Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1019: Conflict 5

If he doesn't hit him, he always doesn't breathe, he will probably die!

"Beauty hits, it doesn't hurt at all!"

The person in white generally covered his face, and showed an idiot-like smile on one side.


Ji Qingming looked at half of his face, it was completely swollen, and he told her that it didn't hurt at all.

Ha ha ha ha...

What to do? Seeing his arrogant appearance, she really wanted to fight again.


Under his shameless eyes and address, Ji Qingming finally failed to control his hand.


Once again, the other face was suddenly swollen.

Looking at his swollen face like a pig's head, Ji Qingming turned his face away and continued to practice.

"Good Susu!!" So comfortable! !

Ji Qingming, who was cultivating, had the face to say that he was comfortable when he saw him.

It is also helpless now.

Suddenly she regretted it a bit. She had let him fend for himself outside before.

Finally there was a few days of silence.

His wounds are probably healed.

It's like a fly, screaming in his ears.

"you shut up!"

Ji Qingming couldn't help it anymore, this idiot!

It's almost.

"Beauty has a temper, they are so cute!"

Seeing Ji Qingming's expression and his eyes, something is very fascinating.

In this way, Ji Qingming no longer knows what to do.

"You have time to watch me, so why don't you start practicing well!"

After saying this, Ji Qingming glanced at his cultivation level by the way.

It is invisible!

His cultivation level is actually invisible, how high is it?

"Your cultivation base?"

She questioned.

"I am Yingbian! Only one level higher than you!"

The man in white said disapprovingly.

Listen, he said so!

Especially with his current look, she is really going to shoot him to death, okay?

It's really enough.

Damn it!

Originally thought, in this place, the speed of cultivation is so sky-defying!

Now it seems that it is not like this.

An idiot who fell casually had a higher cultivation base than her.

As a result, Ji Qingming didn't have any mood to practice.

Ah hello, good fighting spirit is high! Say yes, we must have the same ability as beauty!

Then in such an instant, I was defeated by this idiot.

"Beauty, what's wrong with you?"

The man in white asked aloud.

The beauty looks very sad.

Ji Qingming looked at him, even though he said such words in his mouth, the eyes that looked at her before were obsessed.

But there was no such mess of emotions, so she didn't care at this time.

"Are the people out there all cultivated like you?"

Ji Qingming asked lightly.

If so, she will go find a tree with a crooked neck and hang herself.

"How is this possible, outside... there are only three people whose cultivation base is higher than me, and the rest... even you are not as good as you!"

The man in white said, but at this time, he knew why she was upset.


Hearing him say this, Ji Qingming was relieved.

"Beauty, what's your name!"

He asked again.

"I have amnesia, I don't remember anything here!"

Ji Qingming said.

"So it's like this!"

The man in white is now looking at Ji Qingming with a pity.

"Otherwise I'll call you..."