Making Pets A Worldwide Phenomenon

v1 Chapter 94: Selling instant noodles?

"Meow~ Ziyu, don't worry, they definitely won't find us." Daiyu said confidently, the cat's perception is sensitive, and through perception and observation, it doesn't think that this group of people has the ability to find them.

Xiao Bing also nodded, and affirmed through telepathy.

So Fang Ziyu and a cat and a dragon evaded the investigation in the blockade area, while tracking these three people who did not know which organization.

Not long after, Fang Ziyu followed the three people through the blockade area and came to the urban area outside.

Fang Ziyu always feels a little unsafe. Fortunately, he and Daiyu are both hiding without knowing it. There is no way to find out if Daiyu exists at the fifth rank. Hard to find him.

But Xiaobing is different. It only has a stealth skill on its body. As long as a pet with infrared vision can easily find it, Fang Ziyu still let it fly up to meet him and Daiyu for safety.

The three people went in the opposite direction from Fang Ziyu's home. Fang Ziyu thought about it and followed, and soon came to a place where no one was there, and the three stopped.

The three were two middle-aged men, a young man in his twenties who looked ordinary.

However, the two middle-aged men respected the young man very much, and kept walking half a step away from him.

After they stopped, two powerful Tier 4 pets quietly came out from all around. They seemed to hide here early in the morning to meet the three people.

One of these two pets is an ordinary-looking black and white spotted dog; the other is unrecognizable, with a green body, a lizard head, a pair of pointed horns, six legs, and a pair of purple eyes. As it appeared on the concrete floor, its green body instantly turned to the grayish white of concrete.

These two Tier 4 pets confirmed that there were no people around before the three spoke.

Seeing that they hadn't found himself and Daiyu, Fang Ziyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Captain Mu, how is it? I didn't lie to you. Now this place has been taken over by the Pet Administration. According to our news at the latest tomorrow, they will transfer the fifth-order sealed pet from other places. Shuzu was sealed and brought to the research institute, and it is not so simple to want to plot again.

I know you are very powerful, but now you can't send too many people to support you in a short time. Our Purple Scorpion is definitely the biggest partner you can find in Ancheng. As long as you promise to sell us a batch of monster instant noodles..."

A middle-aged man whispered to the young man.

"You guys? Purple Scorpion is a bit powerful, but it's much worse than troll invaders, right? Just want to cooperate with us in exchange for monster instant noodles?" The young man said arrogantly.

"Captain Mu, although our goals are different, we are still in the human camp. The troll invaders are completely from the chaotic trolls. Their purpose is to release the tree ancestor, which is different from yours. As for The cat abusers alliance, it's not that I look down on them, I can take care of them almost..." The middle-aged man whispered.

The young man thought about it for a while and nodded: "I will respond to you when I go back. I will respond to you tomorrow at the latest. I will go first."

After speaking, the man left with his pet, which looked very strange, and walked into the distance.

The two middle-aged men stayed where they were and watched him leave. One of them suddenly whispered, "Should we follow up and see where their stronghold is?"

Another middle-aged man patted his shoulder and said with a smile, "Do you think the purple scorpion is very powerful?"

He nodded.

Another man looked at the direction the young man was leaving and said, "In their eyes, a purple scorpion is no different from an ant that can be trampled to death at any time!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man walked in the other direction with the dog, the other one was stunned and then quickly followed.

Under the telephone pole not far away, a cat squatted there and eavesdropped on the whole process, but he was confused, monster instant noodles? A new instant noodle brand?

"Meow~ Which one are we following?" Daiyu said through voice transmission.

"No, according to the general routine, you should continue to squat for a while at this time." Fang Ziyu said.

Sure enough, two minutes later, a green pet that looked very strange came back, along with the young man. He glanced around before slowly leaving.

Daiyu, on the other hand, looked at Fang Ziyu with admiration. How did Ziyu find out? great!

"Based on the man's walking posture, I judged that he should be a middle school sophomore..." Fang Ziyu made a fool of himself, but he didn't expect this guy to really look back.

Fang Ziyu was quite worried about being discovered, even if Daiyu Ghost didn't realize that this skill could be deciphered, there is no absolutely perfect and invincible skill in this world.

After hearing Fang Ziyu's explanation, Daiyu was even more at a loss. What is the second middle school?

"Meow~ Ziyu, do we want to follow this person, the pet following him is so strange." Daiyu raised her head and asked Fang Ziyu's voice transmission.

"No, this organization that sells instant noodles doesn't seem to be easy to mess with. Let's take a sneak peek to see where the Purple Scorpion's stronghold is." Fang Ziyu said.

Although from the perspective of the situation this Purple Scorpion's stronghold is not a small stronghold, Fang Ziyu felt that it was still possible to look at the specific location from a distance.

Hanging far behind the two middle-aged men, Fang Ziyu and the others found two people entering a place, then squatted for a while, and found that they hadn't come out. After remembering the place, they took Daiyu and Xiaobing home.

On the way home, he did not remain invisible until one person and two pets completely returned home.

Back at home, Fang Ziyu also turned on the light, fed Daiyu and Xiaobing a little more crystal nucleus, then climbed up to the bed and slept soundly.

The next morning, Fang Ziyu got up late, and it was almost nine o'clock when he turned his head over.

Although I stayed up late last night, Fang Ziyu was in good spirits because of my strong passive skills because I slept.

After leaving the bedroom, the pets in the living room were also sleeping in their cribs. Rhubarb's sleeping position is always the most unrestrained. At this time, it is lying on its side with two straight claws, two claws bent, a small quilt on its stomach, half of its big round head exposed, and its white beard trembling slightly from time to time.

Xiao Bing was lying on the quilt and was still sleeping. The fat chicken had slept in a ball for two days. There were five hamsters in the hamster cage. You squeezed me and I squeezed you next to each other.

Daiyu, who was lying obediently in the crib with the quilt on her body, moved, stretched out a paw and rubbed her eyes, ready to greet Fang Ziyu.

Fang Ziyu walked over and pressed it back: "Daiyu can rest for a while, thanks to you last night."

Daiyu swung her tail, as if she was fighting against her own quilt, and in the end she was defeated by the quilt and continued to sleep.

Fang Ziyu glanced at Daiyu, who only showed a small round head and a tail five centimeters long, and shook his head with a smile.
