Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v8 Chapter 94: Worker riot

The car owner did not speak, but his eyes revealed obvious dissatisfaction.

The young squatting car family and their relatives also showed some obvious disappointment on their faces. Apparently, Xu also had a little problem with this question.

Even the young couple who were almost killed by Xu was also stunned. It seems that Xu also would be so angry because of them.

Xu also sighed in the heart.

Although the mainland of Sainz has undergone a tremendous transformation because of his arrival, it has now developed a strong and complete magical industrial industry. In terms of the level of living technology, it has even caught up with the earth's standard in many aspects.

However, only the material is changed, and people's spiritual concepts are still not changed much.

In the various countries on the mainland of Sainz, although slaves have long been completely abandoned, there is still a very serious concept of honor.

Aristocrats are nobles and civilians are civilians.

In the minds of almost everyone, the nobility is much more noble than the civilians, and its status is completely different.

The young men and women are obviously just a pair of ordinary civilian children, and they almost killed their car owners, but they are traditional aristocratic families in Bangta. Now the father standing next to him has the title of the Viscount, even himself. Also because of the early identification of the family heir, and has a baron title.

Therefore, in the eyes of all the people outside the room, the identity of the two sides is different, and the civilians and men are really killed in their minds, and they are not a big deal in their minds.

If it wasn’t for the promise, it’s just that they don’t even have to pay for it.

What makes Xu also feel sad is that the young couple of the civilians are afraid of this.

"Hui Huichang, he is also unintentional, he is certainly not willing to hit people." Earl Vigian quickly eased the atmosphere and smiled: "Fortunately, there are now presidents who have appeared and saved their lives." So, don't you have to be too harsh?"

"Cruel?" Xu also snorted, coldly looking at the car family. Turning head to Vigian Bodao: "I am not an official of your Lanpari Kingdom, or even belong to the Kingdom of Lampari, so you decide what to do with it. It is your business, it has nothing to do with me. I can't control it. But in this case, the place related to our new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is what I can manage."

Earl Viggan quickly continued: "Please ask the president to make it clear."

Xu also raised his finger at the car owner who was still not convinced, and suddenly asked; "Do you have a driver's license?"

Everyone glimpsed and looked at the famous car family.

The name of the car owner changed slightly. Hesitant to refuse to answer.

The parents standing next to him suddenly became anxious.

"Mr. Xu is asking you something, answer quickly!"

The car owner hesitated, opened his mouth, just said a "I", but was interrupted by Xu.

"Don't try to lie. Anyone who has officially passed the driver's license has a record, I can check it at any time."

The car owner changed his face this time, and after a while he just slammed his head down.

"I do not have……"

Everyone around was shocked.

"Very good, then you are driving without a license. And because of the ultra-high speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour on the city streets at night, it has already violated a number of driving license regulations. According to regulations. I can now Judging that you will not be eligible for a driver's license for life, and you are not qualified to continue driving a magic locomotive. Do you have any objections?"

And the face of several car owners has changed greatly. If the test is different, a group of relatives are relieved.

If Xu’s punishment is only this, it’s really too slight.

If you don't have a driver's license, you can't continue driving.

As long as it is not unfortunate enough to be caught again, then with the status of these families, driving without a license in Bangta City is not a big deal.

Xu Yi did not see the thoughts of these guys, and snorted. He also pointed to the young couple: "In addition, you almost killed them just now, although they did not have an accident because of my appearance, but the necessary compensation is still needed."

The parents of the car family did not understand what Xu meant. Quickly get together to the young couple, a warm look.

The young couple never thought that there would be a Viscounty adult who was so whispering to a civilian like himself. For a time, he was overwhelmed. Finally, Xu also indicated that Count Vigian had come forward and drafted a compensation amount of three thousand gold coins.

Three thousand gold coins can be said to be a large number for the young civilian couple, but for a noble family who can afford the latest magic sports car. Of course it is nothing.

So when the two sides negotiated and finally got the approval of Xu Yi, everyone was relieved.

Xu Yi’s appearance made everyone think that this incident would be very troublesome. I didn’t expect that the problem was solved with only three thousand gold coins in the end. It was really beyond their expectations.

Only when they were ready to say goodbye, Xu also suddenly gave a warning.

"Don't try to retaliate in private, I will let people follow up on this matter. If something happens afterwards, don't blame me."

Xu Yi’s cold words made everyone feel amazed. The parents of the car family quickly promised Xu that they would never go to the private couple to find trouble in the private. They are leaving.

After everyone left, the hall of the city government was restored to calm.

Earl Viggan looked at the tea and closed his eyes. He didn't know what Xu thought about, and he wondered.

