Making Pets A Worldwide Phenomenon

v1 Chapter 111: Huggies

"Meow~ Daiyu didn't know either. It was still biting the cage before, but suddenly it fell to the ground and didn't move. I sensed that it was still alive, so it shouldn't be sick."

Daiyu jumped down from the chair, ran over with the small pieces, looked at Huakis in the cage and said with her head tilted.

Fang Ziyu looked at Hutchison, who seemed to have died in the cage, shook his head and said, "Daiyu, you don't know that there is a disease in this world called play essence disease."

Speaking of which, he opened the cage under Daiyu's puzzled eyes, but the showman, Hughes, remained motionless, with his eyes closed and his tongue sticking out, as if he had already died.

Fang Ziyu pulled it out, and was about to give it two blows on the buttocks, when Hughes, who was still pretending to be dead, turned his head up and ran out of the door without saying a word, whimpering in his mouth. Whoops.

Daiyu's eyes were wide open, as if to say that she was a showgirl.

"Xiaobing, trap it." Fang Ziyu said with an expressionless face, he was absolutely sure that this was definitely a pure-blooded Hutch.

This guy is only a half-big husky, and he has already jumped like this a few months after he was born. Fang Ziyu can hardly imagine how much headache the owner who bought it will have in the future.

Hearing this, Xiaobing randomly created an ice prison to trap Huggies for a few years. Huggies found that his carefully planned escape plan was in vain and screamed.

Fang Ziyu ignored it, moved the cat food and dog food into the house on his own, and then put the newly bought cat food and dog food on the pets, and let Huggies watch in the ice prison and let you hide.

Daiyu wagged her tail happily after eating the new flavor of dried shrimp, while Rhubarb hugged her small dried fish and started to make up for her sleep lazily.


Using his fire skills, Hutches found that he couldn't burn the ice cubes and called Fang Ziyu for mercy.

Fang Ziyu wanted to sleep, but this guy couldn't be noisy, so Xiao Bing made a hole in the ice cell, and then grabbed the half-sized Huggies and tied it up.

The half-sized huskies are cuter than the adult huskies. They are fleshy, and their whole body is soft. The ears are twinkling. He was rolling on the ground, acting coquettish and cute, and his little tail shook over and over, begging Fang Ziyu's forgiveness.

Fang Ziyu touched its head and said, "Want to eat dog food with new flavors?"


Huggies jumped twice, and put his legs on Fang Ziyu's legs two days ago. He kept nodding his head and sticking out his tongue, and his two soft ears swayed with his movements. Da look.

Fang Ziyu rolled his eyes and knew that this guy was a foodie. He probably smelled the new dog food after he came out and was so greedy that he was so obedient.

What a ruthless eating machine!

Seeing that Fang Ziyu still didn't speak, little Huggies first put his head against Fang Ziyu's legs, and then rolled on the ground, exposing his furry belly and screaming at Fang Ziyu, it seems that I'm going to do everything I can to be cute. Well, you can give the cute Huggies a bite of dog food for my hard work.

Fang Ziyu shook his head, took his dog bowl and scooped up half a bowl of the newly bought dog food, then grabbed half of it and fed it to him. The guy devoured two mouthfuls and looked at Fang Ziyu innocently: I still want.

"Is it delicious?" Fang Ziyu asked.

"Ouch..." The little husky kept nodding, the new dog food was so delicious, it could still eat two big bowls.

"You have to eat obediently, don't make any noise, and don't allow dog food to be scattered all over the floor, did you hear that?" Fang Ziyu said.

Huggies doesn't care whether you have dog food anyway, you are right, and he keeps nodding his head in anger.

Fang Ziyu then put the dog food in front of him, and Hutches rushed over to the bottom of the bowl and ate it, spreading the dog food all over the floor.

Fang Ziyu: "..."

You fool!

Angrily, he chained Huggies to the cage and went back to the reclining chair to sleep with the pillow in his arms.

I actually tried to tame a Huskies, what am I dreaming about?

Shaking his head, he decided to go to bed, out of sight and out of mind, and to clean up after you finished eating.

Before going to bed, Fang Ziyu looked at his phone and added the twenty pictorial points he had just obtained. At this time, the total was only 118. To use the extreme toughness to strengthen Xiaobing would require a total of 100 pictorial points. He now has enough pictorial points, but I still decided to like the illustration point to strengthen it.

100 Pokédex points can only be strengthened once with a unit of Toughness. Fang Ziyu now has 9.3 units of Toughness. He wants to verify one thing, but the Pokémon points at hand are far from enough.

With nothing to do, Fang Ziyu yawned and found a comfortable position to sleep.

The recliner shook, Fang Ziyu quickly fell asleep, and it was already noon when he woke up.

He took out his mobile phone and saw a new message. It was a message from the Summoner School assessment group, asking every assessment officer to gather at Ancheng Normal University on time tomorrow morning at 9:00, and there would be a meeting at 10:00.

Fang Ziyu replied with a received, rubbed his face and stood up.

First, he swept the dog food on the floor that Huches had sprinkled during his, and then went to the next restaurant to order some oil-splashed noodles.

It's a pity that there was not a single customer in the morning. Today's business is even more sluggish than yesterday. Yesterday, someone came to take a look.

The oil-splashed noodles made by Lao Zhang is very authentic, and the noodles are full of strength. When you pour hot oil with spicy garlic and hot oil, the wonderful fragrance will make you want to stop.

After eating, Fang Ziyu rubbed his stomach and felt extremely satisfied. He lay down on the reclining chair again and began to sleep for the second half of the day.

Fang Ziyu has moved more and more in the direction of salted fish ever since he acquired the skill of "I sleep so I am strong."

Two hours passed in this way. The pet store was quiet, with the cat meowing and the dog whining once or twice from time to time. The pets were also dozing off like Fang Ziyu.

Rhubarb was sleeping on the cashier counter, but suddenly a lot of golden light was emitted from its body, and the whole cat instantly became golden.

At the same time as the body glowed, Da Huang woke up, and didn't know what to perceive, it looked extremely angry, and all its sharp claws were exposed.


Da Huang let out a low roar, and rushed out without saying a word.

"Ziyu, something happened, something happened..." Daiyu jumped on top of Fang Ziyu and shook Fang Ziyu awake.

"Huh? What's going on?" Fang Ziyu rubbed his eyes, "Did Da Huang run out?"

"Rhubarb suddenly radiated golden light all over his body, and then it screamed angrily and ran out." Daiyu said quickly.

Fang Ziyu frowned: "Let's go, let's chase after him and have a look, Xiaobing, stop watching cartoons."

He told Lao Zhang next door to help him take a look at the store. Fang Ziyu took Daiyu and Xiaobing to chase him out. He could vaguely guess what was going on, and hoped that Da Huang would not be too impulsive.
