Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v7 Chapter 143: Let's stop here.

It’s not just the most fascinating magisters who are confused.

If the two empire’s troops have made endless efforts, they even took the most precious heavy cavalry out as cannon fodder. The purpose is only to consume as much as possible of the Luxin coalition’s ammunition supply, and then seek victory, and already Seeing a trace of possible words, then the emergence of hundreds of magical airships immediately smashed the fire of hope in the hearts of all the two empires with a completely overwhelming power.

Obviously, the two great empire's army, including the top-class magical mentors, can't do any effective damage to those high-altitude magic airships, even to the Luxin coalition forces on the ground, and they can easily fight back, but they can easily Breaking through the defensive measures built by the two emperors, the efforts of all the magicians became futile.

The strength of the two sides is no longer superior to who is inferior, but not at all.

After recognizing this fact, the two empire's army instantly lost all the courage to continue fighting.

When the Magic Airship Brigade of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce stopped the attack, the two major emperors* could only stand in the same place, and there was no way to fight back, nor to have the courage to fight back. Even the escaped ** did not rise.

Because they know that if the Magic Airship Brigade of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce wants to kill them, then they can't escape without any speed on the ground.

Seeing that the battlefield that had just killed the sound of the sky suddenly fell into a strange and strange silence, Count Dulce involuntarily pouted.

"If the magic airship team can appear earlier, we don't need to fight for a long time here."

Captain Hart glanced at him and sighed: "The magic airship brigade has arrived from hundreds of kilometers away. How can it appear so soon? Besides, this is also the strategy that will be decided by the grown-up. You are Listening to it."

"Well. I am just wondering, since the magical airship battalion of your chamber of commerce is already strong enough. Why do you want us to fight here for a long time? I think it is a waste of time. I use magic directly. It’s good to fly the airship all the way."

"How much do you think the magic airship team will spend once?" Captain Hart glanced at him. "Moreover, the president will be the one who completely smashes the rebellious will of the two empires. Let them never dare to think that they can defeat us. If they do not give them enough deep blows and lessons on the frontal battlefield, the two empires will certainly not Convinced."

"Is it?" Earl of Dulce touched his chin and his face was full of puzzles. "I don't understand why President Xu must do this now. With the current ability of your new Flying Chamber of Commerce to cooperate with our Kingdom of Rulson, even if there is no way to completely occupy the Candela Empire, it is not necessary to directly abolish the Candela Empire. Difficult, why bother?"

"We don't need to understand, the president will do this. Naturally, he has his considerations." Captain Hart said coldly.

Earl of Dalsi shook his head and thought that Xu was also very prestigious in the minds of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, and even they would never question him.

However, he also deserves such prestige in the ability that Xu also demonstrated in these years.

The four mages and the 16 great magicians in the sky have never given up their efforts. They have been trying desperately to attack the magic airships with magic. Even after the four magic mentors see ordinary magic, they can’t directly Flying to the magical airship, he opened his magic field and tried to cover the magic airship to find the opportunity to destroy the magic airship.

This is undoubtedly an extremely risky move.

Because it is from the past intelligence or just in the battle. It is reflected that these magical airships have the ability to exceed their understanding of their magic. They are far away and have enough space to dodge. Now they are so close. The space that they can use to escape is extremely small and very dangerous.

However, what makes them desperate is that not only the ordinary magic thrown out by the great magicians, but also the meticulously cursed magic spells that have been carefully prepared, disappeared after the magic airships flashed blue light, and they failed to play. A little bit of action, even their magical field invaded the past, and when they touched the range of blue light, they returned to the ocean and could no longer be affected by them.

Those under blue light. Any magic is like a snow covered by the scorching sun.

Just as the four magisters did not desperately want to continue to motivate the magical field to attack the magical airship in one direction, a gentle voice suddenly sounded in the air. Not only was it clearly introduced into the ears of the four magisters, but it was also introduced into the ears of the six great magicians. It even rang through the entire battlefield and was introduced into the ears of everyone on the battlefield.

"This battle is over here."

Accompanied by this calm tone, a figure suddenly appeared in midair and appeared in front of the four magisters and sixteen great magicians.