Although he did not have the opportunity to have close contact and cooperation with Xu, like many previous Bangta City owners, Xu has never been a particularly good speaker.

You know, even if the Candela empire offended him, it paid a heavy price.

Now these unfamiliar kides have directly collided with him. Even two boys have yelled at him. He finally gave such a painless punishment. It is really puzzling.

"Count of Vigian." Xu also suddenly spoke.

Earl Vigian was shocked and calmed down and smiled: "Mr. Xu, what else is there?"

“I heard that two workers’ riots broke out in Bangta City last month?” Xu asked.

Earl Vigian’s heart was shocked and he thought about it. Nod and replied: "Yes. Who will you know from the news?"

"What is the cause of the riot?" Xu also did not answer.

"This...that is, the workers are not satisfied with their wages and salaries, so they chose a collective strike and then they have a conflict with the factory. It is too violent to say that it is violent."

"What was the last thing to do?"

Earl Vigian frowned slightly. I don't understand why Xu also suddenly asked these questions.

However, he is very clear. Since Xu also asked these things, he must have learned a lot about it. Concealing is also meaningless. He replied: "Our city government only gives some workers who take the lead in making trouble. Grab it. Nothing else is done."

"Yes? But how do I hear that the leading workers are all in prison?" Xu Yi’s tone suddenly became cold.

Earl Vigean was shocked, how did Xu know this even?

"This...the workers’ leaders have guilty in prison and they are fighting each other to death..."

At this time, Count Viggan can only tell the answer that was thrown to the newspaper.

"Yes? Are you reporting to Queen Sevigny like this?" Xu also asked.

"It is indeed reported this way."

"How did the Queen respond?"

"Your Majesty hopes that I can maintain the order of Bangta City and I don't want to see another similar incident happen."

"This is the case..." Xu also nodded and fell silent again.

Count Vigian looked at Xu Yi with a sigh of relief, wondering why he suddenly asked these questions.

In the face of Xu Yi, he was even more nervous than facing Serena’s Majesty.

Because he is very clear, Her Majesty needs him to manage Bangta City as long as he does not make a big mistake. For his family's sake, Her Majesty will not take him.

But the promises in front of me are different.

As long as Xu is willing, he can order it in one sentence. Through the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, most of the magic industry in Bangta City is destroyed.

And if the magical industrial industry is destroyed, the city of Bangta is not much different from being destroyed. The city owner can only be destroyed together.

Others may not do this kind of hard work, and can even say that both sides are hurt, but Xu has always been evaluated as a madman by many people. There have been countless crazy ideas and practices, no one can be sure whether he will make This kind of thing.

After a while. Xu Yi only spoke again.

"Count, Vigian, you just said that the workers are not satisfied with their wages, so they choose to strike collectively. Then I would like to ask. Now how low the general wages in Bangta City are, so that workers will choose to strike. Even a direct conflict with the factory?"

Earl Viggan immediately said: "According to the instructions of Her Majesty the Queen, according to the regulations of the Kingdom Council, Bangta City made the minimum salary rule according to the actual situation last year, no matter what kind of work. The minimum wage per month should not be low. For eight gold coins. I think... No Chamber of Commerce in Bangta City will violate this rule."

"Oh?" There was a bit of ridicule in Xu’s smile on his face.

If there are eight gold coins per month, it will not be a high income for Bangta City, where prices have soared and the living standards have been rising, but it is indeed possible to maintain an ordinary family.

If the workers in Bangta City can get such a salary, then choosing to strike, and even directly conflict with the factory is simply incomprehensible.

However, Xu is also very clear that the capitalists on the mainland of Sainz and the capitalists on the earth will not have any essential difference, even more than the capitalists on the earth.

It is said that the minimum of eight gold coins per month is just the number that stays on the surface.

In fact, according to the information obtained by Xu, there are many chambers of commerce in Bangta City that are deducted through various names. In the end, the actual wages of workers are even less than half of the agreed wages, far less than eight. gold.

Moreover, the working hours of many chambers of commerce have also increased significantly, and the intensity has also increased, making many workers feel overwhelmed.

That is to say, in this case, it will lead to two worker riots in Bangta City.

As the owner of the city of Bangta, the Earl of Vigian could not be unaware of these situations, but he obviously had deep ties with the nobles and merchants in the city of Bangta, and naturally would not take these things out.

"Count, Vigian, I will give you a piece of advice." Xu also said as he slowly rose.

Earl Viggan followed and stood up, wondering.

"Please confirm the president."

"Don't underestimate the power of the working class. In addition, I will pass on my words to Her Majesty."

After leaving this sentence, Xu also left the city's main house, leaving the count of Vigian to worry about it. (~^~)