Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1101: Hairpin Head Phoenix 19

I am very speechless at the moment, what do you mean, Master?

Don't you know that there are many people in this world who are beyond your reach.

At the moment, Zhao Liu still said softly, "This Lu You... can't mess with it!"


At this time, Wang Lunhai's heart was all on Tang Wan's body. At this time, what Zhao Liu said was farting.

Zhao Liu kicked and fell to the side. He clutched his knees and lay there.

Wang Lunhai wasn't the kind of foolish lust, either. Hearing Zhao Liu's encouragement at this time, he thought about it by himself.

Also nodded.

Lu You’s family learning origins, his grandfather used to be Shang Shu Zuo Cheng, and his father hired a doctor to manage the library...

He is young and promising, and it is said that he has to take the exam tomorrow...Sooner or later, a person with literary talent will stand on the Golden Luang Temple.

Such a person can't go head-to-head with it.

It can only be done slowly.

"Zhao Liu, you will take a good look at Lu You's house afterwards."

Wang Lunhai ordered.

Zhao Liu, who was still sitting on the ground, heard him say this, and now his heart rested where it should be.

"Small obey orders!"

There was still a meaningful smile on Wang Lunhai's face.

This Xiang Lu You took the family members out of the painting boat, and then boarded the carriage that was parked aside.

A group of people went back again.

After returning home and sending Mother Lu back to the yard, the couple also returned to their yard.

After washing, Tang Wan looked at Lu You again during the time of the two.

"Before, what happened?"

Tang Wan asked aloud.

"I saw the dude of Wang Lunhai!"

Lu You frowned and said something displeased.

"Wang Lunhai? Who is it?"

Tang Wan searched in her memory, but she didn't have any impression of this person.

"It's a dude!"

Lu You really didn't want to talk about Wang Lunhai.

Seeing his expression, Tang Wan also guessed two or three points.

Probably it was the greasy man I saw when I closed the window.

After only a while, the two people put the bystanders behind the pavilion.

The two rested, not to mention it for the time being.

After more than two months, it was already autumn.

On this day when the autumn was so bright, Mother Lu saw that Tang Wan had eaten medicated food for more than half a year, and the relationship between her and Wu Guan was getting better and better.

But there is no pregnancy.

In my heart, I was very anxious.

So, Mother Wang leaned into her ear and said, on Nanshan, there is a very good incense temple.

Might as well go for a fragrance, and ask for a Guanyin or something.

When Mother Lu heard this, she immediately became happy.

She had also heard of it. Some people just got pregnant with Guanyin.

It would be great if Tang Wan could be pregnant immediately.

Thinking so in my heart, he ordered to go down, and decided to go to Nanshan's nunnery after breakfast.

Tang Wan usually eats breakfast like Mother Lu. She just walked in and found that Mother Lu seemed very happy today.

There is always a smile on his face.

"Mother, is there any happy event today?"

Tang Wan took the bowl of porridge from the maid's hand.

Asked aloud.

"Wan'er, when we are finished, let's go to Nanshan to burn incense!"