Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 17: I am right

When she recovered her original appearance, Frye just came out of the conference room and immediately attracted everyone's eyes.

The crowd did not realize that she suddenly appeared here, and did not deliberately say hello to her, just nodded.

This is the request of Xu Fei, the president of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, for many years. He hopes that people around Freya will try not to treat her with a special attitude so that she can grow up like a normal child.

Of course, this is undoubtedly a wish that Xu is also a beautiful and even dismissed by Steele as "naive". In fact, Fleet’s identity as the sole heir of the Xu has made her look extremely special. Others treat her normally.

Besides, even if I don't talk about Fleet's identity, relying on her natural inherited beauty from Steele is enough to let her go where she can attract people's attention and get special treatment from others.

However, Freya himself has long been accustomed to this kind of thing, and will not have any special thoughts.

However, she still does not like the feeling of being surrounded by a bunch of people, which makes her feel very free.

Therefore, she really likes the illusion skin of the Elf family secrets given to her by Elder Lisangya from an early age. It allows her to change her face at will and enjoy the life of ordinary people of another identity.

Looking at the people around me, I showed a very warm smile on my face, but I didn’t dare to approach because of my father’s rules. I tried to make a calm treatment. Frya’s heart was interesting, but my face was always smiling. A response was made to everyone without fail.

No matter how demeanor, instrumentation, manners, and even every move, it perfectly fits the image that should be in her identity, and people can't pick up a little bit of trouble.

The ability to do this comes from the strict requirements of her mother, Stil, from her childhood.

All the way to maintain such a perfect posture, Fryia slowly walked out of the door of the Magic Communications Research Institute building, and got into a new red magic car.

As soon as she closed the door, she exhaled a long breath. The gentle smile on the face with a kind of friendly standard smile instantly turned into a playful look.

"Hey, Linoa, where do you want to go to play?"

If Lucian is here, she will jump in shock.

Sitting in the copilot position of this magic car. It is a perfect facial character, a mysterious temperament, and two young elf girls with long ears. It is the most outstanding star of the elves, making countless men on the mainland of Sainz. Miss Linoa, who is fascinated!

Lenoa smiled and looked at Frya again and again. Gently shake your head.

"Unfortunately, now we don't have time to play there."

"Why?" Fryia was amazed.

Lenoa lifted the particularly small and delicate magic box on her right hand.

"Because I just received the news, the president will come back."

Frya glanced and immediately widened her eyes.

"No? Mother is back?"

Li Nuoya is not an employee of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Her big star is now affiliated with the New Moon Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, the "President of the President" in her mouth is not Xu Yi, but the president of the New Moon Chamber of Commerce, Frya. Mother Steele.

Looking at Frya's face, she couldn't help but smile.

"Are you so afraid to grow up?"

"Not afraid... well, just afraid." Fryia wandered on the steering wheel with distress. Long sighed. "If she knew what I did last month, I would die..."

Lenoa reached out and flicked Frye's ear. Hehe smiled and said, "Let's take it. Who will let you run for adventure alone? What if something happens? Don't say that you will know when you grow up." Hey, I am afraid that he will not let you go this time."

"Not so serious?" When he heard that Linoa mentioned his father, Frya slammed straight up from the steering wheel, thought about it, and shook his head. "No! Father's talent will not marry me, but he has always encouraged me to experience more things."

"That's not for you to take risks." Linoya gave him a look. "If you really have something wrong, I am sure that President Xu will be sad and dead."

"Well... I am sure of this, but I am not doing nothing..." Frya pouted. Wei Wei beautiful thought for a while, suddenly took a look at Li Noya, gently snorted: "Hey! I know that you will not be okay to come to me to play, honestly account. You are a spy sent by the mother is right! ”

Li Nuoya suddenly laughed: "Whether I am a spy, I will call the grown up now. What are you going to do?"

"See you, you are not going to die..." Frye muttered, skillfully launching the magic car, and in the blink of an eye he had already rushed out of the door of the Magic Institute. Drive towards the beach.

Ten minutes later, the magic car turned into a fiery red light and rushed into the manor on the coastal cliff next to the main base.

As soon as the car stopped, Frya immediately opened the door and flew directly to the main entrance of the manor, and threw herself into the arms of a beautiful woman.

