Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 4: This is kidnapping

Lucian woke up in the violent vibration. Oh,

Open your eyes, but found that the eyes were dark.

After Lu Xi'an suddenly took a while, he gradually remembered what had happened before the coma.

I followed Uncle Rondo to the small manor outside the city of Doral. It was originally intended to be a short-term job at the invitation of Uncle Longondo, earning money, but was stunned by the sudden emergence of a strong man?


Even if Lu Xi'an is no longer in the world, he knows that he should have encountered a trap. The uncle, Rondo, who looks good, is not a good person.

Even he took the initiative to help him out, but it was just to let himself relax his vigilance and improve his trust.

Thinking of this, Lu Xi'an only felt bitter in the corner of his mouth.

Before the departure, there were already many people who advised him not to go to the city of Doral alone. It was a mixed bag, and a student who had just graduated from college was easily deceived.

However, he thought that he was just a poor student. Even if someone else wanted to lie, he couldn’t deceive anything. He wouldn’t stare at him.

As long as he is careful, he should not have any problems.

However, the facts now tell Lu Xi'an that he is still too naive.

First, the thief stole the only remaining money, followed by being directly defrauded, and now falls into the control of others...

and many more!

Lucian frowned, giving birth to a trace of doubt.

From the constant vibrations and the "clam" metal collision sounds coming from under him, it can be preliminarily concluded that he should now be locked in a high-speed galloping magic locomotive. Driving on an uneven road.

Then infer according to this situation. He is likely to be kidnapped.

But this is where Lu Xi'an is puzzled. Why are you kidnapping him?

He is just a poor student. He has no money at home. He has nothing to look at. What are the benefits of kidnapping him?

Even the legendary traffickers will not be able to see that he has no two or two flesh, let alone ordinary young rural children.

Then Lu Xi'an felt a trace of fear in his heart.

It is inferred from the current situation that he is afraid that the person being kidnapped will be transported to other places, and it will be difficult to know where it will appear next.

If you let it go like this. If he is not good, he will never see his friends and family again!

Lucian took a deep breath, and the turbid air poured into the nose, causing him to cough up, but it also restored him to some calm.

After moving and found that he was not tied up, Lu Xi'an touched his hands and held up his body.

At this time, his eyes have gradually adapted to the darkness around him.

With a few light that didn't know where it came in, he found that there were still some figures around him that crowded the trunk of a large cargo magic locomotive without much space.

Lucian thought for a moment. Raise your right hand and the magic flow in your body.

A little faint light illuminates at the tip of his index finger. In a flash, it is like a candle that is swept by a gust of wind. When it is shaken, it goes out.

Lucian’s heart was stunned and once again condensed the magic of the body.

However, this time there is no difference between the situation and the situation just now. The light just disappeared at a moment.

Lucian was very surprised. The unbelief of evil once again condensed several magics, but each time it was the same result.

After a few trials, a slightly tired sound sounded.

"Okay, don't waste your time. This car has long been laid out in the banned magic field, or do you think you can hold us so many magicians?"

Lu Xi’an looked in the direction of the sound and saw only a vague figure.

"You are also a magician?"

"What is me, too, here is all." There was a sneer in the corner. "Otherwise, do you think those guys are catching a group of ordinary people?"

Lucian heard that the voice of this person is also very young and even strange.

"Are you a student too?"

"You are also a student?" the man asked.

"I am from Philip College and graduated this year." Lu Xi'an replied.

The man was silent for a while, and suddenly he snorted: "You guys are so casual about their origins, no wonder so easily cheated."

Lucian frowned. "You are not being cheated."

The man simply silenced completely this time and stopped talking.

Lucian did not have an interest in bickering with the man. He touched it and found that except for his clothes, his clothes were completely intact. All other things were searched.

This did not make him feel surprised. After thinking about it, he once again condensed the magic of the body.

This time, he did not want to mobilize magic elements to generate lighting, but carefully explored the magic and began to sense the flow of magic elements in the surrounding space.

This careful experience, he immediately found that the surrounding magic space is not in a normal state, the flow of magic elements in space is obviously subject to a special restriction, so that almost stagnation, it is naturally difficult to be mobilized, Form magic.

