Male God Please Lie Down

Chapter 1751: Concubine Xianliang 37

Therefore, even if the family has no money, she is desperately trying to provide for the child.

Basically, by her age, grandchildren are very big.

Hey, now it looks like it's not too late...

Originally, because of the pork seller, a bad mood developed. At this moment, it also began to change, and the mood became very good.

Here, Xu Qingming and the others just walked to the door of their house, and they heard bursts of crying inside.

When I heard this sound, I was familiar with it.

It's Xu Mu! !

In this room, Xu Qingming had just walked in and saw Xu's mother sitting there crying.

"Qing Ming!"

As soon as she saw Xu Qingming coming in, Xu's mother seemed to have been abused, and she ran directly to Xu Qingming's, and started to cry.

Xu Qingming glanced at her lightly, one didn't hold her, and the other didn't ask.

Just walked from her side, and walked to the front of the elder aunt, "Mother, what happened to this? Why did my aunt come back to our house and cry!?"

Auntie's face was very ugly.

Xu Qingming saw it, and it was also very strange. In her cognition, her personality has always been very gentle.

Having lived for so long, I have never seen her blush once.

But now, when I saw it, I couldn't help feeling a bit strange.

"What happened?"

Xu Qingming asked again.

"Hey, she probably watched our family buy a shop here. First she came and cried out how bad and sad their family was. She also said that she gave me a daughter. In the end, she was shameless. I request to change our shop."

The eldest mother said, she was wearing coarse clothes, obviously she was out of anger.

Xu Qingming's expression changed a little when she heard this.

What a peculiar thing, it is really amazing.

"Li Cuilian, you who kill a thousand knives... I just said that Qingming has always liked his father, and he must have liked the tavern very much. Anyway, you are not a business man. Can you change the store? Is it true? I'm stingy, I took away the daughter I raised so much, and I can't change the shop... Qingming, you are going back with me!"

At the same time as saying this, Xu's mother walked to Xu Qingming's, trying to take Xu Qingming's hand out.

"You let go!!"

Xu Qingming shook her hand away and looked at her with disgust.

There is really only more shameless, not the most shameless.

This kind of person is really shameless to a new level.

"Li Cuilian, what kind of fascinating soup did you give my daughter so much that she didn't recognize her."

Seeing Xu Qingming's appearance, Xu's mother immediately started to make trouble.

"Are you saying that my six relatives don't recognize me?"

Xu Qingming squinted his eyes and looked at Xu's mother.

Really, if it wasn't for a dutiful son to press down, she really wanted to slap Xu mother's face.

"What's wrong, I'm talking about you, aren't you? I'm telling you, although you have passed away, but you are also raised by me, you dare to do anything to me, if I go outside and say you die, you are here too Let’s talk about your age, how can you marry you, my infamous!"

Mother Xu glared at her, and she couldn't help but cursing in her heart.