Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1314: The First Female Talisman Doctor 9

Since she was designed to meet, that letter must be fake.

Ye Qingming is familiar with the handwriting of Ning Jinyan, which is undoubtedly the handwriting of Ning Jinyan, but on second thought, Ning Jinyan actually likes Ye Qingming. When Qingming’s reputation was destroyed before, he even said to marry him. .

That is to say, whether this letter written by Ning Jinyan was imitated.

That being the case, then imitate one exactly the same.

She walked up to the table again. The pen, ink, paper and inkstone were all the same as on Ning Jinyan's side. She spread the paper, and quickly wrote those words on the letter again.

Don't think of being alone if you are so cheating on me.

She is not the original owner now, and naturally she will not have such a deep love for Ning Jinyan from the original owner.

Therefore, she will do everything that should be done.

There is no ambiguity at all.

When the ink was completely dry, she crumpled the paper in the palm of her hand again, and then put it in her purse again.

Seeing that the sun outside was still early, those maids looked at themselves as dead people, so naturally no one would come.

Ye Qingming sat back on the bed again, and began to practice the inner power of Tianjianmen.

This body is a bit weak, probably when he was young, he suffered a great change in the family, and his mood has always been very depressed.

I lost both energy and blood. Although I was well-conditioned at home before, I lost a lot on both sides.

Ye Qingming closed his eyes and began to practice.

Until night fell, she felt hungry in her abdomen and opened her eyes. There was only a pot of tea on the table in this room, not even a snack.

This room is very gorgeous, but there is no food for the belly.

Because she was too hungry and didn't want to practice anymore, she stood up and wandered back and forth.

My stomach is always hungry, so how can I try my strength to practice internal gong?

It was getting dark outside, and the room darkened. Ye Qingming lit the lamp on the table and sat there.

This matter is a bit weird. Why hasn't this matter been resolved until now?

Uncle and aunt should be watching. When she wakes up, isn't she going to pull it over and ask the guilt.

It's been a day, it's all silent and strange.

Ye Qingming's fingers gently moved the tassel on the tablecloth.

Did something happen?


The door was pushed open vigorously from the outside, and two girls in pink clothes came in, one was beautiful and lovely, and the other was gentle as water.

Ye Qingming recognized these two people. They were both maidservants next to his aunt. The charming one was called Dailu, and the gentle one was called Dieyu.

It was still being spread in the mansion that Die Yu was likely to be sent to Ning Jinyan as a general house, so in secret, she also became the leader of the maids.

Therefore, the maids in the mansion and so on, all intentionally or unintentionally infatuated with Butterfly Jade.

This time, Ye Qingming committed a crime, and the maids who had been waiting next to her were sold and beaten to death.

So Dieyu and Dailu came over and looked at Ye Qingming.

"Why are you up!?"

Dailu looked at Ye Qingming with amazement on her face. At this time, she looked at her neck, and it turned out to be intact.