Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 128: Line collapse

When the time advances to December, it has entered the deep winter season with heavy snow, cold north, and cold body.

In such a season, it is obviously not suitable for any military action in the traditional concept of Sainz.

Because in such cold weather, don't say war, even ordinary marchers may let the soldiers under their hands freeze a large piece, not to mention that the wet and slippery road surface caused by snow cover is difficult to march.

Therefore, in the tradition of the Sainz mainland in winter, it is a season of truce. No country will choose to go to war at this time.

But... this winter, it completely broke this tradition.

In mid-November, the Kingdom of Lampari triumphed over the Malfa joint army near the Gree Hughes, almost annihilating two-thirds of the main force of the 200,000-mafa army, and even unexpectedly on the battlefield. Directly killed a magician who is simply an invincible symbol in the eyes of countless people.

Just the victory of this battle has caused the situation on both sides to reverse instantly.

Prior to this, the Lampari Kings lost in the attack of the Marfa coalition forces, and when they retreated to the Gree Hughes, they almost returned the territory they had taken from the Frankish kingdom to more than half.

At that time, everyone felt that the Kingdom of Lampari had no ability to resist and could only be driven out of the Frankish kingdom by the Marfan coalition forces.

Even if the Marlow Empire is more courageous and directly breaks the tradition that the Magisters on the Sains continent cannot join the war of invading other countries, the Mafa coalition forces will most likely directly invade the Kingdom of Lampari.

And this possibility is still very high.

Because in this war that has almost swept the entire Sainz mainland, the two sides of the war are represented by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. The other side is headed by two empires, and also has such a powerful mana as the Mana Magic Kingdom. The kingdom contains almost all the magician in addition to the two magisters owned by the New Flying Chamber of Commerce on the mainland of Sainz.

Coupled with the support of the two empire camps, there are also the magician trade unions that have been on the mainland of Sainz for thousands of years. With the support of such powerful forces, it is not a strange thing to break this tradition without explicit provisions. .

After all, the reasons for participating in the war can be thought of innumerable kinds.

If such a thing really happens, then the Kingdom of Lampari will be difficult to resist the attack of the Marfan coalition. In the end, I am afraid that the Kingdom of Lampari will die directly.

However... this is the battle of the Gree Hughes this time, but it has shattered everyone’s predictions.

Some people may have guessed that the new flyer will have the ability to help the Kingdom of Lampari to deal with the Mafa coalition, but no one can guess that the Kingdom of Lampari can only fight once. Almost completely defeated the Marfa coalition.

What really played a decisive role was that the Lampari Kings team successfully killed a magician in this battle and seriously injured the other three magisters.

God is on! This is the result of a full face of nearly 200,000 Mafa coalition forces and hundreds of senior magicians, dozens of great magicians and four magisters!

Judging from the lineup of the Marfa coalition forces, almost everyone thought that the Marfan coalition forces did not know how to lose, but did not expect that it was so unsatisfactory in the real counterattack against the organization of the Lampari Kingdom. hit!

A battle has produced such a result. In an instant, people have been greatly questioned about the fighting power of the Marfa coalition.

Everyone no longer believes that the Marfan coalition forces have the ability to defeat the Kingdom of Lampari, and even people have great doubts about whether the two empires can win.

The reason why the two camps were able to complete the full suppression of the new Flyer camp in the war period of the previous period was the two most important reasons.

First, because they have an absolute number of magisters on one side, they can suppress the new Feishang camp from the frontal battlefield.

Second, the two empire camps are rich in foundation and sufficient in manpower. They can organize attacks in various aspects at the same time, so that the new Feishang camp is struggling to cope.

However, after the war in the Gree Hughes, everyone found that the Magister was not as invincible as imagined, and even the four Magisters could not withstand the attack of the Lanpari Kings. Even a death and three injuries, then the two largest empire camp in the frontal battlefield, the biggest reliance has vanished.

At the same time, a very important issue was also reflected in this war. That is, the ordinary army commanded by the two empire camps in front of the army of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is like an unarmed child facing a heavily armed adult man. There is no ability to resist at all, and it can only be completely passively beaten.

In the Battle of Gree Hughes, when the four Magisters died and injured three times, the Marfa Union had originally had as many as 160,000 regular troops, including many military magic developed by the Marlow Empire. Mechanically, it is reasonable to say that combat effectiveness is still strong.

However, under the attack of the Kingdom of Lampari, the 160,000 Mafa coalition forces failed to make any effective resistance. In just less than an hour, a large number of people died in the end, and eventually lost most of them, even if they were almost completely destroyed.

