“Male” Became a Group Favorite with Her

Chapter 24: Frog Prince Pool meets tolerant friends,

Yu Qiuran woke up with a headache.

She glanced at the alarm clock, it was late at night.

She pressed her temples and asked: [System, what's going on, what's the wind blowing in the world? 】

System: [Maybe you were too tough in front of the board during the day. 】

Yu Qiuran, who was pulled out of the dream, was very angry: [Didn't the OOC value pass the warning line? 】

System: [Nevertheless, you are wearing multiple layers of debuffs, and you are too casual, the "Koi" halo can't suppress the "Hiccup" halo, and you will suffer. 】

Yu Qiuran fell silent.

She rubbed her forehead, she couldn't sleep anyway, so she just went out for a walk.

She changed her clothes and walked slowly along the path formed by the rose flower wall in the cool night wind.

When she was still some distance from the swimming pool, she saw an agile figure looming in the water. The other party went back and forth, swimming quickly, fiddling with the pool water.

Yu Qiuran is excited. She walked over, kicked her hands and squatted three meters away from the edge of the pool, waiting for the other side to show her head.

Ao Jingyi finished swimming again and again and felt a little tired, so he was ready to go ashore. But when he glanced at the edge of the pool, he saw a figure in a "white skirt" suddenly appear in front of him.

“Ow oow—”

This voice is too cute. She stood on the spot and smiled at the frightened Ao Jingyi: "Ayi, it's not even the night of the full moon, why are you rushing to start transforming?"

Ao Jingyi stopped in the pool, looked at Yu Qiuran with an excited face, and rubbed his back molars: "Aran... What are you doing!"

Yu Qiuran rubbed her chin: "I didn't do anything, I just found out that Ayi, you turned into a werewolf and sang Yue Gao's songs very lively. I also wanted to have fun and howl."

Ao Jingyi, who was caught and ridiculed, had a stinky face: "You're too embarrassed to laugh! You don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you running around dressed like this!"

Yu Qiuran wore a romantic country court style men's long nightgown and loose pajama pants. The white pajamas were decorated with a lot of lace and ribbons. It is indeed like a "female ghost" with a fluttering white dress showing her teeth and claws.

Ao Jingyi looked at her, even the trousers were embellished with intricate lace trims, and his neck was buried directly by the flower collars stacked up to the chin, the corners of his eyes twitched: "You Don't you sleep well when you dress like this?"

Of course she doesn't wear this to bed! Yu Qiuran raised his arms and raised his eyebrows proudly at Ao Jingyi. Isn't this to go out and change clothes to make it easier for her to do gender disguise!

It's always right to be cautious, otherwise she wouldn't be able to show up to play with Ao Jingyi at this time.

She didn't answer the topic about pajamas, but went around to the right side of the pool and sat down comfortably on the lounge chair in the lounge area, while asking in a very casual tone: "You are still because of the day Are you unhappy?"

Ao Jingyi floated in the pool, followed Yu Qiuran all the way and turned around.

He was lying on the edge of the pool, watching her leisurely make a bottle of lemonade, and suddenly asked: "Aran seems to be very sensitive to other people's emotions?"

Yu Qiuran leaned against the table, supporting her face with one hand. After the trouble just now, she was in a good mood and her head no longer hurt. After walking for a long time, now the little night wind was blowing slowly, and the sleepiness slowly came up again.

She also doesn't mind Ao Jingyi's reverse probing, brother, we always have to get to know each other better.

She half-closed her eyes drowsily, took a sip of lemonade with a straw, and replied lazily, "Probably because of the environment I grew up in, I especially need to be able to look at people."

Ao Jingyi was startled. Yu Qiuran at night seems to be a little different from her giggling during the day.

He moved his fingers slightly, the tiles by the pool were soaked with water, and he couldn't grasp it coldly, just like the expression in front of him, holding his face lazily, his eyebrows drooping, with a hazy worry in his eyes A little indifferent.

Ao Jingyi wanted to explore. He continued to ask: "You haven't shown up at Yu's house, so where were you before?"

Yu Qiuran threw away the lemonade and snorted. To be honest, she really didn't know where "Yu Qiuran" was when she was a child, and the original book didn't mention it at all.

But that kind of plot where the tyrant's wife runs with the ball, the "ball" usually grew up abroad... right? She nodded convincingly, and answered Ao Jingyi firmly, "I grew up abroad."

