Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1539: Urban Flower Size 38

That Ji Qingming didn't know where it came from.

"Then Miss Tang, are you here to negotiate terms with me?"

Looking at Tang Wanling's expression and listening to her talking like this, Yuecheng quickly realized her difference.

I hate her so much, and she likes Qin Jin very much.

In that case, she was the Tang Wanling who was almost engaged to Qin Jin...Miss Tang.

Although the big newspapers dare not truthfully report on these things, some small newspapers still gossip.

"How do you know... my surname is Tang!"

A trace of surprise flashed across Tang Wanling's face.

After thinking about it, I really gained a reputation for the things that happened before.

The corner of Tang Wanling's mouth raised a self-deprecating smile.

"I want to negotiate terms with you!"

Tang Wanling said so.

"How are you going to talk about it?"

The smile on Yuecheng's mouth never faded.

"Do you want to take away Ji Qingming? I can help you!"

Tang Wanling frowned and said.

Although she was unwilling to do this thing, she had always had an idea in her heart, and kept urging her to do it.

She didn't know if she wanted to do this.


At this time, Yuecheng had not tested that Ji Qingming was his piece of jade pendant, but he had already decided in his heart.

Now, do I need to find a Taoist priest from Maoshan, or a monk?

"Of course, what are you thinking?"

Tang Wanling felt a little annoyed that he didn't believe in him so much.

"I want to ask, Miss Tang...Do you know any kind of expert, such as a monk and Taoist priest?"

In Yuecheng, there is no way out.

Tang Wanling's family is rich, and rich people believe in Feng Shui so much. Naturally, there will be such people in the circle around him.

"Why are you looking for such a person?"

Tang Wanling was very curious at first, but looking at Yuecheng, there was no image to say.

"My grandmother has a familiar teacher, maybe she can do you a favor!"

Tang Wanling said softly.


When Yuecheng heard her say this, he nodded naturally.

"Then after that, we will take Ji Qingming to see the teacher together!"

Yuecheng's final decision, as long as the teacher sees if she is the jade pendant.

If not, he slipped away.

If it is, it is not easy for others to **** something, after all, he has already admitted with blood.


At this time, Yue Cheng remembered. It was obviously the thing that dripped blood from him. Why did Qin Jin still be able to do it? What was the relationship?

Yuecheng couldn't figure it out, and finally hesitated, then whether Ji Qingming was a jade pendant or not.

"Why take her there?"

Listening to Yuecheng's words, Tang Wanling's eyes were full of suspiciousness.

"You don't need to ask about this!"

Yuecheng didn't want to go further. In short, some things were just what he thought. When the time comes, let's talk about it after reading it!

"Give me your phone!"

Tang Wanling didn't want to continue entangled with him.

Yuecheng handed her mobile phone to Tang Wanling.

Tang Wanling entered his number on it, pressed dial, then hung up, and handed it to him.

After finishing all this, she stood up.

With this kind of person, I don't want to stay for a minute.

At this time, Tang Wanling probably bothered her about how to take Ji Qingming out.