Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 172: First Princess 25

Seeing the love of their husband and wife, Mother Li also felt very happy. She felt that the wife was also very relieved in the Spirit of Heaven.

"Mother, what are you laughing at!?"

Feng Qingming was eating, watching Madam Li staring at herself all the time. She looked at her a lot, and almost turned into a flower. The most important thing was that she was smiling happily.

"I am happy for the princess!"

Mother Li still smiled and said.


Feng Qingming responded and continued to eat under the sight of Grandma Li.

After eating, I checked the time, it was late.

At this time, she couldn't help but be thankful that there were no elders, otherwise she would have to get up in the morning to toast tea.

"Princess, Concubine Shui Side fainted outside."

A maid rushed in and said.

"Concubine Shuibian is outside!?"

Feng Qingming put down the tea cup in his hand, and looked at the grandmother Li on the side suspiciously.

The face of Grandma Li who was asked about her changed.

Seeing her like this, Feng Qingming still doesn't understand.

It must be Concubine Shuiside who came to ask for peace. Grandma Li wanted to show off her prestige, which made people feel dizzy again.

Although Feng Qingming blamed her for her self-assertion a bit, she also knew that she was doing it for her own good. In the presence of some maids, she still wanted to show her respect.

"Go out and have a look!"

Feng Qingming stood up, and then ordered the maid on one side to ask the imperial doctor.

When I reached the outer hall, I saw Concubine Shui side leaning on the soft couch, waiting for her maid, looking very anxious on the side.

"Wang concubine, you can save our empress!"

The servant girl, when she saw Feng Qingming coming, she hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

"I have gone to get a doctor, don't worry if you have anything!"

Feng Qingming walked to Concubine Shui Side, and saw her eyelashes tremble a few times, obviously pretending to be.

"No way, it's too late, our mother has a headache, so... so..."

The handmaid's anxious tears flowed down.

Looking at the handmaid's crying expression, Feng Qingming gave a compliment from the bottom of his heart, which is really good acting.

"It's too late... this... I have a way."

Feng Qingming suddenly thought of a way to rectify the concubine.

"Grandma Li, you hold onto Concubine Shui's arm."

"Wang Hao, what do you want to do?"

When the maid saw it, her face paled in shock. What kind of battle is this?

She was just about to go forward when she was grabbed by someone.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt Concubine Shui Side. Doesn't she have a headache? It just so happens that there is a cure for the headache."

With that, Feng Qingming pinched his hand on the bridge of the nose of the concubine Shui. "

Just as soon as I pinch it down, Concubine Shui's skin turned red.

Feng Qingming watched her eyelashes tremble constantly, and even harder, she watched whether she would wake up.

The maid on one side hurried out.

"Princess, the maid ran away."

"It's okay, let her run!"

Feng Qingming was still pinching Concubine Shui side intently.


The upper part of the bridge of the nose and the center of the eyebrows of the concubine Shui side were already red and purple.

This Feng Qingming was really vicious, she couldn't bear it anymore.

He whispered and woke up quietly.

"Wang Concubine was really alive when Hua Tuo was alive, just like that, Concubine Shui Bian was saved."

Mother Li smiled and admired.

Seeing Concubine Shui's concubine, and listening to Grandma Li's praise, Feng Qingming couldn't help smiling.