Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 117: Magic cage

"Can't you get out?" O'Falian Magister took a look. "What do you mean?"

Another great magician who was farthest from the O'Falian Magisters reached out and flicked to the void in front of him. Then he saw a flash of strangely colored electric awns appearing out of the air, and spread quickly, and it was already shrouded in an instant. A large range of dozens of square meters in midair.

The O'Falian Magister's look changed: "The field of banned magic? Isn't this supposed to be in front of Metro City? How did it go behind us?"

"Booming and banging"

Another burst of fierce explosion sounded, but the Laduka Magician’s men’s commander blocked another wave of attacks on the new Flying Chamber’s magic airship.

"Call...O'Falion, I have re-explored it just now. This sinister field has changed its scope when we have focused on those magic airships. Now we have enveloped us in all directions. It seems that these guys of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce have long planned, use this trap to lure us to the hook.” Raduka Magician gasped slightly.

"How is this possible? The defensive field is a long time to be laid out. The new Feishang gang can prevent the city from being good. How can it change the scope at such a short time in the battle? And even able to cover us all so accurately? "O'Farion's mentor shouted in disbelief.

"This is the truth." Radhuka's mentor slid his face up and stretched out a finger, his magic light flashed on his fingertips, and then poked up.

Originally, the seemingly ordinary void, when it touched the finger of the Laduka Magister, it was like a calm water surface suddenly thrown into a huge stone, and countless different colors of light entangled in the air flashed like It’s crazy, it’s flashing around, and the whole sky is full after a while.

Looking up, you will find that these electric awns form a semi-circular hood in the air, extending all the way from above. Covering a huge space about 50 meters high and nearly 100 meters in diameter, it just covered the fifteen magicians including the two magicians.

The O'Falian Magister looked around and his face changed.

"Raduka. Are you sure this barrier is the same as the defensive field in Wimbledon?"

"No." Laduka Magician floated down and shook his head gently. "Obviously different. Once Wimbledon's banned magic field is turned on, it will block all magical reactions, from inside to outside, from outside to inside. It will block all magic effects. Now we are around fact, it should not be called the banned magic field, but purely a magical cage for us. We can't get out, but the outside attack can still come in. Look..."

The O'Falian Magister's brow wrinkled, and once again mobilized the magic of the whole body, set up a magic shield, and blocked another fierce attack of the new flying martial arts magical airship.

But this time, his face is not as easy as it was just now.

Just hard resistance, but after three attacks, he found that his magic has been fully consumed.

The attacks of the magic airships seem to never break off the general, so that he has no confidence at all to resist.

“Is there a way to go out?” asked the O'Falian Magister.

The Laduka Magister was indulged for a moment. Nod and said: "I try with them. You can resist the attack of the other side and give us some time. Of course, if you can't hold it, change me."

The O'Falian Magister spit out a sigh of relief: "It's okay for the time being. But if these guys keep this offensive, I'm afraid I won't last long."

"I know." Laduka Magi patted the shoulders of the O'Falian Magister, turned and waved to the other thirteen great magicians, gathered around the weird magic cage and began to study.

The O'Falian Magister looked at the dozens of fires that were once again cast by the magic airships in the distant sky, and took a deep breath. Bring up the spirit and start to fully mobilize the magic.

"Booming and banging"

The explosion in midair was heard in the ear, falling into the ears of different people, but it caused a completely different reaction.

The first batch of reinforcements in the southwestern province outside the city saw a frightened battle. The remaining magicians are equally worried, but they are not particularly worried, because they know that there are two magisters in it, and there is no problem.

As for the people of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in Metro City, there is no worry about it, but the expression is also a bit nervous.

This is not the first time that the New Flying Chamber of Commerce has met the enemy of the Magister level, as early as eight years ago. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has been attacked by two magic mentors, and set up a ambush to kill a magician, making the new Feishang Association famous.

But that time was different from the present.

That time, Levin? Hassock Magician searched for a dead end and went to the headquarters of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to fall into a trap.