"Mother, you are back! It’s so happy to see you!"

This beautiful woman is naturally Steele.

She glanced at Frya, who looked up in her arms and smiled, and snorted.

“Is it really nice to see me?”

Frya's face changed slightly, and it turned into a more brilliant smile, holding Stil's arm and shaking.

"Of course I am happy! How can you be upset when you see it? You are very hard to come back. I remember... I saw you last time... at least two months ago?"

Upon hearing this passage, Steele’s face showed a hint of ignorance.

In order to be busy with the work of the New Moon Chamber of Commerce, she spent very little time at home, and she had little time to spend her time with her children.

This made Frya and her younger brothers always fear more close when they faced Steele.

"Hey, Frya, I warned you last time. Don't always try to provoke the shackles in your mother's heart to escape possible punishments. I don't like this."

One doesn't sound too much, but it's very clear, and the voice that is full of vitality is coming from the door.

Upon hearing this voice, Frya's eyebrows slammed up and cheered, bypassing Steele and rushing to the back.

Xu also snorted softly, and immediately appeared in front of him a light shield with a shimmering light cyan, blocking Fleiya from the outside.

Frye smiled and the magical power of the body suddenly became abnormally flowing in the magical space of the body. It was just a blink of an eye, and the magic shield that Xu also opened was eliminated.

Xu also snorted, and the corner of his mouth picked, the magic of the body surged again, and a layer of magic shield was again laid.

Fryia was not surprised at all, and her hands were a few times, and the magical elements around her immediately changed in a way.

This time, she used it for a little longer, and it took about seven or eight seconds to break the magic shield under Xu Yi.

"Not bad." Xu also praised, and laid another layer of magic shield in front of him.

Frya tried two times, but did not break the magic shield, then stopped and frowned.

Stil, who was left behind, saw this situation and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Okay, you father and daughter want to play games casually, but can you look at the time?"

Xu Yi haha ​​smiled, eliminated the magic shield, patted Fryia's shoulder and pointed to Steele.

"Go, apologize to your mother."

"Oh." Frya replied, looking back at Steele, taking a deep breath and striding to Stil before, bending down deeply.

"Mom, sorry!"

There was a smile on Stile's face, but his tone remained low.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I shouldn't want to let you blame me, deliberately mention your sadness. Sorry!" Frya shouted.

"Oh? Is it just this?"

Frya's body paused and suddenly straightened up and stared straight at Steele.

"If you feel that what I did wrong last month, then you can punish me at will, I have no opinion. But... I don't think I am wrong!"

Steele’s eyes glimpsed: “Are you still not acknowledging the mistake?”

"Yes. Deciding to secretly sneak into is the result of my deliberation with Uncle Harris, and they got the consent of Uncle Harris. And only when I had illusory skin, I had the conditions for sneaking, and others could not do it. This has played a big role in solving this problem, and it has fully protected the safety of those students." Frya replied.

"You..." Steele's eyebrows were vertical and wanted to blame Frya for two sentences, but she saw that her face was very firm and she did not obey the soft appearance. She could only turn her eyes to the back of Xu Yi.

Xu Yike coughed, and he said: "Freia, I agree with your views and practices, but I am not satisfied with your attitude towards your mother."

Frya spit out her tongue, her face once again burst into a smile, and rushed over to hold Steele.

"Mom, I know that I am going to take risks and worry you. But you don't have to worry about it. I am very strong now, and the guys can't hurt me at all. Besides, I also have Uncle Harris to help them. Don't be afraid at all."

“What if there is an accident?” Steele glanced at her.

"In case this kind of thing, no one can say it right? If you are afraid of it, I might fall into a stone and be picked up when I sit at home." Frye smirked.

"It will be arrogant." Steele waited for Frya and sighed. He looked at Xu Yi and shook his head gently. "You are so used to her again, you will have a headache in the future."

Xu also slightly said that he did not refute Stil's words, but his eyes on Freya gradually became serious.

Fryia was a little surprised by the sudden change of his eyes.

In her impression, the father rarely made his expression so serious.

Could it be that...has something big happened?

Thinking of this, Fryia immediately became nervous. (~^~)