Ao Jingyi didn't know what to make up his mind, he sighed at her, as if he was afraid to poke her sore spot, and changed the subject: "Now you are very popular in the academy."

Yu Qiuran laughed. A slyness flashed in her eyes: "Of course, I, the cursed frog prince, came all the way here. Wouldn't it be a miserable loss if I didn't make some good friends."

Ao Jingyi, who was ridiculed again, turned black and ignored Yu Qiuran. He turned around and swam directly to the vertical ladder, grabbed the pole with both hands and pulled it hard, jumped out of the water with a "swoosh" and landed agilely on the shore.

Just as he took out the bath towel to wipe the water droplets off his body, he suddenly heard a loud whistle.

Ao Jingyi suddenly turned his head and looked around, only to find that Yu Qiuran was also looking around with a puzzled face, and when he saw him looking over, he asked strangely, "It's Ayi, you whistle. ?"

Ao Jingyi stared at the misty mist between his brows, the moonlight reflected in his eyes, the cold and noble face like a fairy under the moon, and felt that Yu Qiuran did not like to whistle people.

So, who is whistling? He watched the dense night around him, and shivered in the cool night wind.

Yu Qiuran refrained from laughing, and felt that Ao Jingyi, who had a very good figure, was like a vigilant dog with wet hair. After being threatened by a bad person, he raised his ears and probed his brain.

She coughed lightly: "Is Yi afraid of ghosts?"

Ao Jingyi immediately became angry: "Who is afraid of ghosts! I'm worried that someone will break in without permission."

Yu Qiuran waved her hand: "Don't worry, haven't you strengthened your security? Don't stand in the wind and be careful of catching a cold. Go take a hot shower and go back to rest early."

Seeing Ao Jingyi suspiciously heading towards the bathroom, she persuaded loudly, "Go quickly, I'll be waiting for you outside, don't be afraid, Your Highness Ao!"

Ao Jingyi froze, quickened his pace angrily, and walked away without looking back.

Yu Qiuran, who played tricks on him, fell on the reclining chair and laughed for a while, then quickly closed his eyes and felt the "eight-pack abs" in the system space.

No, after looking at Ao Jingyi's abdominal muscles, she had to adjust and adjust as soon as she had a beautiful reference.

Yu Qiuran was excited |Qin repaired the picture for a while, and withdrew from the thinking space. It turned out that he was covered from head to toe under a large white cloth, as if moving at a constant speed.

She blew the white cloth covering her face, and called out tentatively, "Ayi?"

Then I heard Ao Jingyi's clear voice: "Awake?"

Yu Qiuran kept lying on her back, covered with a white cloth and continued to ask, "What are you doing?"

Ao Jingyi's voice had a bit of a cool smile: "I'm pushing a cart to take you back. I came out of the shower and found that someone was sleeping soundly, so I deliberately' Personally' attentive service.”

Yu Qiuran said in a loud voice: "Intimate service, do you mean covering me with a white cloth like a corpse?"

Ao Jingyi snorted: "This is to prevent the wind from blowing to our noble frog prince, and to prevent the light from dazzling the prince's eyes, I specially found a piece of cloth to cover you, moved ?"

Don't dare to move, don't dare to move. Yu Qiuran listened to the sound of pushing the wheels forward. The first person in the academy, the distinguished His Royal Highness Ao, has become a trolley driver herself, so how could she dare to have an opinion.

She touched the soft cloth surface of the reclining chair under her body and asked: "You still carry me to the trolley with the chair? Take this effort, you just wake me up It's fine."

It's not because she slept peacefully and peacefully, I couldn't bear to disturb her dream. Ao Jingyi replied angrily, "Isn't the princess who is the only one who can wake the sleeping frog prince, I don't have the ability."

If I didn't make fun of him before, he was still excited. Yu Qiuran, who no longer wanted to be the frog prince, decided to give him a little punishment.

She secretly stretched out her hand out of the white cloth, while swaying, she deliberately said in a deep voice: "Ayi, you are wrong, there is no fairy tale theater in the middle of the night, only horror stories..."

Her tone was cold, but at this moment she deliberately lowered it, which naturally brought out an ethereal and strange feeling.

So halfway through she was interrupted by Ao Jingyi.

The other party stopped, tightly grasped her hand that was shaking the white cloth to create an atmosphere, and at the same time lifted the cloth to reveal her face, and shouted at her: "Yu Qiuran!"

