Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1459: My male ticket is Great God 31

As soon as we meet, we will fight together.

However, their main city is only separated by a cliff.

The main city also looks exactly the same, and if you are not careful, you will fly wrong.

So... this time Wen Qingming also flew wrong...

Before she got off her mount, she was pulled down by a beam of light, and then a group of people beat her and died...

In just a few seconds, Wen Qingming became a soul state.

[Team] The proprietress who sells potatoes: Lemon, why are you dead?

[Team] The potato seller: He died on the opposite side...

[Team] Lemon Sauerkraut Fish: Hmm!

Wen Qingming also had a dark face. She was going to show off the operation, okay?

However, the operation hasn't started yet, it's dead here.

Wen Qingming's soul state walked back to that place again.

He-shit, he can't be resurrected yet.

There are some people guarding her body. She can believe that if she is resurrected, she must be killed quickly.

Just go on like this, and hit a copy of P.

[Team] Lemon Sauerkraut Fish: Save me! !

[Team] The lady boss who sells potatoes: The place where you died is too much inside, we can't reach it!

[Team] Lemon Sauerkraut Fish:...

[Guild] Standing behind Lao Tzu: All PVP players in the guild, go to the square in front of the dark temple, clear them...

[Guild] There is sugar in my pocket: Wow, boss, okay... I'll go for treatment.

[Guild] Emperor Jiuzhan: Already in place.

[Team] The lady boss who sells potatoes: The boss is so handsome! !

Wen Qingming was in the state of soul, and he saw the darkness of the sky, and then a large group of people got off their mounts and began to sweep.

Originally, there were many people around her, but in such a moment, they were all killed...

She hadn't clicked on the resurrection yet, and another cursor replaced it.

Stand behind Lao Tzu to revive you.

Wen Qingming directly agreed.

[Guild] Standing behind Lao Tzu: By the way, slaughter the city, after slaughtering the city, we are downloading a copy.

As soon as his words came out, the inside of the guild instantly boiled.

The guild channel kept scrolling the screen, and Wen Qingming was a talent of T. At this time, it was also a variety of charges.

All kinds of people are rushing for the head, and the healers who are always behind have been treating them all the time.

So it is also all kinds of not afraid, all kinds of courage to move forward.

Anyway, there was plenty of healing milk in the back, and they were crowded and powerful. Originally, the massacre was imperative, so after killing the leaders in the opponent's main city, the massacre would be over.

After killing the leader, everyone in the guild was basically removed.

Another group of people from Wen Qingming and his team flew into the instance.

After Wen Qingming entered the dungeon, he saw his own group of people one after another.

I also saw the people who made the guild channel go crazy.

Standing behind Lao Tzu? When Wen Qingming checked the information of the guild before, he knew that this person was the president of the guild.

Is he the boss of all the population?

It was he who led this guild and took the first kill of the server, making the Star Guild the top three in the national server.

It's amazing! Sure enough, in any field, there are leaders with its unique charisma.

"It was just fun!"

The potato seller walked up to Wen Qingming and said in a low voice.

"Well, fun!"