Magic Tech’s Lair (Demon Pets' Black Tech Nest)

Chapter 671: Young Invincible King

Because of his origin, the jungle goddess, who is a god, has a clearer understanding of the power of angel blood.

The angel's blood should be of great help to her current level.

However, with her pride, it is impossible to speak with Cao Yan to ask, so she does not squeak.

Cao Yan laughed secretly, waiting to see if the goddess of the jungle could get rid of internal injuries.

"What secret do you have, let's talk first." Cao Yan asked the abalone.

"My secret is awesome. It involves a heavy treasure. I told the boss the secret, hoping to get some rewards from the boss ..." Abalone said.

Cao Yan: "Say it."

"I fell into the green jungle world with a star meteorite. This meteorite contains special energy. Because of its existence, it has formed the bottomless abyss below the Pet Masters Association now!"

Abalone said: "The meteorites and me left the world from which I came from, and then were released from an interface aircraft and fell into the green jungle world from outside."

Cao Yanxin ’s interface aircraft should be a flying tool similar to a spacecraft, or it may be an alchemy of a large magic spaceship.

"In the heyday of the world I came from, the intelligent races around the world invaded.

Unfortunately, the green jungle world seems to be guarded by a mysterious force. Before our aggression began, something unexpected happened.

进入 After entering the green jungle world with meteorites and stars, an uncontrolled impact explosion occurred, and I was hit hard. "

Abalone told a secret from a long time ago: "Before I was severely hit and fell asleep, I also sensed that the interface aircraft carrying our approach was also affected by the terrorist forces deep in the green jungle world. Accidentally, it also fell into the green jungle world. "

"And I can find where it fell deep into the jungle.

I can take the boss to find this interface aircraft, which is an amazing top-level artifact. "

"The world I came from later declined, and it was also related to its fall. Because it came to the green jungle to invade, so the aircraft was equipped with many extreme powers and important resources.

They died as the aircraft fell, and the world in which I live has lost the strongest legacy of power.

要 If we can find that spaceship, the boss ’s sky city will be immediately supported by a lot of precious resources, and it will develop by leaps and bounds. "

Abalone beeps so much, Cao Yan has understood it safely, saying: "That is to say, the touted aircraft, you can only roughly sense the position, the rest is not sure, whether it is as good as you say, It's just your guess that I need to find it myself before I can determine what I have gained.

Abalone, do you want to use the aircraft you drew as a big cake, and exchange the blood of angels with me? "

Abalone embarrassed, "As long as you find that aircraft, the rewards will definitely exceed the boss's expectations. It is deep in the eternal jungle, I can feel it."

Cao Yan: "Then wait to find the aircraft, and then decide whether to give you angel blood."

When I found the aircraft, the angel's blood might have been divided by Cao Yan's magic pets or servants.

Abalone anxiously said, "Begging the boss, please. After I merged another (fake abalone), I was very close to the 13th stage, and needed the energy contained in the blood of the angel to try to break through.

The boss can sign a soul contract with me, then my strength increases, that is, the strength of the boss is increasing. "

The false leave system once said that because of the reason for crossing, Cao Yan's mental strength was ambitious and different from ordinary people. After he reaches the king level, he will have one more pet master, and he can have one more contract magic pet than other pet masters.

Therefore, even if the jungle goddess is born, occupying the normal pet master level of Cao Yan, he can still sign another magic pet.

The abalone is known as the master of gluttony, with talent attributes and combat qualities of the same rank, which are the best match.

只有 Only the contract magic pet can better cooperate with the pet master and give full play to its combat capabilities.

After Cao Yan considered for a moment, he formed the exclusive spiritual mark of the pet master, and then forced the blood from the fingertips to form a brand, which was integrated into the soul origin of abalone differentiation, and the contract was completed.

Suddenly there was a blood-connected breath in the consciousness.

This breath is cold and evil, and greedy killing is the spiritual source of abalone.

Since he signed a contract with Cao Yan, Cao Yan no longer took the blood of the angel, took a few drops, and gave it to the abalone.

Abalone hastened to swallow angel's blood into the body.

The energy of that blood burst out in it. The beast-catcher ball where the abalone was located floated from the badge of Cao Yan's pet master, and the breathy atmosphere in the ball was violent and amazing, and the surrounding void was torn from cracks.

Inside the Puppet Masters Association, Tinon, Ji Qianshan, and others all reacted and looked at Cao Yan's residence: "So strong spatial fluctuations ..."

After the integration of fake abalone, the power of abalone has approached totem level infinitely.

At this time it was assisted by the blood of angels, and almost reached the critical point of breakthrough.

"Ding! Prompt the host, your devil pet abalone is hitting the 13th barrier. At present, the chance that it will successfully evolve into a totem-level evil tyrant is about 41%; the star meteorite that fell into the green jungle world with it can increase its Breakthrough success rate. "Pet Assistant assistant pushed out a prompt.

The star meteorite that and abalone fell into the green jungle world together was originally a treasure of abalone, but was later acquired by Cao Yan's routine, and even the pot end.

Now these meteorites are in the hands of Cao Yan.

After receiving the prompt message from the pet assistant, he took out a number of star fragments for abalone to absorb.

Soon afterwards, the beast-catcher ball with abalone became calm, the fluctuations were restrained, and Cao Yan regained the storage space. There were three or four drops of angel's blood, and they were also collected.

Totem-level evolution is difficult and takes a long time.

Cao Yan received the beast catcher ball, got up and stretched, and found that the goddess of the jungle hasn't opened her mouth to ask for angel's blood until now ~ ~ can't help but pout and laugh.

Milow was killed, and the church is unlikely to provoke him again in a short time.

Cao Yan estimates that he can clean up for a while and do other things.

The abalone signed a contract with him and has informed Cao Yan of the falling position of the aircraft it knows.

At present, there is an ant colony, which is heading towards the direction in which the aircraft falls into the jungle, and is preparing to start searching.

Cao Yan gathered his thoughts and organized what he should do in the next stage.

Improving yourself (the magic pet) is always the most important, followed by continuing to promote the development of the city of the sky.

Ou Aohe and Mantra set out to investigate two of the twelve ancient tribe relics in ancient times. After some time, the results should come back soon.

The stars are bright outside the window, and the night is just right.

Cao Yan immediately opened the space for delivery and went to Wang Li.

In the next few days, the news that Cao Yan killed the two church judges in rapid succession spread rapidly around the city of God's Realm, which is well known in the world.

Cao Yan's name successfully dominated the screen, as if the whole world was talking about various topics related to him.

At this time, Cao Yan, fame climbed to the peak after he came to the green jungle world, becoming the youngest invincible king!

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