Oops, fry. Yu Qiuran stared at the other party's long and narrow eyes, and the dark pupils reflected the moist light, which brought out a kind of angered grievance.

She immediately lay down again, and obediently pulled the white thick table to her chin: "Okay, okay, I won't say anymore, just keep pushing."

Ao Jingyi couldn't help but grit his teeth: "Your face is so different from your personality. You pretended to lie before, haven't you ever been beaten?"

Yu Qiuran is looking left and right to look at the whole picture of the cart.

This cart should be used by service staff to transport large items.

The car surface parallel to the ground is very low, it is a big rectangle, she and the reclining chair are placed in this part.

The four corners of the rectangle are installed with long rods for fixing. After the four long rods and the car surface together form an open cuboid space, they slowly gather in the middle, staggered around to form a beautiful castle-like " roof".

It also takes into account practicality and beauty. No wonder Ao Jingyi insisted that she was the frog prince.

Yu Qiuran looked at me curiously, and replied cheerfully, "Otherwise, why do you think I have developed a good skill?"

Ao Jingyi choked, she couldn't help but take a deep breath, pushed the car to start again, and said in a warning tone: "I'm not bad! You take it easy, and then Annoy me, be careful playing off."

Then he found Yu Qiuran's hand stretched out, and couldn't help but say: "Your hands are so cold, pull the tablecloth and cover it!"

Yu Qiuran lay down comfortably, looking up at him, there seemed to be a streamer in his eyes. She said: "Ayi is a soft-hearted person. I have met many guys who don't talk about martial arts before. If they can't catch me, they will try to catch me elsewhere."

This means something. Ao Jingyi looked down at her.

Yu Qiuran looked at the twinkling stars through the hollowed-out "castle roof": "People from big families always look like dogs and people outside, and they do some doorway inside."

Ao Jingyi remembered the expression on her face that she mentioned tonight, and looked at her in a daze and then became a little cold. "Then how will you fight back?" he asked.

Although the acquaintance is still short, he has discovered that Yu Qiuran looks sloppy and weak on the outside, but his inner personality is quite tough and undeniable.

Yu Qiuran let out a long sigh: "My method is very simple, but it's not suitable for you, Ayi. In fact, when a person has neither ties nor desires, she will If you have no weaknesses, others will naturally be unable to handle it.”

Ao Jingyi looked at the dark night in the distance and fell into silence.

Yu Qiuran caught a glimpse of the gloomy look in his brows and eyes, thought for a moment and said, "But you said you envy me for being brave, but I can lend you this."

She sat up from the reclining chair, twisted her body and leaned over, raised her thumb, and pressed lightly between his eyebrows with the pulp of her finger: "Ayi has grown into a great adult , although I can't help you find the toy, but I can give you courage."

Ao Jingyi stared blankly at the face she was leaning towards, and saw her little self wrapped in a golden smile in her eyes.

This scene seems familiar.

He turned his head and said fiercely: "You are coaxing the child! Quickly turn back and lie down, what should I do if I fall!"

Yu Qiuran smiled and lay back.

But Ao Jingyi's emotion didn't last long, because Yu Qiuran directly changed the topic: "Actually, when you reach my age, you will find that everything now is nothing. —"

Ao Jingyi's forehead jumped: "What are you doing!"

Yu Qiuran folded her hands on her abdomen, looking very peaceful.

She said solemnly: "Since you found that my hands are cold, then a creature with low body temperature, can't see sunlight, and likes to sway at night, what race would it be?"

Ao Jingyi's mouth twitched.

Yu Qiuran didn't give him a chance to intervene, and played with himself: "There is too much difference in seniority to call me, so you just call me Ran Draculas Nicholas. Your Excellency Count Jean Braggard."

Ao Jingyi laughed angrily: "Then may I ask, Your Excellency, do you know that you are being pushed away by a creature you think is a werewolf, and these two races are mortal enemies."

Yu Qiuran looked back in amazement: "You finally admit that you are a werewolf? Very good! I am willing to take your gauntlet."

She pretended to touch her beard and said with emotion: "I'm very glad to see you challenge, maybe you can give me eternal peace."

She paused for a moment, then called out the name solemnly: "You think so too? Ouch."

The veins on Ao Jingyi's forehead jumped up. He didn't have any depressed emotions, and just wanted to knock the head of the person in front of him immediately.

