Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1443: My male ticket is Great God 15

As soon as they entered, they attracted the attention of many people.

"Manager Wen, it seems that this time it is you!"

A man came over to toast with a wine glass, and said with a grin.

"Where, where!"

Wen Jiaguo is naturally unwilling in his heart, but if he says he doesn't want to, he is also looking for death.

Since the big boss is in front of you and dare to say such things, I am afraid I don't want to go to the company tomorrow.

I don't know if it's because of the jealousy, or whether it is really saying that. In short, many people, when they come to Wen Jiaguo, are flattering him.

Wen Jiaguo didn't think so much.

He had never thought that he could be so prosperous because of his daughter being fancyed.

His ambition was not that big in the first place.

Originally, I just thought that the family would live so well.

A group of people were standing, drinking and chatting, looking very warm.

Wen Qingming looked at one side and the people around him. After standing for a while, he was pulled by Zhao Yuan and sat on the sofa not far away.

"Qingming, is there any discomfort!?"

Zhao Yuan looked at Wen Qingming distressedly, and asked softly.


Wen Qingming shook his head repeatedly.

"Mom will get you some food! You sit here obediently!"

Zhao Yuan gave Wen Qingming a few words before leaving.

Wen Qingming was very helpless, she is now an adult, why does her mother treat her as a child!

Wen Qingming just sat for a while, and Zhao Yuan came over with a dinner plate.

She is wearing high heels on her feet, so she walks very slowly.

Seeing her holding a plate in one hand and orange juice in the other, Wen Qingming stood up quickly and walked towards her.

She didn't walk to Zhao Yuan's side, and someone plunged in and stretched out her foot directly, as if she wanted to trip Zhao Yuan.

Wen Qingming saw it from a long distance, and had already walked in front of them, and she quickly grabbed Zhao Yuan.

The plate in Zhao Yuan's hand was suddenly covered in front of the woman's chest.

What Zhao Yuan took were some cakes, and all of a sudden, she got tired of that woman's breasts.


The woman screamed in surprise, her hands spread out and she looked at her chest-front.

Zhao Yuan knew that she just wanted to trip herself, so she didn't have a good face now.

This woman definitely thinks that her Qingming family is very good, and she wants to make them embarrassed.

They were looked down upon, and some of them just happened to be able to go up.

It was really vicious, besides, they didn't have that idea either.

She took Qingming to the back.

"Lady, will you walk a little slower in the future and almost trip my mother?"

Wen Qingming frowned and said.

The woman now has battered cakes on her chest, which is very uncomfortable at first.

At this time, she collapsed even more. Originally, she wanted to embarrass others, but in the end, the one who was ashamed became her again.

People in this small area are basically looking at her.

The woman stomped her feet, turned her head and left.

After she left, a few waiters came and quickly cleaned this side.

"Mom, your heels are high, I'll go get the food by myself!"

After Wen Qingming finished speaking, he went to the self-service area.

Zhao Yuan had no choice but to carry the orange juice and walked back to where she had been sitting before.