Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 6: Strange girl

Everyone looked at the direction of the sound and saw a girl in the team slowly raise her head and greeted everyone.

The girl hadn’t had any special moves before, and she always looked down, so she didn’t pay much attention at all. Now suddenly she came up with such a sentence and suddenly surprised everyone.

"Look at what I am doing, I said the game is over and everyone can go back."

The girl's voice sounded very playful, but the expression on her face did not change, making people look very weird.

The two brawny opponents glanced at one of them, and one of them strode over and yelled: "Hey, little girl, what are you talking about here? Is it owing?"

The girl squinted her head and looked at the brawny. She still screamed and smiled. A fireball flew out from her raised hands and flew the brawny out.

Another brawny stared at the companion who was flying out, and it took a while to react. He shouted in shock and said: "Impossible! How can you still use magic!"

"The magical array of such a loophole is also called the banned magic field?" The girl's voice reveals undisguised disdain. "It's not as good as the law of the banned magic field in the maze I played when I was young."

The big man raised his fist and watched the posture is to rush to pick up the girl first, but some did not dare.

The girl pointed to him behind him.

"Hey, don't you go see your companion? If you don't care, he will be burned to death."

The brawny suddenly turned back and saw that the companion who had just been flying out of the fireball by the girl had been full of flames at this time, and was screaming in pain while tumbling on the ground.

He quickly took off his clothes and slammed it hard.

However, the flame on the companion did not see any weakening at all. He had to hate the girl with a hateful look and ran away from the depths of the manor.

The rest of the young people, including Lucian, stared at the brave man who was still mourning on the ground, and then looked at the girl whose face was still sane, and for a moment she did not know what to do.

"Well, let me solve this handcuff first." The girl suddenly thought of something. With a gentle touch of his hands, the handcuffs that had originally copied her hands would fall off automatically.

Lucian was suddenly shocked.

After taking this handcuffs just now, he has tried many times in secret, trying to relieve the influence of his hand on the magic. Then find a way to lift the restrictions on handcuffs.

However, the magical device in this handcuff is obviously extremely delicately designed. Under the influence of the handcuffs, he can't even do the magic of cohesiveness, let alone lift the handcuffs.

But now that the girl hasn't seen her movements, she has easily lifted her handcuffs. It is obvious that her understanding and use of magic is probably far above Lu Xi'an.

After the handcuffs were removed, the girl swayed her wrist, then came to other people, slammed them on the handcuffs that locked them, and the handcuffs automatically released.

When it was Lu Xi'an's turn, Lu Xi'an condensed his spirit and sensed a strange wave of magic from the girl's finger. Then the magical fluctuations in the handcuff that could affect his magic control disappeared without a trace. .

At the same time, this strange magic also split into a handcuff, affecting the mechanical devices inside the handcuffs, so that the handcuffs are automatically released.

Lucian looked at the handcuffs that fell on the ground. Look at the girl who is helping the next person to lift the handcuffs, and my heart is full of surprise.

The girl is about the same size as herself, but she can not only use magic in this environment surrounded by the banned magic field, but even so easily crack the design delicately and precisely. Magic handcuffs, it really makes people feel incredible.

But the most confusing thing for Lu Xi'an is why such a girl with such a great ability will be caught by those people.

With her ability, she will not fall into such a trap at all.

"Hey, let's run, that guy must be a helper!"

A boy who had just left the control of the handcuffs screamed anxiously.

The rest of the people look at each other. There is concern in the expression.

Obviously, the strong man who went straight to the depths of the manor was definitely going to call the helper. They continued to stay here. There is only one share that is caught again.

"I don't recommend that you do this." The girl who saved the man gave a chuckle and swayed at the crowd. "With your ability, you can't run much at all. And it's very remote. If you leave here, I'm afraid it's hard to find a way home."

Everyone looks at each other.

Another girl in the team couldn’t help but ask: "What should I do? When their helpers come, don’t we still have to be caught?"