Xu Yi!

Xu Yi, President of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce!

As long as it is a person with sufficient vision, he will be recognized at first sight.

The four mages in midair were in a tight heart, and the magical fields of four different attributes instantly shrouded the sudden appearance of Xu.

The four magisters joined forces, even if Xu has become a magician himself, and it is impossible to deal with it easily!

This guy actually dared to appear in front of himself and so on, that is, his death is here!

As long as he kills him, the following new Flyer Guard will surely fall into chaos, and this battle will be won!

Seeing the moment when Xu also appeared, these thoughts swept through the minds of the four magisters.

They simply did not think about it and they had already launched an attack on Xu Yi.

As for the 16 great magicians behind them, they did not hesitate. They cooperated with the actions of the four magisters to launch their most powerful attacks.

In the face of such a terrible attack, don't say that Xu is just a magician who has just been promoted for a few years. Even if he is a famous magician, he may not be able to resist it.

However, Xu Yi’s face did not see a little horror, but instead showed a relaxed smile.

I didn't see any movements, but a faint blue light was already in front of him.

Seeing this familiar light blue light, the four magisters and sixteen great magicians suddenly sighed in their hearts.

Sure enough, whether it is the magic field, or a variety of powerful magic, after touching these light blue light, it disappeared without a trace.

Xu also looked at the four enchanted men in the opposite direction and smiled and said: "Don't you waste time? In front of this high-frequency magic particle stabilization device, you are still relatively low-end using the vibration of low-frequency magic elements. Magic is impossible to make any difference."

The four magisters and the six great magicians face each other.

They can see that the magic used by others and others is useless, but what does Xu said about this passage?

What is the high frequency magic particle stabilization device? What is the magic generated by the vibration of the low frequency magic element?

This guy... is it the Sainland Continental idiom?

Seeing a few people with doubts, Xu also smiled and glanced down and sighed.

"If it is possible, I originally wanted to solve the problem peacefully. But now it has become like this..."

Xu also suddenly flashed his body, and when he appeared again, he appeared in front of the army of the Candela Empire.

Seeing Xu also suddenly appeared, the soldiers of the Candela Empire were shocked, and a group of soldiers in the front row involuntarily shot the bows and arrows in their hands.

Of course, this is not a threat to Xu.

He glanced at him in front of him, leaving a full-fledged Candela Empire army, and he said: "Some of the Magisters of the Candela Empire, please come out, I want to talk to you."

The only magician who was still in the middle of the Candela empire, looked at Xu Yi inexplicably, and then looked at Marshal Sudirman.

Marshal Sudman looked at Xu Yi in front of the front line in a complicated way. He wanted to order everyone to do it together and try his best to kill Xu Yi.

However, he knew very well that his command would not have any effect.

The movements of the four magisters and the 16 great magicians in midair just looked at him. I know that for the present Xu, I am afraid that no magician can do anything about him.

And the soldiers under his command are even less likely to have any threat to a magician-level magician.

Therefore, although Xu was standing in front of the army in such a big way, he did not have any means.

After a moment of indulging, he slowly nodded to the magician.

"Go talk to him and listen to what he wants to say."

The magician bowed his head and meditated for a moment, nodded and flew out.

After watching the magician flying out, a feeling of exhaustion suddenly poured into the heart of Marshal Sudirman, so that he could not help but sigh.

He didn't know what to say with a few magician, but he had a very clear premonition.

After today, I am afraid that the entire Sainz mainland really has to be different.

Over there, Xu also invited the only magician who remained in the formation of the Candela Empire, and once again came to the front of the Marlow Empire, and invited the other two magisters who left the Marlow Empire in the formation. .

A moment later, the seven magisters who fought in the two empires were summoned by Xu.

I have to say that now this small place has gathered a total of eight magisters including Xu Yi, almost one-third of all the magicians on the entire Sainz mainland.

If this represents the embodiment of the highest level of magic on the entire Sainz continent, there must be no objection.

However, when Xu also brought together another seven magisters, he said something like this.

"Several people, do you know what magic is?" (To be continued)