Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 105: Lang riding a bamboo horse makes a green


Seeing the girl's stubborn little face in front of him, Qin Yue didn't know how to comfort him for a moment.

"Then you do it here! Good boy!"

Qin Yue stretched out her hand and patted her shoulder again. She really hadn't seen a girl as good as her.

The kind in my heart is like an angel!

"thanks, thanks!!"

Gu Nanqian was grateful and hurriedly thanked her.

On the other side, Zhao Xubai took Qu Qingming's hand, but he was still dangling on the small road outside.

Obviously, the two villas are leaning against. It usually takes ten minutes to walk, and it can be reached, but Zhao Xubai walked abruptly for more than half an hour.

Finally got home!

Qu Qingming looked in his eyes, but didn't say anything, just thought he was funny.

"Fang Xiao, I'm going back!"

Zhao Xubai kissed her on the forehead, and then reluctantly left.

Qu Qingming couldn't help pursing his lips as he looked at the figure that turned around three times.

"You go in quickly!"

Zhao Xubai had already reached the gate at this time, he shouted, and waved at Qu Qingming.


Qu Qingming replied, waved at him, and walked into the room.

As soon as I closed the door, I saw Fu Mingmei cradling her arms around her chest, smiling happily.


When she saw her expression, Qu Qingming yelled a little shyly.

"It's all delivered to the door, why didn't Xubai come in? You announced it at Zhao's house. Shouldn't it be announced at our house too!?"

Fu Mingmei pretended to be unhappy and said.

"Then I will call Xu Bai back!?"

Qu Qingming was about to rush back quickly.

"You little fool!"

Fu Mingmei smiled and took her hand.

Qu Qingming also laughed.

"You mother and daughter, what are you talking about!"

Qu Lianxin walked downstairs and looked at them with a gentle expression on his face.


Qu Qingming yelled obediently.

"I'm making fun of her and Xu Bai!"

Fu Mingmei responded with a smile.

"You, when the two children weren't together, an ant on a hot pot was anxious. Now that the two children are healed, you are like this again!"

Qu Lianxin shook his head again and again.

Qu Qingming sat on the side, smiling while watching them talk.

In fact, in the original plot, Gu Nanqian did not work as a nanny in the Zhao family.

Because she chose to forgive in the past, she didn't want to help repay the money or find this job.

At that time, they were good friends. Gu Nanqian was like a pistachio and a sunflower, always making people around him happy and sunny.

And her kindness, that kind of light that illuminates everything...

This time, there is no such thing as Qu Qingming as a substitute for death. I don't know if her kindness can perform so well.

She is waiting!

After chatting with Mom and Dad downstairs for a while, Qu Qingming went upstairs again.

When Xubai came to send her to school the next day, Gu Nanqian was already sitting in the car.

In fact, the position of Zhao Xubai's co-pilot has always been the position of Qu Qingming, whether it is the special pink checkered chair cover or the small lace pillow.

Zhao Xubai was even more considerate, placing a thermos cup, all of which belonged to Qu Qingming.

But now... Gu Nanqian is sitting.

Zhao Xubai's face was a little unhappy.