Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1673: Descendants of the Sun 5

"I heard my mother's voice long ago!"

While speaking, Hei Fang stood up and walked towards Xihe on the side.

Black Tooth got on the wheel of Xihe, and soon the wheel drove outside.

Blacktooth went out, and soon turned into the sun. At this time, the first ray of sunlight appeared in Tanggu.

Ji Li and Hou Ji didn't know what they were robbing. You dared to chase after me.

Zhong Rong and Yan Long hurriedly pulled them both.

Zhong Rong put his finger on his lips, and gestured for the two of them to mute.

"Sister is still sleeping, don't quarrel!"

Yan Long immediately said again, his voice was very small, and he raised his eyes and glanced at Qingming, who was sleeping on the tree, as if he was afraid of waking her up.

"Cute sister crazy demon!"

Ji Li murmured, then let go of his hand, and threw the cold jade pendant to Hou Ji.

Hou Ji hurriedly hid the jade pendant again.

"This... I want to give it to my sister!"

Looking at Houji's expression, Ji Li took another look very contemptuously.

"It's all a pet sister crazy demon!"

After speaking, he walked towards the beach on one side.

"where are you going!!"

Zhong Rong asked helplessly.

"I go for a walk!"

Houji didn't look back, and said so coldly.


Several people in Zhongrong smiled tacitly.

Yesterday, my sister said... I like the sea heart stone on the bottom of the sea, he must go to the sea.

They all say they-pet-sister, isn't he?

Qingming lay on the tree trunk, closed his eyes, listening to their conversation under the tree.

Unconsciously, tears have flowed down.

This is the original owner, the real inner thought, until the end, what the original owner really desires is to be with his brothers.

Sometimes people are very greedy and never know what they want.

I don’t think it’s good if I own it.

I am still pursuing, what I want, where I know, in fact, what I have is already the best.

Once lost, it is beyond regret.

Cherish the present, don't wait until you lose it, then regret it. Many people understand this truth.

But if you can really do it, how many people are there! ?

Ji Qingming suppressed the sadness in his heart.

She said in her heart, "Don't worry, I will help you do all that."

This sentence was just finished, and the big rock that had been suppressed in my heart seemed to have collapsed.

, In my heart, there was also a burst of comfort, and the whole person became relaxed.

At the moment, she jumped off the tree trunk.

Barefoot just stepped on the lush green leaves, and a chill spread.

"Sister, you don't wear shoes!"

The eldest brother Zhongrong frowned and looked at her. He grabbed his hand into the sky, and in an instant, there was a pair of shoes.

He squatted down, held up Qing Ming's feet, and helped her put on her shoes.

"Thank you brother!"

Qingming didn't expect to be so-doted-loved by his brother, it turned out to be like this.

In fact, for herself, she also has an older brother, but... the older brother doesn't look like that either.

Suddenly, she knew a little bit why the original owner was so unbalanced in the end.