Yu Qiuran saw that his eyebrows were about to stand up, so he quickly comforted him:

"Don't be angry, I'm not thinking that since you gave me a gauntlet, we are comrades in arms. How can comrades not be more intimate? If you think I just call you' Ao Ao' is not fair, I don't mind if you call me 'Yuyu'."

Ao Jingyi has never met such an inconsiderate friend in his cool and heavy life. He took a deep breath, pushed the car in a different direction, and walked directly onto a gravel road.

Yu Qiuran was bounced up and down on the reclining chair, but he still refused to close his mouth, and continued to say leisurely: "Oh, oh, oh, please forgive me for this old bone that has slept for thousands of years. what."

Ao Jingyi watched her performance quietly. Those eyes without haze reflected the lack of moon in the sky, the sun and the moon echoed each other, shining pure happiness.

He couldn't help laughing.

In the spring night, the flowers are fragrant, the moon is bright, and everything in the garden is watching with a smile. Two people bickering all the way, the shadows are drawn long, the wheels are laughing and laughing, recording a story of meeting in spring.

Ao Jingyi returned to his villa area after sending Yu Qiuran off.

Entering the room and seeing the information that Ms. Ling had placed on his desk, the smile on his face could not help but fade.

He stood there for a while, took off his coat and hung it on the hanger, but suddenly realized that there was something in his pocket showing a white corner.

He took it out and found it was a frog made of paper. A small golden crown was painted on top of its head, and it cracked its mouth and smiled, and its two large green round eyes were staring at him blankly.

No need to wonder who put it in his pocket.

He put "Frog Prince" on the table, a gust of wind slipped in outside the window, and the frog on the table was stirred by the wind and jumped a few times in his direction.

Ao Jingyi watched silently for a while, his eyes flashing with determination.

He picked up the frog again, opened the drawer and put it in.

In the glass box of the drawer, the Q version of the "Clay Sculpture Villain" with the cape raised and the "Frog Prince" squatting with wide eyes smiled at each other across the "Pink Rose".

Yu Qiuran went back to sleep, and had no dreams all night.

In the early morning, she woke up according to her biological clock, but found that there was no class today.

She was about to make up for another sleep when she heard the system happily broadcast: [Congratulations, host, your second energy ball is full. Do you want to draw cards now? 】

Yu Qiuran was so sleepy that she said casually, "Come on."

[Congratulations on getting the skill card "Origami Frog's Waiting" - malicious in heart and quack in mouth. Duration of protection: 3 years]

Yu Qiuran glanced at the introduction on the back, and roughly understood that this was a passive defensive skill. She can protect herself, or she can designate someone to protect.

After the skill is activated, if someone makes malicious remarks to the protected object within three years, he/she will start to continuously "quack" for 5 to 30 minutes. The greater the malice in the heart, the longer it will last.

This skill can be shared and can guard up to two objects at the same time.

It's interesting. Yu Qiuran put it away.

Then she looked up and saw that in the early morning when the sky was not yet fully bright, in the central area of ​​the East Palace Garden, the lamp in the study where Ao Jingyi had been waiting for a long time was already on.

He didn't sleep all night, did he?

Yu Qiuran thought about this new skill card, the last wave of energy of the second ball was obviously contributed by Ao Jingyi.

She sighed, fell back on the bed in a tangled state, and suddenly covered her head with the quilt. Never mind, wait until you wake up.

When she woke up again, the sun was already rising.

She came to the central area of ​​the East Palace and walked into Ao Jingyi's study, only to find that he was buried under the high pile of documents, lying on the wide desk, sleeping soundly with his arms on his back.

With a tired face, Ao Jingyi, who fell into a deep sleep, lost his usual majestic and high-spirited aura. His thick and lightly curled eyelashes and drooping "eyeliner", as well as his faint dark circles, make him look a little childish

Looks like she really worked all night.

Yu Qiuran stopped and watched for a moment, and her sharp eyes noticed that in the hidden corner of his desk, there was a box containing shredded paper, and a piece of paper was exposed inside, which seemed to be her photo.

She walked over lightly, touched it and took a look.

The shredded paper in the box seems to be cut from some document, big and small, all with her name and photo.

Yu Qiuran thoughtfully put the box back again, turned around and rummaged through the pile of documents against the wall for a while, and sure enough, in the pile of documents to be smashed, he dug out a report of her investigation.

The content of the report is very trivial, but there is basically no useful information, and the specific life of "Yu Qiuran" has not been found out.

