Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1477: My male ticket is Great God 49

She turned the blue dragon around. The damage of the blue dragon was all on her body. Soon, the DBUFF on her body was superimposed on many layers, and gradually the treatment started to increase the blood and couldn't add it.

At this time, the chairman took Lan Long over, and Wen Qingming became deputy T.

At this time, all the damage was on the guild leader.

All DPS are also desperately output.

Soon the blood of the blue dragon went down halfway, and the first stage passed.

In the second stage, it came relatively quickly, and the blue dragon began to flap its wings.

At this time, a small whirlwind began to blow around everyone.

As long as people stand around the whirlwind, they will be sucked in by the whirlwind.

So long-range follow-up therapy can't stand in the distance without brain output, it will have to move.

Because of the need to hide from the wind, everyone's steps have also slowed down a lot.

Fortunately, the second stage came to an end very quickly, and the third stage was reached.

The blue dragon in the third stage has only 20% blood.

However, the blood line of the whole group is not very stable, although the treatment blue is still very sufficient, but because of the need to move, the treatment of raising the blood is also very difficult.

In the third stage, from that kind of small typhoon, it gradually became a big typhoon.

Because of this big wind ball, not only the amount of healing has been greatly reduced, but also everyone's injuries.

"Everyone stands with the wind and stands behind us."

The president spoke.

Wen Qingming originally stood with him, so there was nothing wrong with it.

The close combat is also with each other, and the remote and healers who are scattered and standing away quickly stand behind them, and everyone stands in a straight line.

Sure enough, standing downwind, both the amount of healing and the amount of damage went up.

"Change sides!"

While speaking, the chairman changed another direction, and everyone hurriedly followed him.

Sugar in the pocket was accidentally swept in by the whirlwind.

It's also going to heaven.

But...At this time, the blue dragon was beaten up.

Sugar in the pocket fell from the sky again.

He fell heavily to the ground, his blood volume was not a lot, but when he fell so heavily, his blood volume was only a few percent.

As soon as she landed, she could add blood to herself vigorously.

"Fortunately, I didn't die!"

She patted her heart.

"Well, this way, we are one person at a time, killing the old blue dragon!"

Emperor Jiuzhan said.

"Okay, go on to the next one... The second child is over, I'm off the assembly line for dinner, continue in the afternoon!"

The president walked to the blue dragon's side and touched the corpse.

Four pieces of equipment jumped out. There was no T-suit, so there was no Wen Qingming's share.

"What is this last? Was the mount that dropped?"

The potato seller looked at the last item sharply.

"Yes, everyone roll the points, whoever has the highest points, give it to whoever!"

After the president finished speaking, he threw a dice straight away.

"Oh, the boss is not good today, just two points!"

The lady boss who sold potatoes burst out laughing when she saw the point.

But she only threw eight points.

After laughing, she silently stood aside.

Wen Qingming was the last one to throw it, and it was at ninety-nine o'clock all at once.

She herself was stunned for a moment. She didn't really want this mount, but the feeling that this kind of character crushes everyone is really great.