Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1152: The Queen's Counterattack 32

Luping met him under such a situation.

He can still treat Luping so well, that is enough to prove that he is really good.

A group of people walked into the hotel.

Shangguan Jin packed up a big box upstairs. It was a table where twenty people were sitting. There were so many of them, which was more than enough.

Inside this box, the decoration is a bit strange, with various loving balloons flying, and the table is decorated with champagne-colored roses.

There are already some dishes on the table, and at first glance, they are all quite themed dishes.

On the background wall in the center, there are also roses dotted with roses, but in the center it says, I love you! !

"You are so corny!"

Lvping turned her head and looked at Shangguan Jin.

Shangguan Jin also smiled at her complaint.

"What is this?"

Mother Chu looked at the situation in front of her and asked with a smile.

"Lvping, marry me!"

While speaking, Shangguan Jin walked from behind Luping to her and knelt on the ground on one knee.

"Don't even have a ring?"

Luping looked empty in front of her, of course, there was only one Shangguan Jin.

"Do you want this!"

Shangguan Jin stretched out one hand, and then the other hand, on it, gently stroked-touched twice.

After that, I took out a handkerchief from the finger.

The handkerchief shook slightly, and a red rose fell into Lu Ping's hand.

Lvping looked at the rose in his hand and posed for it.

She knew that Shangguan Jin would not be that simple.

As she swayed, the rose in her hand had fallen out of petals.

At the end of the flower bud, there was a diamond ring impressively.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed. Originally thought this marriage proposal was boring, but such a small magic trick seemed so novel.

Shangguanjin took off the ring and put it on Luping's finger.

The huge diamond ring looked very beautiful on her white and long fingers.


The people around applauded one after another.

Shangguan Jin pressed a kiss on Luping's lips.

"Oh, am I almost gone!"

Tao Jianbo looked upset at Lu Ping and Guan Jin, the two are so good-matched.

"Does this still need to be said?"

Chu Yi rolled her eyes.

I always thought that my brother and Lu Ping were a pair, but I didn't expect that this one, Shangguan Jin, would be cut off abruptly.

At the moment, Chu Yi cast his gaze to Chu Lian again, and found that his gaze had been stopped on Zi Ling's body.

And Zi Ling also lowered his head, seeming to sink into his thoughts.

Seeing this scene, Chu Yi also fell silent.

Everyone sat down one after another.

"In two days, my parents will go to the house specifically to discuss the details of the marriage with aunt and uncle."

Holding the cup, Shangguan Jin first touched Wang's father.

"So fast?"

Shunjuan was taken aback for a moment, and she got married at this price.

"I want to take Lu Ping to the United States for reconstruction. Many things on the other side are more advanced, and Lu Ping will also be well taken care of. Don't worry about this auntie."

Shangguan Jin said to Shun Juan about her thoughts.

"Yeah! To you... I must be relieved!"

Shunjuan nodded repeatedly.