There is also a comment at the end of the document: [There is definitely a problem with the background being so tightly covered. If you investigate carefully in your daily life, you must grasp the handle of this ●●. ]

Needless to say, this tone must be Ms. Ling.

Yu Qiuran laughed, even she herself didn't know where "Yu Qiuran" came from, it would be strange if the other party could find out.

She looked at the report paper, which had rectangular holes cut out in every place where her name and photo appeared.

Obviously, before sending the documents to shred, Ao Jingyi carefully cut out her name and photos one by one and put them away.

How can this make her bear to stand by?

Yu Qiuran did not want to get involved in the affair between Ao Jingyi and Ms. Ling. It is not wise for aristocratic families to pay attention to family ugliness, and to casually mix into other families' affairs.

And she felt that she and Ao Jingyi were not close enough to discuss this topic, so she only gave him some encouragement, and chose to turn a blind eye to Ms. Ling and hand her over to Father Yu deal with.

But now, Yu Qiuran stared at the phrase "grab the handle of this ●●", lifted the paper and looked at the light.

These two blacked-out places should read "Wild Species".

Yu Qiuran pondered for a moment and put the document full of holes back to its original place.

At this moment, Ao Jingyi's personal butler hurried in.

He saw Ao Jingyi sleeping and Yu Qiuran standing by the desk, he smiled and leaned over, and said softly, "His Royal Highness, Young Master, he is asleep, do you want to wait for him outside? ?"

It came pretty fast. Yu Qiuran watched the housekeeper come forward with a natural expression, and by covering Ao Jingyi with a blanket, he quietly blocked the pile of documents that were about to be shredded.

She smiled: "Okay, you can find someone to carry all the documents on his desk for approval to the council room outside, and I'll wait while I correct them."

The housekeeper looked up at her with a little astonishment.

Yu Qiuran raised her eyebrows: "What? Is there any problem?"

The housekeeper bowed his head and said, "No, Your Highness, I will arrange it."

No matter how turbulent the undercurrent was in the background, on the bright side, Ao Jingyi's housekeeper really couldn't pick out any faults.

He quickly sorted out the tasks that the Dongmang Association needed to review today on the conference table, and prepared her favorite snacks and tea for Yu Qiuran.

Then he stood quietly and upright in the corner of the wall behind the table, as if he was planning to attend.

Yu Qiuran didn't care about his "surveillance" and "alertness". She simply ignored the snacks and drinks and started to concentrate on her work.

The housekeeper observed silently and found that although she was not as efficient as Ao Jingyi, she was obviously quite skilled in handling complicated affairs.

This is the first time Yu Qiuran has taken action on the important affairs of the special management of the Dongmang Club.

He was secretly evaluating and recording in his heart, when he suddenly heard Yu Qiuran say in a flat tone: "When you report today's affairs to Ms. Ling, remember to help me convey a sentence..."

The words that suddenly sounded in the silent council room shocked the housekeeper and couldn't help but look at Yu Qiuran.

But Yu Qiuran didn't look back at him, just threw the pen on the table casually: "I'm a person, I'm used to being casual. I'm too lazy to do many things, not because I don't want to. Can do."

She has already approved the most urgent documents for Ao Jingyi and plans to go on strike.

Yu Qiuran picked up the cup next to him and took a sip of tea: "I'm kind to Ayi because he deserves to be treated kindly. It's not for stealing from me Well done stuff."

She kicked her foot, and the chair turned in a circle towards the butler.

Yu Qiuran stared into each other's eyes: "Creating opposition, turning friends into enemies, these actions are very stupid in my opinion."

The housekeeper was speechless and avoided her gaze, looking a little more respectful than usual.

Yu Qiuran waved to indicate that he could go down.

She kept an inscrutable smile, staring at the butler's back and disappeared into the corner. Then she moved her feet quickly, slid the chair to the table quickly, picked up the plate and started nibbling on the dessert.

She shoved several pieces into her mouth in one go.

In order to show her high popularity, she has been patient. God knows how hungry she is without breakfast, and she even tempted her with so many desserts she likes!

Yu Qiuran's mouth was bulging, chewing like a little squirrel.

When she looked up, she found that Ao Jingyi was standing at the door of the study looking at her silently, not knowing how long she had been standing there.

Yu Qiuran swallowed the snack and greeted him with a smile: "You are awake, Ayi."

