Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 120: Lang Riding a Bamboo Horse and Making a

"...Brother Xubai, you are so cruel, I am so good, why is it not as good as a fake woman like Qu Qingming."

Gu Nanqian cried and shook her head, looking at Zhao Xubai in disbelief.

He just rejected himself so bluntly, and slapped himself in the face so ruthlessly in front of everyone.

He is so cruel!

"I have paid so much for you..."

Gu Nanqian shook her head, her teeth biting her lips tightly.

"You paid so much, what did you give?"

Hearing Gu Nanqian's accusation so logically, Qu Qingming also asked straightforwardly.

Always put yourself in a position of injury, always feel that you are miserable.

"Because I miss him, I can't sleep at night, and I can't go to class well, because I miss him, and I can't do my job well... I miss him..."

" don't need to say it!"

Qu Qingming hurriedly stopped her, after listening, she was really going to vomit.

Really, I have never seen such a disgusting woman.

Is this called giving?

Her unrequited love is called giving to others. What is she thinking about?

She is also really long-sighted today, and it is not right. Every day she knows Gu Nanqian, she is working hard to refresh her three views.

"Xubai, let's go up and clean up the room!"

Qu Qingming took Zhao Xubai's hand and walked upstairs.

Gu Nanqian looked at them, her eyes filled with tears.

She is a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, she is a grass that can thrive under the pressure of a stone.

She is Gu Nanqian, Gu Nanqian, come on!

Gu Nanqian took a few deep breaths, the look on her face made her look good.

"Nancy, you also like Xubai..."

When Qu Lianxin heard them speak, he also understood something.

"Yes Dad!"

Gu Nanqian nodded.

Even if Zhao Xubai had denied it, she would not give up, she would not give up until he got married.

"But... he and Xiao Ming are already together."

Qu Lianxin looked at her expression and didn't want her to bother about love matters.

"I can wait."

Gu Nanqian lowered her head and stopped talking, as if she was hiding in the shadows.

Qu Lianxin looked a little uncomfortable.

He looked at Gu Nancy's crazy feeling, and thought about the way Qu Qingming treated Zhao Xubai before, as if her love for Zhao Xubai was not so deep.

When the time comes, let her let go, and I don't know whether she will or not.

Although the child Liu Ming doesn't understand yet, she is kind by nature, and she will definitely agree to it. It's good to compensate Nancy in this way.

Qu Lianxin looked at Gu Nancy's obsessive mood, and made up his mind.

Gu Nanqian sat there for a long time, feeling as if she had been caught by a cat in her heart.

Although Zhao Xubai hurt her before, she still wanted to go up and take a look at him.

She knew that he was close at hand, but she couldn't move forward. No one would ever know how uncomfortable she was in her heart.

"Dad... I'll go up and take a look!"

Gu Nanqian stood up suddenly.

"I'll go up with you!"

Qu Lianxin stood up and followed her upstairs.

Originally, Gu Nancy didn't want him to be with him, but when he thought of Qu Qingming's aggressive look, he didn't refuse now.

Seeing them all went up, Fu Mingmei felt relieved instantly, and went up together.