Making Pets A Worldwide Phenomenon

v1 Chapter 120: Guardian of Anseong

Chapter 120, Guardian of Ancheng, Chapter 120, Chapter 120 of Petalization Global Text Volume

It used to be a place similar to the activity center of college students, but now it should be transformed into a training ground, with many training equipment that Fang Ziyu has never seen before, and it is estimated that it is used to train pets.

Fang Ziyu found classroom 102 and went to collect the examiner's certificate. Fang Ziyu felt a little empty when he saw all the soldiers standing at the entrance of the classroom.

Like an Erha mixed into a wolf pack, he was a little overwhelmed.

Police Officer Feng didn't tell him before that everyone other than him were soldiers or policemen.

With an uneasy mood, Fang Ziyu walked to the door of the large classroom and stood silently behind a one-meter-eight soldier brother, standing upright and not looking sideways.

He took out his standing posture during military training in college, and he couldn't help everyone stand so neatly.

Erha is estimated to be able to self-hypnotize himself as a wolf, but Chen Shen can't do it, I just feel that I don't fit in here.

The soldier standing upright looked back at Fang Ziyu and found that he was not a soldier, with a surprised look in his eyes, and then turned his head back.

Then the soldiers in the front line turned their heads one by one and looked at Fang Ziyu curiously like Hutchison. Fang Ziyu stood like a pine tree, not looking sideways.

Xiao Bing didn't feel anything about it, sitting on Fang Ziyu's shoulder and playing with his claws.

After ten minutes, Fang Ziyu finally came to the front.

"My name is Fang Ziyu, I'm here to get the certificate of the examiner. This is my ID card." Fang Ziyu said, feeling that the serious atmosphere was really not suitable for him.

The non-commissioned officer in charge of issuing the assessment officer certificate glanced at Fang Ziyu and said with a smile, "I know you, Officer Feng recommended it."

The non-commissioned officer glanced at Fang Ziyu's ID card, and then handed Fang Ziyu an ID card with a red seal on his photo and wrapped in clear plastic.

"This is your certificate, sign here, then wait outside for a while, there will be a meeting at ten o'clock." The sergeant said with a smile, and it seemed that Fang Ziyu was a little nervous and reminded kindly.

"Thank you, I understand." Fang Ziyu signed and nodded.

He took Xiaobing Fang Ziyu out of the big classroom with the certificate, then took a deep breath and wiped the sweat from his palms: "Oh, my God!"

Xiaobing actually gave Fang Ziyu a breath of air to cool down, and then asked inexplicably, "I feel like you slipped in more than that night..."

"Shh..." Fang Ziyu covered Xiaobing's mouth: "Don't mention this later, don't mention it."

To mention this matter here, this is not to kill him.

"Okay! Your hands are really salty." Xiaobing said in disgust, breaking away from Fang Ziyu's hand.

Fang Ziyu waved his hand, found a place to sit down, looked at the certificate of the mobile phone, and found that there was nothing unusual, so he picked up the mobile phone and played.

As for the soldiers who were at the middle training ground just now, Fang Ziyu felt that he didn't need to go there to be embarrassed. He thought he was thick enough, but only then did he realize that he was also a thin-skinned cute boy.

But these people seemed to Fang Ziyu sitting here alone, and a few people came over and took the initiative to chat with Fang Ziyu.

One of the simple and honest men named Li Hao was the most enthusiastic. After a while, they got to know each other very well. Fang Ziyu also regained his calm.

After chatting for a while, Li Hao and the others ran back to talk to the others, while Fang Ziyu played with his mobile phone.

As soon as I took out my phone, I saw a message from Weixin.

Taking a closer look, it was a message sent by Zhao Youran: "Fang Ziyu, I was wrong, you can blame me if you want to. Don't refuse to let Rhubarb bred to my family, I was a little embarrassed and at a loss, I'm sorry!"

Fang Ziyu: "??? What are you apologizing for? You look cute in shock!"

Zhao Youran: "I'll invite you to dinner when I have time to apologize. Why didn't you tell me in advance that you are an examiner?"

Fang Ziyu: "Didn't you also ask, can I order whatever I want?"

Zhao Youran: "..."

Zhao Youran: "Yes, you can order whatever you want, but you must bring rhubarb."

Fang Ziyu: "That's no problem, I'll tell you when I have time."

Fang Ziyu was very happy to be able to eat a meal for nothing, and Zhao Youran took the initiative to invite him.

Originally, Fang Ziyu was still a little nervous, but after chatting with Zhao Youran for a while, it was all gone.

I'm just a soldier, and they won't eat me, so why are you nervous? I'm not a husky who got into a pack of wolves.

It was still early, it was only 9:20, Fang Ziyu decided to watch it quietly and wait for the meeting time to come.

Xiaobing on the side was really bored. He didn't watch any cartoons, and he couldn't fly around. He wanted to play Doudou.

After ten minutes, Fang Ziyu was really fascinated, Xiaobing patted him on the shoulder: "Someone is here, Fang Ziyu."

"Who is it?" Fang Ziyu raised his head casually and saw a middle-aged man in black walking slowly towards him.

After taking another look, Fang Ziyu turned off his cell phone, and stood up and saluted, "Hello, sir!"

Hold the grass, why are you running to me, sir, the meeting hasn't started yet.

This person is none other than the guardian of Ancheng, the boss who owns the fifth-order pet flame bird, Fang Ziyu can't help but take it seriously.

Although I have seen it on TV before, this is the first time it is so close.

The Guardian of Ancheng looked like a man in his thirties, with a slightly fat body, about 1.75 meters tall, with a Chinese character face, a dark complexion, and an aura of no anger and prestige, just standing there makes people feel intimidated.

"Okay." The Guardian of Ancheng smiled and said, "Don't be so nervous, sit down and talk for a while."

"Yes!" Fang Ziyu stood upright and answered solemnly, trying his best to show his posture during the military training.

In fact, he didn't want to, but he didn't dare to refuse.

Then Fang Ziyu sat down in a standard sitting position, and the guardian of Ancheng smiled at Fang Ziyu and sat next to him.

Looking at the Ancheng guardian who is close at hand, Fang Ziyu is beating drums in his heart. Could it be that I got into the blockade of Baiyang Road and was discovered? Not so unlucky!

"This is your pet It is said that it has undergone a rare secondary mutation and has a seventh-order potential?" The guardian of Ancheng looked at Xiaobing next to Fang Ziyu and said.

"Yes." Fang Ziyu replied solemnly.

"Okay, don't be so serious, otherwise I think you are very suitable for joining the army." The guardian of Ancheng patted Fang Ziyu on the shoulder and said.

Hearing this, Fang Ziyu waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no, sir, I'm not suitable to be a soldier. Really, I can't support the wall with mud. Without organization and discipline, I'm really not suitable for a soldier."

When he heard the word "being a soldier", Fang Ziyu immediately froze. He really didn't fit the atmosphere of a military camp.

"Haha, don't refuse so quickly, maybe you want to become a glorious soldier in the future." The guardian of Ancheng smiled, thinking that this kid is exactly what Feng Baichuan said.

Fang Ziyu said with a bitter face that he really didn't want to be a big soldier.

After a few gossips, the guardian of Ancheng looked at Fang Ziyu and asked, "How much do you know about pet skills?"