Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 115: Lang riding a bamboo horse makes a green

"Of course I will."

Zhao Xubai said, holding Qu Qingming's shoulders with both hands, letting her stand behind him.

"Waiting to eat."

After Zhao Xubai finished speaking, he started cooking with the dishes prepared by Qu Qingming.

Qu Qingming went to make coffee, drank the coffee, leaned on the refrigerator, and watched Zhao Xubai busy in the kitchen.

In the air, there was a faint smell of coffee and the smell of food.

It is said that men who work hard are the most handsome, but men who cook seriously are also quite handsome.

Zhao Xubai was originally that kind of handsome man, his fingers were long and slender, holding a spatula, he had an indescribable taste.

Snow-white shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbows.

After finishing the dishes, Zhao Xubai turned around and looked at Qu Qingming. The eyes of the two met in the air, and a smile appeared at the corner of Qu Qingming's mouth.

Zhao Xubai also smiled.

In addition to the two dishes that Qu Qingming had made before, Zhao Xubai made three more dishes and one soup.

The two brought the dishes to the table. At this moment, Qin Yue and Fu Mingmei pushed in.

"Auntie, mom has dinner!"

Qu Qingming set the tableware and waited for Qin Yue and Fu Mingmei to sit down before they sat down.

"Emotion today, we still have the dishes made by Xu Bai?"

Fu Mingmei looked at the apron worn by Zhao Xubai and smiled.

Qin Yue was originally irritated by Gu Nanqian's liver. At this time, seeing the table full of vegetables, which was made by her own son, the smile on her face started to be uncontrollable.

"I'm also caught in the light of Xiaoming."

Qin Yue also smiled.

Zhao Xubai glanced at Qu Qingming, and gave Qin Yue some vegetables.

"Mom, won't Dad come back for dinner today?"

Qu Qingming checked the time, and his father should have returned from the company.

"He just called and said that he was in a hurry, and he won't be back today."

Fu Mingmei ate while talking.

He looks indifferent, anyway, he often doesn't come back whenever something happens.

"Xubai's father has also gone out, so that's okay, a few of us have eaten up these dishes."

Qin Yue gave Mingmei the food.

"Yes! Eat more."

Fu Mingmei smiled at Qin Yue.

Seeing the warm and peaceful atmosphere at home, Qu Qingming also temporarily relieved the discomfort in his heart, and ate happily.

After eating, the two mothers insisted on washing the dishes and chopsticks together. The two of them were squeezed away, and the two of them went out for a walk to digest.

The next day, there was no class, and when I returned from shopping with Fu Mingmei, the door was opened by someone inside before the two of them opened the door.

A familiar person appeared in front of them.

"Why are you in my house!?"

Fu Mingmei frowned. Isn't this the little nanny who was driven away from Yueyue's family?

Why did he ran into his home so abruptly.

Looking at Gu Nanqian, the idea in Qu Qingming's heart was confirmed.

"Mingmei, I have something to tell you!"

Qu Lianxin walked over from behind a little uneasy.

Fu Mingmei looked at Gu Nanqian suspiciously, she put aside the contents in her hands.

Follow Qu Lianxin to the study room on the side.

Qu Qingming also walked in, poured a glass of water calmly, and drank.

"Qu Qingming, aren't you afraid?"

Gu Nanqian walked to her and asked aloud.

"Afraid? Why are you afraid?"

Qu Qingming looked at her strangely,