She picked a few drinks from the plate of drinks prepared by the butler, and made a cup: "Would you like a glass of lemonade to refresh yourself?"

Ao Jingyi walked over with his eyes down, took the glass of lemonade, and said nothing.

Yu Qiuran said nonchalantly: "I have approved all the urgent documents for you today. I was just about to tell you, don't ask me about them in the future. I'm not interested in this..."

Ao Jingyi suddenly said: "Actually, you don't have to back down like this, I hope to compete fairly with you."

Yu Qiuran smiled: "Ayi, like-minded people can become friends, and people with complementary interests can also become friends."

She fell back into the chair: "Actually, I wanted to say it for a long time, I am not the same as you who are very responsible. It is too much to say, my current life is already a lot of people A dream that I will never get in my life..."

Yu Qiuran took a sip of the drink lazily: "Then why do I have to force myself to work. Enjoy life and do something that interests you?"

Ao Jingyi looked at her paralyzed in the chair, like an arrogant salted fish, and couldn't help asking: "Then how do you explain to the family?"

Yu Qiuran waved his hand: "Don't worry, my dad can't control me. So you can let me go too, don't chase me every day | work."

She raised the cup in her hand to Ao Jingyi: "Let's each take what we need, and toast to friendship!"

Ao Jingyi was passively touched by the cup she held up, and heard her say:

"By the way, Ms. Ling will call and scold you in the future. Remember to tell her that Yu Qiuran is a tolerant friend and a stingy enemy. If she insists on forcing us to turn against each other, I will not Mind fighting for something for the sake of betting."

Ao Jingyi did not speak, only cooperated with Yu Qiuran to drink a sip of her lemonade.

Then he chokes. He swallowed the water in his mouth with difficulty: "How much lemon juice did you put in, it's so sour!"

Yu Qiuran looked at his wrinkled face and drank the drink in his hand happily: "Isn't this to wake you up."

Ao Jingyi closed his eyes helplessly. Ever since he let Yu Qiuran learn baa once at the school celebration, it was like poking a hornet's nest, and he has been teased by her in various ways.

He just hoped that something new would appear quickly and draw her attention. So he changed the subject: "A Cheng will be back this afternoon."

Yu Qiuran really became interested: "Huadian is coming back? That's great."

In the afternoon, the three of Dongmang Club came out of the library and planned to go to the small garden in front to greet Hua Chengya, who had entered the school, and then go to dinner together.

Yu Qiuran stood on the steps at the entrance of the library, looking at the school newspaper reporter who was hiding in a tree and taking pictures of her from the perspective of an assassin, she said speechlessly: "He grows in a tree. Are you up?"

Since the kidnapping incident, she has seen him on the trees in various places such as the teaching building, the cafeteria, the entrance of the East Palace, the sports field, and the music hall.

Ao Jingyi glanced at him: "Don't worry about him. He has been like this since junior high school. He probably thinks that you can trigger big news, so he will follow you more and it will be fine after a while. already."

Yu Qiuran found that he was walking all the way, and the other party was jumping on the tree all the way to refresh.

Good guy, better than her.

The three walked around a corner and looked up to meet Su Tiantian who was carrying a large schoolbag.

They all stopped in unison.

Yu Qiuran waited, but no one spoke. She looked left and right, and found that both Ao Jingyi and Zhan Shenlang were looking down at her with complex expressions.

Yu Qiuran: ?

Su Tiantian is in front, you look at me|what are you doing?

She was startled, and then she remembered that she saved Su Tiantian, whether it caused a misunderstanding among the male protagonists.

She coughed and broke the silence: "Student Su, long time no see."

She hoped that Ao Jingyi and Zhan Shenlang could understand her suggestion, she and Su Tiantian have never seen each other since then.

Especially Ao Jingyi, don't eat some fake vinegar again!

Su Tiantian didn't seem to expect that she would speak to him. Surprised, she smiled shyly, revealing two sweet pear vortices, and then bent down hard to Yu Qiuran: "Thank you last time, Your Highness."

Just as Yu Qiuran was about to signal the other party to hurry up and get up without thanking, she saw Su Tiantian staggered and fell towards her because she bent too hard and the schoolbag on her back was too heavy.

Su Tian was in a hurry, waving her hands to try to hold something.

Then she grabbed the hem of Yu Qiudan's shirt on the library avenue where people came and went.

With a sound of "thorn", the button of Yu Qiuyan's shirt was torn off.