Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1099: Hairpin Head Phoenix 17

In addition, there were waves of silk and bamboo on the painting boat, and some chuckles could be heard faintly.

Tang Wan knew that it must be a painting boat in a brothel-house or something.

She just glanced at it casually, and then quickly moved her eyes away.

But just like that, I was seen by the greasy man on the deck.

He was holding Jiao Niang and was making fun of him, but when he saw Tang Wan, he instantly felt astonished.

Shocked! !

In this era, there are many beautiful women.

But there are very few people who are as beautiful and beautiful as Tang Wan, with a smell of books all over her body.

In addition to this kind of lady, those who rarely go out, generally don't see it.

This greasy man took a look, his eyes were reluctant to move away from Tang Wan.

It wasn't until Tang Wan walked inside that she looked at Tang Wan and his painting boat in despair, and it took a long time for her to recover.

"The son..."

The little lady who had been teasing him, saw that he was suddenly startled, she felt a little embarrassed right now.

He cried softly, like a nightingale's cries.

If it were normal, he would naturally become more interested when he heard this kind of voice, but he just saw Tang Wan's face, and when he looked at the person in front of him, he instantly felt tacky.

At the moment, she pushed away the woman in front of her.

"Zhao Liu!"

He yelled, the little servant who was waiting on the side.


Xiao Si nodded quickly and walked over.

"Just follow the painting boat and check it out for me later, who rented the painting boat?"

He narrowed his eyes, staring at the painting boat in front of him, and said in a low voice.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Zhao Liu nodded repeatedly, then walked into the painting boat, and the person who was about to sail followed.

The young master of their family is the son of the prefect master.

He Zhao Liu followed him, and he also had some time.

I also know the preferences of my young master.

I usually see little ladies with good colors and can't walk anymore.

Seeing the desperate look of the young master, he guessed it. Just now he must have seen the stunning scenery again and wanted to search home.

Zhao Liu entered here.

The young master of the prefect family, Wang Lunhai, was still standing on the deck foolishly at this time, looking at Tang Wan and their painting boats.

The girl in Qing-lou, who was pushed aside by him, shook her kerchief and turned around and went in.

Tang Wan naturally didn't know that she had been targeted.

She had closed the previous window, and the window on the other side happened to see the lake and Yangliu Yiyi on the shore.

It is also a very beautiful scenery.

"Mother, have a drink!"

Tang Wan poured a glass of plum wine for Lu Mu.

Mother Lu took it and smelled the fragrance in an instant.

Take a sip, it's sour and sweet, and it seems to have a vague air of ice and snow.

The weather was quite hot at first. At this time, drinking the iced plum wine, I felt very comfortable in my heart.

"Wan'er, the plum wine you made is really good in summer."

Lu Mu repeatedly admired.

"Mei Wan is now my mother's treasure!"

Lu You also took a sip of the drink. This is a good drink, but for men, it is better to drink the stronger one.

"You kid!"

Mother Lu smiled, and took Lu You a chopstick dish.