Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1011: A diary 21

"The teacher doesn't even know it. Has the cause of the matter been determined to be my fault?"

Lin Anran asked aloud, looking at the head teacher fearlessly.

The head teacher was taken aback for a moment, thinking of it, he didn't seem to ask much!

Right now, he said, "It's your fault if you hit someone!"

"But, teacher, why don't you ask her, why would I beat her?"

Lin Anran's deep eyes still looked at the head teacher.

"Min Rou, why did she beat you!"

The head teacher asked Min Rou directly, after all, in his eyes, Min Rou was not that kind of person.

Min Rou was a bit embarrassed when asked by the head teacher.

She carefully pulled her skirt out from under the girl's ass.

After standing up, she said, "She didn't hit me! She just hit me while kicking Yang Li!"

Min Rou told the truth directly. After all, the matter just came out, everyone was in a panic. There was a little error in what Yang Li said, which is excusable.

"Yang Li? Why did Lin Anran kick you!?"

The head teacher looked at Yang Li who had stood up while leaning on the table.

Yang Li's expression was slightly startled.

"It's like this..."

Min Rou on one side looked at Yang Li and knew that she was afraid to speak.

At the moment, I couldn't help but despise two points in my heart. At the moment, I had to explain it myself.

"It's like this. Today I saw Lin Anran reading extracurricular books. As the monitor, I was meant to help students in need. Knowing that the tragedy happened to Lin Anran, I felt very uncomfortable for her. , But when I saw that she was not reading books, while reading extracurricular books, I came out to stop her, I was wrong, a little nosy... Anyway, classmate Lin Anran was very upset, and what she said was a bit awkward. , Yang Li came out to help and said a few words, it was difficult to buy without covering up, and then classmate Lin Anran hit Yang Li... and then the teacher, you see this situation!"

Min Rou spoke clearly and quickly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

When most people listened, they definitely felt that Lin Anran didn't know what's good or bad.

"Lin Anran! Isn't that what Min Rou said!?"

Although the head teacher completely trusted Min Rou, Lin Anran had said something before, and now he had to ask about it once.

Lin Anran smiled, "I read books, it is my freedom, I also said, I read those books at home in the summer vacation, Min Rou's force closed my book... dare to ask who she is? At the beginning, it reminded me very kindly, but I said... I saw it at home, as for Yang Li... She jumped out to speak to Min Rou, saying that there is no reason, what to say... No wonder I didn't have a strong- Fuck! Your mouth is so mean, no wonder you will be beaten!"

Lin Anran finished speaking, and don't give Yang Li a deep look.

Yang Li was even more frightened by her look, and she winced.

No... After all these things, Lin Anran has become a bit perverted!

The more I thought about it, the more I got scared. At this time, Yang Li was also a little scared, so she jumped out to help speak...

When the head teacher heard this, it was indeed Yang Li who spoke, which was a bit too much.

Fortunately, none of these mistakes belonged to Min Rou, so I felt relieved.

"Yang Li, don't talk nonsense from now on!"