Making Pets A Worldwide Phenomenon

v1 Chapter 179: 3000 stacks of armor

The little Taoist replied repeatedly, turned around and walked down the mountain.

The old Taoist looked at Fatty Xiaobing and Daiyu who were following Fang Ziyu and said to Fang Ziyu, "Little friend, these are all your pets? What path are you planning to take, little friend?"

"Yes, they are all my pets. What does it mean to go?" Fang Ziyu asked in confusion.

"It seems that the little friend has not touched the content of this piece yet, let's just let Pindao tell you. What I said means that you are going to train pets to go that route. Generally speaking, the third rank must be determined. .

For example, walking around the poor road is the way that the earth system focuses on defense, so the pets I contracted are first of all large and strong in defense. The characteristic of my way is that when others hit me, it doesn't hurt or itches, but when I give others a blow, others can't bear it.

In addition to these pets of mine, there are pets that specialize in control, attack, and treatment, and other types of pets will be contracted in the future. Like the pets I chose, first of all, they are large in size and have good defenses and are not particularly vulnerable. Second, the attributes are best. is soil property. "

"To sum up, it is a tank lineup that is resistant to beating and fighting, and a little bit of damage. For example, the **** cow at the foot of the mountain is his pet. When you see the tower, you will know what path this old Taoist has taken." Middle-aged Taoist priest Before he could finish speaking, the guardian of Ancheng directly exposed his true colors.

"Who said that Pindao's lineup is very strong in attack, where is it weak? Just your pet lineup that seems to have strong attack power, but is actually fragile like paper, will be finished sooner or later." The middle-aged Taoist immediately He raised his arms and retorted.

"I'm fast, and I can fly. With your lineup, it will only be consumed to death." The guardian of Ancheng said disdainfully.

Fang Ziyu probably understood what it meant in their conversation, which was about the pet lineup. One of the two people was keen on the most poisonous lineup that would kill the enemy, and the other was keen on the assassin lineup to kill opponents in seconds.

"To put it bluntly, don't contract pets with completely opposite properties just because the pets you meet have high potential. If most of you are water-type pets, don't be tempted to meet a high-potential fire-type pet. To contract it, would rather contract a low-potential water pet.

If possible, it is best that all pets are of the same attribute. "The middle-aged Taoist priest advised.

After hearing this, Fang Ziyu asked in a puzzled way: "Why not? Isn't it easy to restrain because of many attributes? If you are all water pets, wouldn't it be difficult to encounter earth pets?"

"Actually, this is just advice for summoners who want to advance to the sixth or higher level.

If your goal is only to become a Summoner of Tier 5 or below, then there is no problem, you can contract as you like, no matter how many attributes you have. If you want to advance to Tier 6, don't do this. The specific reason will naturally be known when you reach Tier 6. "

The middle-aged Taoist shook his head and said with a smile, but did not specifically say the truth of the matter.

"What if I contracted both water and fire pets and still want to advance to the sixth rank? Is there any problem?" Fang Ziyu asked puzzled.

"Don't ask, unless a pet dies in this situation, it is impossible to advance to Tier 6." The Ancheng Guardian shook his head.

Fang Ziyu wanted to ask why again, but the middle-aged Taoist waved his hand and said: "Okay, little friend, don't ask, remember our advice is, don't contract fire pets and then water, and light pets also Do not contract dark pets.

Others will naturally be known as you grow up, and we don't know much, and we still need to explore and try these. "

Fang Ziyu nodded helplessly, there were a lot of doubts in his heart, if they said that, what about the nine-colored willows? I just contracted the Nine-Colored Willow, but it has nine attributes. Could it be that I can't advance to the sixth rank? But there is no reminder to break the game.

But since people don't want to talk about it, he can't ask, so let's get to know it later.

At this time, the little Taoist priest who ran down the mountain before came up riding a blue-colored bullfish. The bullfish floating in the air looked unusually like a Kun.

Seeing the little Taoist bring the pet over, the middle-aged Taoist closed his eyes and pressed his fingers together between his eyebrows. After a while, a yellow-brown ripple appeared over the table, which soon developed into a whirlpool, which looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. The gate of time and space, but only fifty centimeters in diameter.

A blue light flashed, and a blue object landed on the table with a clatter.

The vortex of space slowly disappeared, and the middle-aged Taoist opened his eyes and smiled and said, "This pet space has not been established for a long time, and it is really unaccustomed to use it."

Seeing that these big guys all have pet space, Fang Ziyu couldn't help but be more enthusiastic about collecting five elemental spar, and he really wanted to have a pet space.

"Little friend, this is a fourth-order water-type energy cube. It's a gift from the poor Daoist. At the same time, please help me to perceive the materials for the third-order promotion of this water pet. What do you think?" Taoist Nian pointed to the palm-sized aqua blue water element energy cube on the table and said.

Seeing this water element energy cube, Fang Ziyu couldn't help being a little excited. Fang Ziyu recognized it when the water element energy block appeared on the table, which was only different from the fire element energy block pattern provided by the broken game.

Hearing the middle-aged Taoist say it was for him, Fang Ziyu couldn't sit still, and nodded faster: "Of course there's no problem."

Energy cubes are very difficult to obtain. Only single-element chaotic monsters of Tier 4 or higher will be created when they breed, and they will disappear after the breeding period.

You must know that chaotic trolls are at least dual-type, and there may not be one out of 100 single-element chaotic trolls, and they must be fourth-order and in the breeding period, so finding them is not ordinary difficulty.

Fang Ziyu got up and walked to the aqua blue big head fish. This guy is not small, it is five meters long, with a big head and a small tail. He is covered with a stream of liquid that looks like a stream of water. It looks like there are hundreds of layers. However, judging from the fact that the little Taoist priest sat on it and his clothes were not wet, it seemed to be composed of the water element magic power.

There are two big dull gray eyes on the head, the mouth is round and big, and it seems to be swallowing air, and there are two long white tentacles on each side of the mouth.

Fang Ziyu looked at it, put his hand on its head, rolled his eyes and looked at Fang Ziyu blankly, and flicked his tail.

After launching the detection function of the broken game, Fang Ziyu quickly saw the information of this guy:

[Elf species]: Three thousand water turtles

【Gender】: ♂

[Level]: Second order

[Demon Power]: 99

[Attribute]: nature, water

[Skill]: Water Armor (Water Elemental Active Build Water Elemental Demon Armor and attach it to the body, which can be stacked up to 3,000 layers.),

Fishing Leap (physical active skill, swinging the tail to slam into the enemy, which can knock the enemy into the air and cause temporary dizziness and damage.)

[restraint]: Fire...

[Evolutionary Potential]: Tier 4

[Evolutionary direction]: Three thousand armored fish...

Seeing this information, Fang Ziyu couldn't help but sigh that what kind of master handed over what kind of apprentice, the master's entire defense is super terrifying earth-type **** bull, and the apprentice got a fish pet that can stack 3,000 layers of water armor.

It's an extraordinary fit.

After waiting for thirty seconds, Fang Ziyu slowly explained the advanced formula of the three thousand water turtle.