they approached, the upper half of the magic tanks were rotated 90 degrees, and the original sturdy steel pipes turned to the magicians flying over.

Seeing the dark holes in the steel pipes, the magicians had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Sure enough, in the next moment, dozens of different colors of colorful light have been erupted in those steel pipes. In an instant, they are already near their eyes.

The first thing that flies over is still more than ten light blue lights.

The same color, the same reaction.

After the light cyan blast broke out, the magicians immediately felt that the magical elements of the space were uncontrollable and could not stop falling from midair.

When their bodies were still falling in the air, dozens of fire red and pale white rays had already approached.

"Booming and banging"

A dazzling array of fires burst out in the air, and the magicians in midair couldn't even control the magical elements to keep flying magic. It is even more impossible to rearrange the magic shields for defense.

So when this horrible explosion of horror, only half of the air was left to talk about the highest level, the fastest responding magicians escaped, and the remaining group of magicians were not spared.

Seeing such a record, the rest of the magicians who stayed in the distance suddenly fell into a dead silence.

They were the military commander squad that was ordered by the military to come to support the counterattack in the city of Metro.

They thought that with their own team of more than 100, and a high proportion of senior magicians, it is easy to recover the city of Metro.

But I did not expect that even the side of Metro City did not rely on it, just a few photos, actually lost nearly half!

The rest of the magicians looked at the magical tanks of the steel monsters in the distance, and the city of Metro in the distance. I only feel that my heart is cool.

In any previous war, the emergence of a large number of magicians is enough to determine the outcome of a battle, and even the true determination of the outcome is always the number and quality of the magicians owned by each other.

Because the magicians are absolutely crushed in strength compared to ordinary soldiers.

However, now the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guard has clearly not even sent a magician. Their elite group of magicians employed by the Candelas Department have suffered heavy losses and have not been able to cause any damage to the new Flyer Guard.

Such a result is something that no one has expected.

More crucially, the ability of the new Flyer Guards in the previous battle is too terrible.

The light blue light does not know what it is. It is actually able to confuse the magic space around them, so that these magicians can't control the magic elements as they normally do, which means that their ability to be a magician is equal to zero.

On the contrary, the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Guard is completely free from this limitation and is still able to cast such a terrible attack.

This situation has reversed, and this group of magicians in front of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce Guards seems to be weak in their hands.

This situation, but they have seen it for the first time since they served in the Candeladi Department, it is really amazing.

After a while, the surviving magicians involuntarily turned their eyes to the center of the team.

There, they have the greatest reliance on their trip, and they are the most powerful backing and cards in their hearts.

Feel the gaze of the rest of the magicians around. The O'Falian Magister frowned slightly and asked the Laduka Magisters around him: "Hey, Raduka, do you think that the attack we just encountered is similar to the characteristics of my magic field?" ?"

The Laduka Magician on the side looked up at the sky, closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and nodded gently.

"There is a glimpse of it, but it is not exactly the same. The magical elements in your magical field are violent and will only be controlled by you. The attack we just encountered is just the magical element of the surrounding magic space. It's hard to control, but it's not too aggressive and destructive. Simply put, it's a small area of ​​banned magic."

"But this is precisely the weapon for the low-level magicians. Isn't it?" The O'Falian Magister looked over the city of Metro in the distance and took a deep breath. "I doubt now. Xu also knows that the kid has stolen some of the characteristics of my magical field from the last battle with me and then converted it to the military magic machinery used by the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce."

The Laduka Magister was surprised to see the O'Falian Magister.

"Why do you think so? Although Xu’s magical talent is beyond doubt, it’s incredible to just understand the characteristics of your magical field with just one hand.”

The O'Falian Magister sinked his face and said, "You should have studied the strange metal parts left by the boy in the last time?"

"Well... I have been studying it for a while in the recent period. The more I study, the more incredible it is. The new Feishang Chamber... or how did you research such a fine magical prop? And I can’t even get it all. Understand the principles of this magic item."

"If you listen to Xu, the kid said, look at the words "Xinfei Magic Industry Weekly". Perhaps it will be much more understandable." O'Falian Magister.

"Have you seen it?" Laduka Magister suddenly became stunned.

He always thought that the O'Falian Magister was very disdainful to Xu Yi and Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. However, he did not expect to go to the "Xinfei Magic Industry Weekly" more actively than himself.

It seems that the last time they both teamed up, they could not leave Xu Yi, and the attack on O'Falian was very big.

"Yes. I took all the "Xinfei Magic Industry Weekly" I could find carefully, and then I found out... I didn't understand it." (To be continued.)