This time, it was the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce who took the initiative to set a trap in the Candela empire to meet the Magister. The difficulty of the two is completely different.

Although this guy has been practicing countless times before, each magician is unique and is a superpower that cannot be estimated.

It is almost impossible for most people to want to kill any of the Magisters.

Now that everything is going well, this time the other party has two powerful magisters, and what kind of changes will be difficult to predict.

So even though the other group of seduce big fish are now fully passively beaten, Captain Hart dare not relax, and keep in touch with the magic airship team in the distant sky.

"There is still one-half of the ammunition stock. If the current attack frequency and intensity are maintained, it is expected to be completely consumed after 17 minutes."

Upon hearing the news from the Magic Airship Brigade, Captain Hart thought for a moment and immediately grabbed another magic box.

"The magic tank squad listened immediately to the Candela Empire reinforcements and drove the enemy five kilometers away from Metro City. They were not allowed to enter this range. If the action fails, you will retreat to the southwest at the fastest speed. There are any delays."

"Captain, does this mean that you are there?"

"Less nonsense, listen to my orders."


Captain Hart hangs up the magic box and turns to Newnes: "Let the logistics team load a batch of ammunition and exit the city from the South Gate, ready to support the Magic Airship Brigade."

Then he picked up the first magic call box and connected the communication of the Magic Airship Brigade.

"Magic airship brigade, you arrange the order to replace the ammunition outside the South Gate. But during this period, you must keep the firepower of the other big magician and the magician team, can not let them have any relaxation, understand? ”

"Roger that!"

"Vilrod, you lead the Elf Guards Squad to sneak into the city, and be sure to maintain stability in the city. If you see any changes, don't hesitate, understand what I mean?"


"Okay, go."

Elf Guardian Captain Verrod immediately led the other two Elf guards to rush down the wall.

In a short while, a group of elf guards disappeared into the city of Metro in the shadows.

After explaining this, Captain Hart took a sigh of relief and turned his head to look at the big magicians and the two magisters who were being bombarded by the magic airship team in the distance.

It is in this battle to decide on this action, or to decide on this battle, or even to decide the fate of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and the Candel empire, and even to decide the future development trend of the entire Sainz continent.

If it succeeds, the development of the new Feishang will be bright.

If it fails, the consequences can be unpredictable.

Thinking of this, the captain Hart, who has been through a hundred battles, can’t help but feel nervous.

Of course, compared with Captain Hart, the most nervous is the two mages in the center and the other thirteen great magicians.

If they fail, it will be directly related to their lives, which is much more important than anything else.

However, the Radhuka Magister and the other thirteen great magicians worked together for a long time, but still couldn’t understand the principle of the weird magic barrier that enveloped them, let alone smash and pull out the cage. .

Although I don’t know why, the offensives of the new Feifei’s magic airships have been somewhat relieved, but it’s a little bit effective in sensing the magical field controlled by the O'Falian Magister. The Raduka Magician knows that he is very It’s almost impossible to sustain it.

"Okay, let me come." Laduka Magister sighed and flew to the front to the O'Falian Magister. "The characteristics of this thing are somewhat close to your magical field. It should be easier to study it."

The O'Falian Magister took a look at the Laduka Magician and knew that he was just looking for a reason, but he also knew that his magic was not sufficient. If he didn't change people, he might not even support the three waves. Down, nodded and the Duduka Magister exchanged positions.

Fly to the big magician and ask them a little. After understanding the progress of their research, the O'Falian Magister's brows are slightly wrinkled.

The time is too short, and the environment here is not good, there is not enough magic material at hand, so that they do not have enough conditions to study this weird magic barrier a little bit, naturally it is impossible to crack.

Thinking of this, the O'Falian Magister waved the other thirteen great magicians to retreat, condensed for a moment, then extended his hands, all the magic left in the body frantically surging, and then his hands stretched out, surrounded by a trace of space. The black ripples of the crack penetrated into the weird magic barrier.

Since it is impossible to rely on research and cracking, it is directly removed by violence! (To be continued.)