Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1711: Descendants of the Sun 43

There is no need to wait long, and she can be driven away naturally.

For today's plan, Xihe must still be severely suppressed.

Because of the advice given to Chang Xi before, Chang'e was sitting directly under Chang Xi at this time.

Although he got such a good position, Chang'e's face was still not a little abnormal.

Funny, she didn't want this.

She just wanted to destroy... the smile on Qingming's face.

As for the man, he just accepted it by the way.

Thinking of this, Chang'e's face faintly smiled.

"What did you find!?"

Di Jun looked at them who were kneeling on the ground and asked aloud,


The sun did not speak, Feng Lang stood up first, and something shook out of his hand...

As his voice fell, the thing that was shaken off by him was also exposed to everyone in this way.


Seeing this, Di Jun's eyes narrowed.

Suddenly he started thinking again.

Di Jun was thinking, but Emperor E was emotionally ups and downs.

"Why, I couldn't find the evidence, so I went to find a scapegoat?"

Ehuang naturally didn't believe it, she sneered twice, staring at them.

When she originally saw this fire, Chang'e felt that her heart had fallen into the ice cellar.

She thought that this kind of fire had already died out with the kingdom of the three bodies.

Unexpectedly, it appeared here again.

Of course, this panic was just a flash.

She listened to Ehuang's words, and her heart gradually settled down.

Looking at the fire, it looks like a dementia, just what it looks like, and what can it say.

In the end, he still has nothing.

In fact, when looking at the fire, Chang Xi was already a little uncomfortable.

At the moment, she glanced sideways at Chang'e beside her, and saw that she was still calm, so she stopped talking.

"As we all know, the attributes of the Blood Cony Mountain and ours are mutually exclusive, and we are not allowed to go..."

"Hehe... can't you call people to go! It's really omnipotent!"

Before Zhong Rong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Emperor E.

Ehuang looked at their eyes, full of resentment.

Zhong Rong was not angry at being interrupted like this.

I saw him smile slightly, "Now the surrounding area of ​​this hall has been sealed, this place is airtight, this kind of fire is let out, see who it will look for! After all, it has recognized the Lord!"

After Zhong Rong said these words, he gave Feng Lang a look.

Fenglang immediately understood, he slightly nodded, and let go of what was in his hand.

That kind of fire has always been constrained, and now it is suddenly liberated, and now it becomes alive, and it is about to run out of the door all of a sudden.

But as soon as he flew out of the door, he was hit back by a violent impulse.

The fire was flying around again, always trying to fly out.

But there has been no way. In the end, it saw a familiar figure in the crowd, immediately called out, and then quickly rushed towards that figure.

Chang'e was sitting there, her back was completely covered in cold sweat.

The original odds, it seems that at this time, they are all traps dug by themselves.