Correspondingly, the loss announced by the Kingdom of Lampari is almost zero!

Even the Mafa coalition has an important factor in the collapse of morale. But this battle-to-loss ratio is still completely beyond the common sense of all.

After this war, no one would believe that the traditional army represented by the two empires could also pose any threat to the new army equipped with a large number of different types of military magic machinery represented by the New Flyer Guard.

Coupled with the great magician and even the great magician, and even the magician can no longer play the huge role of people's imagination to reverse the situation, then the results are already obvious.

The two empire sides are unlikely to be the opponents of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce in the frontal battlefield. The only possibility is to reverse the situation. It is to delay the situation by relying on the strategic depth and deep foundation of the new Flying Chamber of Commerce camp, and finally drag the other side.

The Battle of the Gree Hughes occurred in the early winter and was good news for the two empires.

Because of the imminent entry into the winter, even if the Kingdom of Lampari has achieved further advantages, it can only temporarily succumb, stop the pace of advancement, and let the Marlow Empire get a breathing time.

If you can have a winter time as a mitigation, then if you fight again in the coming year, the results will be unpredictable.

However, the Kingdom of Lampari was unexpected to everyone, and did not give the Marlow Empire a breathing space.

On December 6th, when a goose-like snow covered the entire territory of the original Frankish kingdom and the large area of ​​the southern Marlow Empire, the Lampari Kings unexpectedly attacked, only for half a day, 30,000 The army, with hundreds of magic tanks and magical chariots, has arrived in St. Ruth, where the Malfa coalition, which had fled in the previous Gree Hughes, fled.

Half a day of war, the city of St. Ruth was broken, and the Marfa coalition had only 20,000 people to escape north.

On December 9, the Lampari Kings chased the remaining 20,000 Mafa coalition forces and blocked them in the Sloud Valley in the northern part of the former Frankish kingdom.

The Mafa coalition forces saw the inability to resist, and the commander General General Phil chose to take the initiative to surrender. The Mafa coalition forces were completely wiped out.

Three days later, the Lampari Kings invaded the city of Nalyan, located at the northern border of the former Frankish kingdom, and re-integrated the territory of the former Frankish kingdom that was previously retaken by the Mafa coalition.

At this point, everyone believes that since the Lampari Kings have regained the territory of the former Frankish kingdom, they should stop.

After all, it is the territory of the Marlow Empire. If you enter, it is equivalent to invading the Marlow Empire.

Countering the attacks of the Marlow Empire and invading the Marlow Empire, this can be completely different concepts.

In the hundreds of years since the establishment of the Marlow Empire, all other countries that invaded the Malo Empire have been severely hit, and even the Candela Empire is no exception.

No one believes that the small country of Lampari, which was inconspicuous on the entire continent more than a decade ago, has the courage to invade the Marlow Empire even if it defeated the Mafa coalition before.

However, the Kingdom of Lampari once again used the facts to crush everyone’s guess.

On December 23, the army of the Lanpari Kings, who had been resting for ten days, was dispatched and crossed the southern border of the Marlow Empire and officially invaded the Malo Empire.

Although the Marlow Empire did not expect the Kingdom of Lampari to dare to invade, it was precautionary. As soon as the defeat of the Margaret Army in the Battle of the Gree Hughes, it had already withdrawn the troops of the Duchy. When I came back, I mobilized the army from other places to arrange for defense at the border.

Out of the emphasis on the fighting power of the Lampari Kings, the Marlow Empire can say that it has mobilized almost all the forces within the empire. Just the Magisters will only mobilize all the remaining five, the total strength. It is as high as 360,000.

However... this doesn't make any sense.

From December 24 to December 30, after a week of fierce fighting, the Marlow Empire paid more than 100,000 deaths, 80,000 serious injuries, countless routs, and more than 400 seniors. The magician, the nine great magicians and the two magician directly killed, and all the other serious injuries suffered a painful price, but still failed to withstand the attack of the Lanpari Kings, suffered a fiasco.

The defense of the Marlow Empire collapsed, and the Lampari Kings team drove straight into it.

On January 1, 3783, the first day of the New Year, for other people on the mainland of Sainz, this is an important holiday to welcome the New Year.

However, for the great men of the Marlow Empire and even the two Empire camps, this is a day that makes them fearful.

Because starting today, starting this year, with the Lanpari Kings entering the Marlow Empire, the two major imperial forces representing the traditional Sainsian continent, I am afraid that they will collapse together with the collapse of the Marlow Empire’s defense line... ... (to be continued.)