The girl who saved the man shrugged: "Don't worry. They can call the helper. Can't I call?"

After she finished speaking, she flipped her hand and didn't know where to find a small and delicate magic box.

Everyone saw her movements, and they all showed a shocked look.

Here are the magic-related students in various colleges. Of course, the girl just took out the magic box from the extra magic space.

Being able to have an extra storage magic space with you, either wearing the corresponding magical props, or the magic power of itself is strong enough to have a deep understanding and understanding of the space magic.

The girl must have not kept anything special with them, so the only explanation is that she is an extremely powerful magician who can master the space magic!

If you were able to master the magic of space in a decade ago, the minimum would be a great magician.

Now, although after ten years of research and development of modern magic theory, the space magic is no longer as mysterious and difficult to understand as before, but it can be deeply understood, mastered, and even a magician who can create a space for magic storage. But none of them are the elite of the magician.

Any magician with this ability is enough to obtain a high-level assessment of space magic theory, and even qualified to enter the New Flying Chamber of Commerce Magic Research Institute.

While doubting that this girl is so young and so powerful, the hearts of the people are also quite stable.

With such a powerful magician sitting in the town, they probably have hopes of being saved.

However, in the next moment, the look on everyone's face was all changed.

From the depths of the manor, there was a rumbling sound, and when I looked up, I saw three magical locomotives rushing to the side.

Magic chariot!

These young people who have long studied magical mechanical related theory, which one can't recognize this thing is a magical chariot that has made countless people stunned on the battlefield?

In the face of such horrific military magical machinery, it is up to them, these young magicians, not to say that they are still under the influence of the banned magic field, and even if they are in good condition, they will never be able to compete.

Even the powerful magicians of the Great Sorcerer level, there is no way to face these magical chariots, because the New Flying Chamber of Commerce was as early as ten years ago and the war between the two empires, and most recently in the mainland. Some local disputes are very clear.

The people couldn't help but regain their gaze on the strange girl.

Even if her strength is so strong, it is impossible to rely on one person to fight against this full three magical chariots.

So... what is the helper she said?

The girl saw everyone looking at herself and shrugged.

"But it's just three old models of magic tanks that have long since been eliminated. What are you so nervous about?"

Everyone looks at each other.

Another girl couldn't help but anxiously said: "This... classmate, that's a magic chariot! We can't beat it! You can call your helper!"

"Yes, yeah, we will die later!"

"Hurry up, I don't want to be caught by them again..."


A group of people have rushed.

The girl was still expressionless, but she sighed and shook her head slightly.

"You, it's too cold enough."

Having said that, she still picked up the magic box with some chic shape in her hand and pressed it gently.

However... under the gaze of everyone's expectations, the light on the magic box that represents the call has been blinking, and there is no sign of any connection.

"what happened?"

"Is it broken?"

"It won't be that you have no help at all. Just lie to us?"

"Is there a mistake! It’s a joke at this time!"

"God is on, please beg you to save us..."


The hope of a group of young people who are eager to ignite is about to burst, and they can’t help but panic.

The girl glanced at the magic box in her hand and shook it.

"Strange... Is it broken? No..."

Everyone was crying and looking at her, thinking that this time it was not played by this guy.

At this time, I first talked to Lucian, and the boy who first rushed out of the carriage and tried to escape but was fattened and screamed to the girl: "Hey, they haven’t arrived yet, you have to flee. You have There is the ability to release a fireball here, and it should have the ability to escape. As long as we escape, we will inform other people and we will have a chance to be rescued."

Everyone glimpsed, thinking that this is a good idea.

However, it is thought that only this girl has a chance to escape, but many people feel that they are not reconciled, and some people's faces become strange.

Lucian did not pay attention to this from the beginning. He kept staring at the magic box in the girl's hand and frowned.

At this time, when he heard the boy's words, he flashed his mind and walked over to reach out to the girl.

"Can you show me the magic box?" (.)