Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1713: Descendants of the Sun 45

"Chang Xi removed the bones of the gods and broke into the mortal world...Chang'e claustrophobic Blood Mang Mountain!"

Di Jun didn't say anything, and directly condemned Chang Xi.

Chang Xi was stunned and stopped talking, kneeling down and sitting there desperately, motionless.

Just when someone set up her and prepared to drag her out.

She suddenly became agitated again.

"Xihe is all you..."

She is about to rush towards Xihe, her mouth is also cursing, and her whole person is like a mortal woman.

But before she stood up, she had already been put on a goddess lock.

The mouth and the mouth were one and the other, and there was no sound.

"I really don't know the so-called!"

Di Jun stood there, the anger on his face has not subsided.

Obviously, he threw out this lock of God.

After the Shu Shen lock was thrown out, Di Jun waved his sleeve and left.

Chang Xi was truly in desperate situation at this time.

But there was no way, and in the end, there was nothing to say, and he was dragged out, removed the gods, and threw it down to the mortal world.

She was originally one of the most noble women in the world.

But because of her dissatisfaction, she fell into the mortal world, became a mortal, experienced birth, old age, sickness and death, and experienced the suffering of reincarnation.

After this time, Chang'e didn't cry or make trouble, but fortunately, in the sentence Chang Xi said, she completely woke up.

If she wants her to go to Blood Mang Mountain, she will go to Blood Mang Mountain.

Bloody Mang Mountain is full of scarlet soil, full of blood.

As soon as you enter, you will feel the coldness all over your body.

Chang'e carried the fire seed in, and Blood Mang Mountain was completely sealed by Di Jun.

No one can go in again, and no one can come out again.

When Chang'e entered the Blood Mang Mountain, Qingming stood on the peak and quietly watched her enter.

Chang'e also felt that someone was looking at her, and after turning around, she found that the person turned out to be Qingming.

She was slightly startled, then smiled faintly, and continued to walk towards the **** python mountain.

Chang'e did not expect that it was not her sister who came here to see her off, but her enemy.

In fact, it can't be completely said to be an enemy.

She only envied Qingming, and finally changed from envy to jealousy, and from jealousy to resentment.

Probably they are things that they don't own, so at this time, they seem to be very able to get them.

Since I can't get it, I really want to destroy her.

In fact, by now, Chang'e seems to have calmed down a lot.

These are actually meaningless.

The main reason is that she does not have a good mother, otherwise so many sisters, being together would actually be quite happy.

Why go to anger and others.

Qing Ming looked at her figure and walked inside.

There was a touch of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth, and suddenly, I felt that the punishment seemed a bit simple.

But after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no more terrible coming than being in one place without a person to accompany you.

Thinking of this, Qing Ming turned around and left.

With the help of Emperor Jun, Emperor E had a new place to live and re-established her three-body kingdom.

When she left, she apologized to Xihe and the ten Sun brothers and sisters.

Everyone forgave her, after all, she was also a victim.