This should be the effect of the ruined field of law that the man just said.

This kind of thing is a very common application that restricts the magicians from exerting their own abilities. In this environment, the general magician can't use the magic to condense the magic elements to generate magic. Naturally, it is not much different from ordinary people.

However, Lu Xi'an closed his eyes and felt for a while, but he extended a finger and drew it on the ground.

A little light permeated from the line he used to draw with magic, and then annihilated.

There was a sneer in the corner, which seemed to be laughing at Lucian’s incompetence.

Lu Xi'an did not pay any attention to it. Once again, he insisted on condensing the magic power and drew another line on the ground.

A little bit of light illuminates in the dim compartment and then goes out. In a short while, Lucian has already drawn a magical array of multiple lines on the ground.

After finishing these preparations. Lucian put his hand on the magic array. While infiltrating the magic of the body into this magical array. While carefully adjusting the vibration frequency of the magic, fine-tuning the magic array.

The flashing light on the magical array was still flashing at first, but after a while, it was slowly stabilized, and finally a steady, bright but not dazzling light was shining, completely illuminating the original dark carriage.

Lucian kept on moving to the magical array, then raised his head and looked around with the light. I saw a young face looking at him with amazement.

The carriage is not big, but looking at it, but there are more than 20 people crowded inside, all of them are young people of the same age as Lu Xi'an, including men and women, just a little more men.

Lu Xi’an looked around the faces of everyone, and he raised his voice and said, “Are you all magicians?”

This problem made everyone around me stunned, and then a young boy nodded and said: "I am a student at Kaman College. Have you just said that you are a Philippe college?"

The boy looked at Lu Xi'an up and down and looked confused.

“When did Phillips College become so strong?”

"Yeah. Can you actually crack this banned field?" A young girl with a round face next to her face curiously came over and looked down at the magic circle painted by Lucian. Thinking for a moment, shaking his head. "I don't understand. How did you do it?"

"There is nothing. I just adjusted the vibration frequency of the magic to almost the same band of the surrounding magic elements, and then forcibly drawn this magic array using the same-frequency resonance principle. This effect will not last long, and I can't talk about it. This banned field of law."

"That's great!" The girl looked at Lucian with amazement. "You seem to be about the same size as me. You can adjust the magic vibration frequency at will. It is very difficult for our best students to do it."

Lucian smiled and wanted to say that it should be because your college's overall strength is too weak.

At Philippe College, Lucian's ability to precisely control this aspect of Magic is not even ranked in the top ten of the grade.

"Hey, you said you can't crack the banned field?" Another boy is concerned with more practical problems. "Since you can draw this magical array, is it possible to crack it? If we can, we might be able to get out of this car."

Upon hearing this sentence, everyone’s eyes were focused on Lu Xi’an.

"Yeah, if we were shipped to an unknown place, it would be over."

"That is, you think of a way. As long as we can break the banned field, everyone here can fly directly."

"Try it now..."


Lucian smiled and waved again and again.

"The defensive field is one of the most complex research disciplines at the moment. I am so powerful and able to crack it."

"Trying it doesn't matter."

"That is, you can clearly draw this magical array."

"Be sure to try before you get there, or you won't have a chance..."


Lucian also wanted to refuse. A boy suddenly got up and walked over in the corner, and a slap in the magic line drawn by Lucian.

"Less nonsense, everyone asks you to try it and try it. Anyway, we can't do it, you can try it and you won't lose meat."

Lucian heard that this voice was the first person who spoke to him and talked to him. He stunned and wanted to say it again, but he was pushed hard by the man. The left hand that was originally pressed on the magic line was forced. go away.


Lu Xi'an just wanted to speak, but found that the flash of the magic array only fanned twice, and actually restored stability.

Looking at the boy's light from the right hand on the magical array, Lucian's heart was amazed.

This guy can easily activate Lu Xi'an's hand-drawn magic array, which proves that his understanding of the magic array and magic has reached a certain level, no less than Lu Xi'an.

Seeing that he maintained the lighting effect of the magic array, Lu Xi'an indulged in a moment, in the gaze of the crowd, walked to the side of the carriage and reached out to close the closed compartment wall.

Just inductively with the magic, Lu Xi'an frowned. (To be continued...)